I did send an email to dol and i got a response saying that they will call me in a day or two.
Following is the text of my email.
August 16, 2001
Dear Sir/Madam,
rocessing of applications for Legal aliens
I am working for a company which is based in Virginia and the company has filed for my Green Card.
When I called the DOL, VA office in Richmond, I was told that since they (DOL) have received more applications in the month of April due to 245I, there is going to be long delay in the process of applications.
Now our (meaning all the legally working Hi visa holders) applications should be given priority than with those of 245I Illegal aliens.
As I was speaking to the gentleman in the DOL, VA he was telling me that most of the applications are incorrect and that its going to take lot of time.
I was also told you have hired more people for the processing of applications but still they are facing short of hands.
My best suggestion to you as tax payer and legal alien is that please divide the applications, so that legal applications can be handled separately and illegal applications can be handled separately otherwise there is going to be more illegal applications because of extension of deadline and it will be a major problem for all of us.
I know and heard that DOL in VA was the best in the country.
I hope your good offices will take some measures that make every one happy.
Thanking you