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very high case numbers


Registered Users (C)
It would be really helpful to hear of experiences from past winners who had high case numbers. And I mean really high case numbers, like mine for example (2009AF00062xxx !!!)

I think it would be good to know what the high limits for AOS and CP are, and what one can do to boost up their chances.
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Nice idea!!! I am really looking forward to reading under this thread. I have a friend with number 2009AF00050xxx who is so reluctant feeling his forms to return to KCC. He does not see the number ever becoming current. Granted the rate at which things are going this year, it sounds like even 60xxx could be a good number this year and why not next year. I have the impression the embassies are rejecting many cases and that is why things are going this fast.
From last year's bulletins, case numbers over 40,000 only became current in August and September. This does not give enough time for AOS (atleast from what I have read in the forums).

That leaves only CP. But the numbers are still called in order, so the only way that someone like me (case num AF60xxx) has a chance is if my country (Kenya) has fewer successes than the cap (7% or 3500), and there are lots of failures worldwide. What really surprises me is that over 60,000 slots are awarded to Africa alone!

From the pure fact that I have not been able to find a single success story with a high case number in this forum, I think it is very unlikely that I would get called. This is even more scary considering that there must be about 50,000 people with high case numbers worldwide EACH year!

If anyone of you have had an interview, or have had friends who have been lucky to be called for one, and have had high case numbers, it would be really motivating for people like me.
I think you don't need to worry so much. Just put your trust in God. I think God can be the only one to help you out. Everything is possible to God. I am also having a high number 48 XXX but at this point I rest all my hopes in the Lord. The is nothing I can do just keep on praying.. So keep on with your normal life and ask God to help you out... remember nothing is impossible...I wish all of us with high number God's blessing.