USMCA Letter of support


New Member
Hope everyone is doing good.

As the new name of TN is changed to USMCA,I am expecting the provisions usually mentioned In previous supporting letters would have changed.
For example, In my old letter I had something like below
“Qualified for TN status as a “Computer Systems Analyst” pursuant to the provisions of Section 214(e) of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 as amended and Schedule 2 of Appendix 1603.D.1 of Chapter 16 of the North American Free Trade Agreement”

What would be the new equivalent for USMCA?

Appreciate your help and response.
Sudheer K

Ask for a TN. Period. They know what a TN is. Sounds liker a lawyer trying to earn money he doesn't deserve.

Btw, your company can't say if you are qualified or not. They can only describe the job. They are requesting a TN, and YOU demonstrate you are qualifies when you present yourself.
Thanks Nelson’s. Good catch
Are you saying the letter can still say TN instead of USMCA?

I wanted to make sure I have right documentation
TN still exists. Never mind which laws govern it. CBP knows what a TN is. The rest is annoying (to them) legal letter-padding.
I think all the immigration lawyers bought the same mail-order "how to write TN support letters" booklet that had that boilerplate phrase.

Maybe the phrase made sense 30+ years ago when TN permits were brand new and CBP officers needed a little nudge to look up the statute after sleeping through training day?