US Passport for Kids - question?


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Hi all,

We received US Passport for our 1 year old US Born Kid.

Tha passport has "Signature of applicant" and it blank now. What do we have to do? Do we have to put our son's thumb impressions, any suggestions?

Thank You
You have to do nothing..Keep it blank..

My daughter has a US passport..I have also used the same passport for her while coming back to US..

I was told that one of the parents can sign for child. Any way, check with US passport issuing authority.
LaborApproved said:
One of the parent has to sign for it and in brackets put whether they are the father or the mother of the child.

When my daughter got her passport at a year and a half I asked an attorney friend who also used to be an INS border inspector. He said the exact same thing.