US born adult child applying for OCI


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I am the US born, adult child of a former Indian national (now US citizen). I'm applying for OCI independently. My father does not want OCI status. My father was Indian born, and immigrated to the US in 1958. I have his original Indian passport. My mother is not Indian. It's my understanding that although I am only half-Indian, I am still eligible for OCI. My Indian consulate is San Francisco.

My questions:

1. Do I have to send along a copy of my father's US passport as well as his Indian passport? It's my understanding that the reason for including my father's Indian passport is to show my eligibility for OCI, so I don't understand why I would also need to send his US passport, but #8(iii) of the required materials says: "Copy of US and Indian passport/OCI cards of both parents."

2. Given that I am not a minor and that my mother is not Indian (American with French ancestry), do I have to send along a copy of her US passport? Should I include a note explaining that my mother is not of Indian origin?

3. Item #11 of the required documents says: "Pl. provide two self-attested photocopies of the first two and last two pages and US visa page of the Indian passport (if OPTION A is chosen in Serial No. 8 above) or of documents listed in OPTION B (if OPTION B is chosen in S. N. 8)." Because I am US born, I will submit the documents in OPTION B of #8 -- that is, 2 photocopies of my birth certificate PLUS my father's Indian passport (and possibly his US passport). So, does this mean I just send along two additional self-attested copies of the documents required in OPTION B of item #8? That would mean I send an additional 4 copies of my self-attested birth certificate as well as two additional self-attested copies of my father's Indian passport. And, possibly, two additional self-attested copies of my father's US passport. Am I interpreting that correctly?

Any guidance would be much appreciated!

Thank you for reading!
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The application packet has to be in duplicate. So one of everything in one packet and one of everything in another. You may wish to send a couple of extra photos along as they are not clear on how many they actually want. You do not need to send in your mother's documents as they are irrelevant. Common sense would say that your father's US passport info is not required as you are an adult, but the embassies often don't operate on common sense- so do include it. Now realize that I am in the Washington embassy's jurisdiction. SF may be slightly different. You may wish to pose the question on the SF tracker forum...
Thanks for your response, Superho! Much appreciated. I definitely agree that common sense is not the guiding principle in all of this! :)
Thanks for your response, Superho! Much appreciated. I definitely agree that common sense is not the guiding principle in all of this! :)

Send them copy of each document that you have they will keep what is needed. Explain your situation on Cover letter and also write your address, phone and email.