Urgent!!! Just Had Interview Scared Upset

Nandit Barua

Registered Users (C)
I just had my interview at 3:30 pm on April 19 at Baltimore. Apparently, the officer was not in a good mood. Bofore we entered the room another officer told us that we had to wait because our officer was having a tough time with the person before us.

Everything went fine, she asked both me and my wife lots of questions. Our attorney was there too ( I hired him just for the interview-the rest was done by me). Just when I thought we were done she went back to by job related questions for the second time and she concluded that I had too many things in my folder that she needed to read through. So, she could not give any decision. Then she took our finger prints and the signatures and told us that we would hear from her soon.

Any idea what that means????? Please, please help.
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Pray for the best. You will get it. Dont get scared. Hopefully she will approve it.
Best of luck
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Sorry to hear that. I am sure things will be all right. What is the number of the officer who interviewed you (A,B,F..)?

This should be on your interview notice.
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Could please post the questions she asked u in detail ,bcos my case has been trasfered to local office and I am afraid of things like this so please help and one more thing when she interviewd u what are the main things she emphasied on, What documents she asked for???

please help ....Thanks
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First she started with family related stuff, how long we have been married, do we have a join lease of the apartment.... Then after looking at the from 750, she asked questions like what exactly I do, how is my work done, who are our clients, what software I use and so on in detail. At the end she said something like my file is too thick. She did not have much knoledge about financial management field, so she would have to talk to some other people. My lawyer said she is pretty new in the field. She has done similar thing to the first candidate for my lawyer and later she approved it. I just can\'t stay calm. I thought that was the last step. Who knows what happens now.
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Don\'t Worry . Nothing will happened. Some cases I have seen like this. And they too got their GC\'s. Cheer up. Be cool.
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Guys you are all freaking me out. I am waiting for my interview which has been transferred to local office. Nandita can you post the questions that you were asked. Is it really essential to take an attorney with you. Guide me Thanks.
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Super Indian, do you remember who and when someone poted stories with similar situation?

I just took the attorney because, the transfer of my to local office simply scared me.
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Guys, I will be back on this board later tonight and again tomorrow morning. Hope you will get this discussion going.

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I had my file transferred to local office on Feb 19, 2001 when do you think that I will have my interview. Anybody can give me the info.
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Nandit Barua,
Can you explain your situation further. How expensive for you to ask you lawyer to come with you for the Interview?
Where are you located and where you had to go for Interview?
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I filed my application on my own following exactly the guideline from INS\'s official website. When it got transferred to Baltimore I got scared and spoke with an ok attorney. He said it (my file\'s getting transferred)was not a big deal. He only charged my $300.