URGENT!! Congress meeting TODAY to discuss H.R.4241..PLEASE SEND FREE WebFax just NOW


Registered Users (C)
Congress is going to discuss on H.R. 4241 just today and its your duty to inform your congressman/senators how important S. 1932, Section 8001 & 8002 for US competitiveness, US economy and for hard-working and highly educated LEGAL IMMIGRANT professionals (Researchers, Scientists, Healthcare professionals, Physicians, Pharmacists, Architects, Engineers, IT Professionals, Teachers and others) like you! So come on guys...please use following link and send FREE FAX just NOW!!


FAX is far more effective than E-mail. This WebFax requires just one click - thanks to the people who made our life so easy by working very hard behind the curtain!! So PLEASE...PLEASE...grab this FREE RIDE and send FAX to congressman/senators ASAP.

By the way, I already sent FAX to all NH Congressman/Senators and it took me less than 1 minute!! So please do your part ASAP and post your progress here to encourage others.
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I faxed to the following....

Senator/Congressmen Name: Tom Harkin--Fax No:2022249369
Senator/Congressmen Name: Chuck Grassley--Fax No:2022246020
Senator/Congressmen Name: Leonard Boswell--Fax No:2022255608
Senator/Congressmen Name: Jim Nussle--Fax No:2022259129
Senator/Congressmen Name: Jim Leach--Fax No:2022261278
Senator/Congressmen Name: Tom Latham--Fax No:2022253301
Senator/Congressmen Name: Steve King--Fax No:2022253193
sent faxes through the ISN america webfax to NH congressmen. In addition also sent personal faxes to the 2 Congressmen in NH. I have been actively talking to Congressman Charles Bass's local office for the last 2 months, and Congressman Bass is very aware & supportive of our cause
I too talked congressman charlie bass office of lengthy conversation couple of time since more than a month. The lady whom I talked with was very supportive and understood the problem. Today I sent fax thru ISN America web site to all NH Congressman/Senators. Again I will send personal Fax to all of them soon.

vsaksena said:
sent faxes through the ISN america webfax to NH congressmen. In addition also sent personal faxes to the 2 Congressmen in NH. I have been actively talking to Congressman Charles Bass's local office for the last 2 months, and Congressman Bass is very aware & supportive of our cause
sent Fax to All Senators and Congressmen in Alabama

I have sent Fax to All Senators and Congressmen in Alabama. thank you all for the useful links.
PLEASE do your part!

As of right now, this thread is viewed by 363 people but looks like very few have sent Fax (only 7 of them posted message here)!!

Some people thinks that these all guys are doing which is enough, so why I should do it? Better I will concentrate on my work. Or some are really lazy and don't want to put any effort and just want to get GC on free ride! Or some thinks I am not affected right now or my PD is just near to retrogressed date!!

Come on people, we all need to unite and put sincere effort to come out of this unfair lengthy GC process! Everyone needs to do their part in order to make our voice heard by congressman/senators. Immigration reliefs (via Bill S. 1932 and H.R. 4241 or like that) does not come every Year!! We need to convince these law-makers (by calling, sending Fax or meeting them in personal) that this steep visa retrogression is also not good for US competitiveness in today's global environment. If it is not solved, US companies will not able to access those critical skills, which are required for their growth and revenue, in US and will ultimately force US companies to outsouce these jobs!! This will also force to leave world's best & brightest talent to leave US (brain drain) and settle with their specialized skills in either their home country or US competitors like UK, Canada or Australia which are more immigration friendly for highly educated professionals!
quote: As of right now, this thread is viewed by 363 people but looks like very few have sent Fax (only 7 of them posted message here)!!

This may not be entirely true. But we can encourage people to post their stat once they have faxed.

anyway, I ve sent faxes to all CT congressmen
Sent fax to VA senators/congressman

I saw this on another thread
http://boards.immigrationportal.com/showthread.php?t=195818 last night and faxed to VA senators/congressman immediately. I picked my state leaders and few others listed there. The following are the poeple the fax has been sent to.

Senator/Congressmen Name: John W. Warner--Fax No:2022246295
Senator/Congressmen Name: George Allen--Fax No:2022245432
Senator/Congressmen Name: Nick Rahall--Fax No:2022259061
Senator/Congressmen Name: Robert Scott--Fax No:2022258354
Senator/Congressmen Name: Alan Mollohan--Fax No:2022257564
Senator/Congressmen Name: Thelma Drake--Fax No:2022254218
Senator/Congressmen Name: Jim Moran--Fax No:2022250017
Senator/Congressmen Name: Rick Boucher--Fax No:2022250442
Senator/Congressmen Name: Randy Forbes--Fax No:2022261170
Senator/Congressmen Name: Eric Cantor--Fax No:2022250011
Senator/Congressmen Name: Virgil Goode--Fax No:2022254711
Senator/Congressmen Name: Tom Davis--Fax No:2022253071
Senator/Congressmen Name: Bob Goodlatte--Fax No:2022259681
Senator/Congressmen Name: Frank Wolf--Fax No:2022250437
Senator/Congressmen Name: Jo Ann Davis--Fax No:2022254382
Senator/Congressmen Name: Shelley Capito--Fax No:2022257856
I am not saying that 7 people posted here, so only 7 people really send Fax!! Please read/interprete the text properly. I meant to say that actualy figure may be little higher. By the way, my intetion was to stimulate sleepys and others - we all must unite and work hard to achieve our common goal!

where_is_my_gc said:
quote: As of right now, this thread is viewed by 363 people but looks like very few have sent Fax (only 7 of them posted message here)!!

This may not be entirely true. But we can encourage people to post their stat once they have faxed.

anyway, I ve sent faxes to all CT congressmen
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Wrote letters and sent them to all 19 of the PA house members on Tuesday. Today Faxed all 19 of them from ISN.

Hope and pray for the best
Corporate Fax Drive

Corporate Fax Drive


Dear all,

As we are already into the house/senate debate, every effort that
each of us takes will be critical to the outcome of this debate and
subsequent reconciliation/voting process.

We know that in additon to us (as individuals) approaching the
congressmen/senators, push by corporate is equally or more important.
Please note that Corporate America will benefit from a positive
outcome of this bill. 'Corporate America' is the key to the positive
outcome of this proceeding in the Congress.

So, We urge all of you to do the following:
1) join the following: http://groups.yahoo.com/subscribe/techworkers

2) Letter Template and the congressmen list have been posted on the
ISNAmerica.org site and the yahoogroups files section. Please
download these letters and take them to your Corporate HR, explain to
them the proceedings in the congress with regards to
tbe bill, convince them to sign the documents. Take the initiative to
fax them on the company's behalf by faxing them through your
corporate fax machine, until we get the feature on isnamerica.org

Please post if you have any questions with regards to this
posting. 'Corporate America' is the key to the positive outcome of
this proceeding in the Congress



PS: There are 2 files in the 'files' section within the yahoogroups:
File 1: Corporate.Doc/Corporate.pdf (Letter Template)
File 2: Lawmakersgrades.xls (List of congressmen, grading and fax
#s).. This will help you identify which senators to send the fax to,
and their fax #s.

As far as the corporate is concerned, please send the fax only to the
senators/congressmen of the state where the corporate is based or has