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URGENCY HELP! Benefacary Medical Result..


Registered Users (C)
Hi all..

My wife (benefacary) medical result isn't pretty good :(. Will it give a (whether minor or major) impact to the interview result?

Hi all..

My wife (benefacary) medical result isn't pretty good :(. Will it give a (whether minor or major) impact to the interview result?


It could result in the winner getting the visa and the beneficiary being denied. By the way, how did you got to know that the result is not good? Could you elaborate more on her medical problem(s)?
Hi all..

My wife (benefacary) medical result isn't pretty good :(. Will it give a (whether minor or major) impact to the interview result?


Even HIV positive patients are allowed into the US so there aren't much things on a medical issue that people can be denied....what could happen is that they want higher proof of funding so your wife won't be a liability to society once she is in the US and you can't afford the health care which is very good but also very expensive. Nobody is waiting for another non paying patient in a hospital...

Hopefully you can proof funding to pay for her health care and if you have health care in your country and can't afford the one in the USA, you might not want to hear this, but you might be better of staying where you are, because the health care of your wife should be your primary issue right now and not the worries of how to afford it in the USA and even getting health care with a pre condition. Only in 2013 the health care might change and pre conditions will be insured but health care premiums will rise under this government and care will be less, just as it is every where under socialism. The premiums will already start rising this year so you still have the chance to weigh carefully what is moreimportant and in the best intrest of you family and specially your wife's.

Happy New Year and Good Luck!:)
@ ammeck09 : She's got an anemia indication but not a serious one, said the clinic...
@ bentlebee : Thanks so much.. Happy New Year too.
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@ ammeck09 : She's got an anemia indication but not a serious one, said the clinic...
@ bentlebee : Thanks so much.. Happy New Year too.

You will be fine with your spouse health condition during the interview. Don't worry at all. This is not a reason for denial.
You should not worry about it. They are more concern about syphilis and HIV.

starting january 4th 2010....under Barack obamas health bill...Hiv Aids aint considered as a communicable disease anymore..Good luck
Almost any disease won't be a bigissue, but it could result in more funding needed. USCIS can decide case by case and if a person has not such a good health and it is descripted in the papers from the medical surgeon (remember only a few things are hecked) it might result in additional fundng needed since the US doesn't want any one to become a liability soon after they enter the country. That is mostly their biggest concern, which is very logical in todays economy and no one over herewants to end up paying for even more people who can't afford health care. So if you can afford health care you should be fine.

Also if you can't afford health care, you won't be able to get care for everything. The ER needs to help people in need but not to give them everything they really need...they can provide medication for the days at the hospital, after that the patient has to see how to get it and it won't be easy to get anything without ins. or paying cash...so you better know upfront if you are able to pay for it otherwise your wife might be better off where you are and after all health is priceless!
You should not worry about it. They are more concern about syphilis and HIV.

Yes they are more worried about Shyphilis and HIV.For Shyphilis : It actually depends on your dilution.But you must prove that you have been treated for it and your dilution is going down.A doctors letter will do in this case but you need to divulge your status to the panel doctor on the day of your medical and show him the letter from your own doctor who has been treating you and following your progress. The panel doctor will actually tell the embassy if you're ok to immigrate or not.This is what happens in my country Fiji.If there has been improvements it should be fine.

For HIV positive as long as I knw it will be a direct reject.Coz its a disease of public health significance.If this rule has changed recently then I wouldnt know.

All the best and dont wori much about this.You wife's case will go fine.Just keep praying.Anameia is a small thing.You just need to increase her iron intake.Not a BIG thing.So just relax.


starting january 4th 2010....under Barack obamas health bill...Hiv Aids aint considered as a communicable disease anymore..Good luck

I think this is great.I mean our HIV positive people do deserve a chance.I'm attaching a link for people who need to know more about this.

Well Obama changed the law and people with HIV can't be denied anymore, unless something happens and some one will sue the government....(if a person who immigrates to the US after Obama law becomes in fact, and that person willingly and without disclosing get's another persn the disease....that person might sue the government since under Bush and previous president's that person wouldn't hve been allowed a GC)

We all know people in this country love to sue:D