Updated RFE\'s wait/approved Table

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here is the html version of updated RFE table incase if any of cannot access spread sheet.
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Add mine.

PD:10/22/98 EB2 INDIA RD:10/22/99 ND:10/27/99 FP:03/06/01

RFE Issued:04/12/01 RFE Replied:04/30/01
RFE Received: 05/07/01 485 Approved: Soon!
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Please update my entry in the table:
RFE issued 4/23/2001
RFE replied 4/27/2001
RFE received 5/4/2001

Is there a trend anyone can detect? Looks like they don\'t look back at a case until atleast a month has passed since the RFE was issued. Could this be the case?
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I am posting here a new version of table sorted by RFE received/replied/isuued . At this point we cannot arrive to any opinion how they are processing RFE\'s. But certainlt we could able tell if more more people updates this table with all the details.
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EB1 India; RD/ND 11/99; FP 3/10/01
RFE Issued 4/11/01; Replied 4/19/01
Seems like EB1 post RFE approvals have slowed (my opinion)
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Please fill the blanks by particiapting on this RFE trend table.

Here is the latest version of RFE table.
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Update: RFE issued April 6, RFE replied May 1st, RFE received by AVM on May 14th.Approval........hopefully soon
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     Please delete "wanttoknow" on your list \'cause it\'s the same as Josel Wang, and I don\'t know how to fill in the blanks on your list for "wanttoknow", thanks in advance!!
wanttoknow is the same person as Josel Wang
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Here is the latest RFE Table, but it still has lot of empty cells.

Please post all the required fields here so that we can we have a complete picture on what\'s happeing on RFE\'s.

Those who were listed on this table please post your complete details. Thanks.
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Just spoke to a IIO about my RFE (receipt date May 02). I was told that the case could take any time between 14 days to 2 months from the receipt date as per the numbers quoted on the RFE request notice.

I guess the INS takes some perverse pleasure in delaying things as much as possible !!
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2nd RFE issued 5/10/01. waiting for the notice, EB2 ND 3/00. 1st RFE VSC received on 4/11.