Unique problem!

buds in bloom!!

Clearly, English is not the first language of the multitudes that throng to these forums (and no one should expect it to be) to reduce their AOS angst. However, going by the blooming usage of 'bud'(s) on these forums, it appears that the brilliant MBAs at Anheuser Busch have successfully implanted a subliminal suggestion.

What next, Whazzzzup??:eek: :eek:

Maybe this bit of (bad) humor (or is it a bait? - bait in bad taste; there is something to ponder) will help cool things down!
I think this topic is too complicated for this forum. We (at least I) don’t know the details in the pending divorce case. Was it fraud, abuse, or simply irreconcilable differences. No need for us to jump to conclusions. I will say this. One my friends got divorced a year ago, and it is a long drawn out process. Alimony, child support and visitation, division of assets, it’s very tedious. It is best your friend get a good divorce lawyer pronto and explain the situation to her/him. He can then proceed from that point. But I doubt if any of the posters here (maybe even Pork Chop!) have much if any experience in this area.

As for the rest of us, let us nor quarrel over this topic. If we’re busy fighting each other, we’ll forget who the real enemy is. BCIS! Just kidding.

Best wishes and I hope everything turns out well for the parties involved.
GCfasttrack might have been taken aback at the fast and the furious responses that were hurled at him, but, come to think of it, his original question was not really out of context within the broader confines of this subforum.

the weight of the opinion expressed in most of the responses seemed to carry through, so GCfasttrack's query might even have been gratified to his satisfaction.

after a hiatus of a couple days in my habituation of these forums (entirely involuntary; i confess freely of my addiction), it was refreshing to find new initiates into our little cabal, with opinions both varied and vociferous (pardon the alliteration).

keep it up, buds!

It takes a lot more than a few angry and rude responses to derail my train! Truth is it was a fairly futile argument that I ended up indulging in with some of the members. After numerous postings referring back to the same common agenda that I am not somebody who wants to pass judgment on my friend and obviously don't know if he is right or his wife, I just gave up trying to get my point across successfully. All I was trying to do was being as objective as I could about my friend's situation...which to be truthful is not easy....we all are influenced by our own thoughts ,experiences and prejudices. Was I rude in my postings..sure...did I cast the first stone...no. Anyway I did lose my cool for which I would like to extend a broad apology to the members that felt slighted or disrespected, I just hope they understand that they disrespected me too.

The good news is I think my friend is pretty much at a stage where he feels moving on amicably would be the best thing. So essentially I think the answer to this question doesn't have any bearing on the situation anymore.
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