TWICE Interviewed by Asylum Officer ...


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Hello to everybody,
Today me and my wife went to NY Asylum office to get my decision and while waiting in the line, my officer by whom I was interviewed 2 weeks ago, took us to his office and interviewed us again. after that he told us to wait again in the waiting room for decision. Than about in an hour or so finally (we were only in the waiting room) somebody called us and give us referral to the immigration court.
It is weird because nobody as I know was interviewed twice ...

I have hearing on March 21. What does it mean for me , will I get decision on first hearing or it will be only for telling me my next individual hearing date? How long it takes for the next hearing ? and what kind of decision can I get?

Thank you
The whole process starts over again. It is pretty much a second chance for you to present your case again. I don't know what happens nowadays. When I went through, the first appearance, I was informed of the options available to me. I replied what I wanted to do, the second appearance, I submitted all my applications and all the paperwork supporting my claim. the third appearance was the individual interview and the fourth appearance was the decision. All in all the process took one year from start to finish and this was in NYC.
Thank you Mesbahul for your replay. Do you know is there any chance to get decision on the first hearing at the court ?
No chance. You are starting the process all over again. My advice, don't rush the process. Examine the reasons you were denied the first time and address them with evidence and supporting material. Not only will you be dealing with the Judge, but you will also have to deal with the attorney representing DHS.