TSC Tracker and Discussion - March 11, 2002


Registered Users (C)
When you post your Approvals, Kindly mention your ND(Notice Date), Category(EB1,2 or 3), AD( Approval Date) and When did you check the AVM(including the Time zone). This will be helpful to other friends who are waiting. Please send your e-mails to tsci140@hotmail.com to add/update the TSC I140 tracker. Don\'t just post the details in this forum.

The link to the tracker is:

I encourage everyone to post questions/information and not just feelings of frustration. Lets try to keep the forum shorter and more meaningful.

Brief summaries:

EB-1 July-Aug cases are being processed.
EB-2 July-Nov cases are being processed
EB-3 Sept-November cases are being processed

Good luck to all of us.
Where can I find the prevailing wage for H1 renewal?

My I-140 has been long delayed by the Texas Service Center, I have to renew my H1, I would like to know where I can find the prevailing wage. I am going to do the renewal by myself. Thanks for advice.

By the way, My I_140 was filed inMay 2001. I have not got any information aobut the approval and any other information about the status.
Any EB1 case filed in May are still pending with TSC?

My EB1 case was filed in May 2001, 10 months has passed, but my case has not been approved.
Hi Nanshi

Yes YogiR is EB2-RIR and he got approved on March 8th on AVM. He is another one from my Company. Who was with me as (Receipt date May- Notice Date July) who got approved.

Well I am still waiting. My alwyer send a letter to INS for my case.

pending EB-1

As your application is being filed in may, your notice date will be late july or august.Whole bunch of EB-1 in that time in frame are waiting. So donot worry so much..
Good luck to you
Broken heart, you are right, my ND is July 18/19. I have been really breaking my heart

My EB1 is going to expire soon in June. I thought I could do CP before my H1 expires. Now I have to renew my working visa.
Imwong TSC I -140 times

Wong\'s law firm has posted two TSC I-140 approvals this week:
one with ND of 07/12/01, the other of 10/16/01. Significant spread.
No categories available, unfortunately.
140 approved ...

Friends I heard the good news while ago.
RD : Oct 22 01
ND : Nov 07 01
AD : Mar 11 01

I opted for CP. I\'ave to wait and see what it is approved for. Never the less one less hurdle I have to face now -- Thank God.
May God bless all with quick approvals.


Congrats for your approval.
Is it your name on the tracker?
I got that you checked the AVM today & approved.
Did you check the AVM last week?If yes, was it updated with
250-325 days rather than 200-275 days for processing?

I\'m not in the tracker. Here is my detail:

RD: 10/14/01
ND: 11/14/01
AD: 03/11/02

Checked AVM around 8pm. Just want to say "thank you" for all people who took efforts to maintain the traker abd the forum. It\'s been great help. See you all in 485 forum
Approved... EB2(RIR) ND 09/06/01


PD: 04/26/00
RD: 08/21/01
ND: 09/06/01
AD: 03/11/02

I am listed as Sameer on the tracker.

Good luck to all of you waiting for your approval. This forum has been very helpful.

I have opted for CP in Mumbai. Hopefully the I140 got approved for CP.
Thanks svel ..

I did check AVM at around 1:00 AM (this is no typo, it is AM) today. It was doing a 250 to 325 number. At around 5:00 pm I heard euphonic voice of approval.

thanks again

EB2 (NIW) approved, EB1 rejected

My I-140 (EB2-NIW) is approved and here are the details.

I filed I-140 through 2 categories, EB1 (OR) and EB2 (NIW) in February 2001.
My EB1 case was denied in February 2002. Yes, it takes almost a year for TSC to process my case.

My NIW case was RFEed in November 2001. The letter was citing the famous case – New York Transportation case. I responded in February. To tell you the truth, I have no confidence that my case would be approved although I have a Ph.D. degree and a master degree.
When I decided to go for NIW, I asked my company to write recommendation letters for me. All I asked is state that I am a good worker and describe what I am doing in my position. My company rejected my request and did not write any letter for me.
Therefore, I filed my case 100% myself.

TSC received my response in February 2002 and I checked the AVM daily since TSC received my response. Ten business days letter, I heard “This case has been approved”. I was surprised and disbelieve what I heard. I entered my case number 3 times to make sure it was indeed my case. Still, I did not believe what I heard. I talked to an officer in person and he confirmed that it was my case. Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!

Today, I received the notice of my approval. Thank you for your support in this group during this past year.

My NIW case is very weak comparing to others. Although I have two advanced degrees, Ph.D. and Master in different fields, I do not publish any paper in any periodicals and I have never presented any research results in any conference. All I have are the two degrees, thesis and dissertation. My company does not even want to write me a letter to tell INS that my work is and would be benefiting USA.
The approval of my NIW case is a miracle and it is God’s work. I prayed everyday since TSC received my response that God would let the officer approve my case. Yes, it was approved. Without Him, my case was no good at all.

If you are already Christians, please have faith on Him. He always has a purpose for everyone in His timing. If you are not yet Christians, after you finish reading my message, please ask God to lead you through all these immigration processes. Your prayer should be finished with “I pray in Jesus’ name”.
Hi Vijay,

Looks like our files are with same lazy creature.

(Old Name: Nan Shi)
ND: July 24th,2001.