TSC Tracker and Discussion - December 10

Congratulations! eb1tsc, Please call TSC AVM for us to see if they change the voice message for you.

I will call TSC tonight to find out the update on AVM

I just posted my approval and will let you know AVM update tonight. EB1-OR, RD 5/22, ND 7/12, AD 12/5.
Good Research

Hi Gking,
    Good Research Man. Keep it up.

Nan Shi
ND July 24,2001
Gking, can you estimate time for my I-140 approval

Hi Gking,

You seems to have inside knowledge about I-140 processing. Can you estimate time for my I-140 approval.

RD: 11/05/01
ND: Still waiting
H1 Valid even if you are filing I485 and not EAD.

Recently I got my I140 approved and Iam filing my I485 shortly. Before this I had a one to one with my attorney and he told me that if my H1 is not expired I can still be on my H1 status and so travelling outside won\'t be an issue. But if I file for EAD then I need to file for Advance parole for travelling outside the country.

Hope this answers the question.
Same question to Tram..Why do u think so?

I do not think this is a correct inference..I think by this month end they will start touching July end cases..
I am waiting for them to touch July end cases

ND July 24
Well, if I get by Jan 2002 end I will consider myself lucky.
AVM updated

I already posted my approval yesterday. For those who still want to know if AVM updated, the answer is YES, but I do not know when AVM posted my approval message. Like I said before, I have never thought it would happen so soon. EB1-OR, ND 7/12, AD 12/5. Good luck to all of you.
No Title

I found out that I am now assigned to an officer. Maybe I might get done in under a year yet but I won\'t hold my breath.
CGM EB1 RD Jan.9, 2001. At least there is no snow to shovel in North Carolina. I do not intend to check thhis site or the AVM again this year so the best of the holidays to all.
Welcome Back, CGM. We thought you lost yourself. How did you find it out? Did you call an IIO? A


I checked AVM today. My I-140 case got approval! Here is my case.

EB3, RD 5/16/01, ND 7/11/01, AP 12/8/01.

I am not in the tracking list. But I watch it every day. Thanks for getting a lot of valuable information from this site. If my lawyer filed my case in CA (my work place) instead of TX (HQ place), I should have got approval three months earlier. However, I am still more lucky than some people here.

Good luck for all of you!

No Title

Lawyer called TSC. The lawyer said it could be a day a month 2 months or longer so who knows. At least it is a step forward. I have until Auguast on my current work visa so I really hope I do not have to do another renewal.