TSC Tracker and Discussion - December 10

TSC Status


 COMMENTS: The new Acting Director of the Texas
 Service Center, Evelyn Upchurch addressed the liaison meeting, which
 included representatives of INS HQ, TSC management, AILA National,
 Supervisors from and various TSC product lines. Ms. Upchurch confirmed the
 TSC\'s commitment to working effectively with the AILA liaison committee
 and commented that the AILA/INS TSC liaison team was recognized by many as
 a model effort. Ms. Upchurch agreed that AILA liaisons would continue to
 have direct access to key TSC personnel to expedite the resolution of
 crisis issues involving individual cases because of hardware problems,
 which have recently precluded effective utilization of inquiry procedures
 by AILA membership. 1. AILA reports that it has received a steady flow
 of inquiries concerning the 11-month backlog in adjudication of I-140
 petitions. Concerns are being expressed by members and US employers. Does
 the TSC have a strategy to alleviate prolonged delays in the adjudication
 of I-140 petitions? ANSWER: Yes, the TSC has been conducting extensive
 training so that officers from other product lines may assist in a focused
 effort to reduce the I-140 backlog. Although the AILA processing reports
 do not break out the various I-140 categories, significant progress has
 already been made in some areas. EB-2 NIW cases filed in May 2001 are
 being adjudicated. EB-2 and EB-3 alien labor certification cases filed in
 February 2001 are being processed, but all EB-1 cases are still back
 logged to December 2000.
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The above message implies that TSC\'s director is crystal clear about the I-140 backlog. It looks that they are working "hard" on it. Please note that this is the minutes of Oct. meeting. This also implies that they heard our complaints. If you are not happy, please write to TSC director or AILA liaison committee.
Source of info

Hi Gking, I have a friend who is a legal assistant in a large law firm. She passed me this info today. You may note that this minutes were released to public in Dec. 5 though they had meeting in Oct 29.

RFE for my wife....they want details that they can afford to pay my wife. She works for a school board and is paid by the State of North Carolina!!!!!

Obviously, the IIO must have heard about the state budget.
Latest Report is Disappointing

It does not indicate that there has been any improvement in processing. Still over 300 days for processing 140s and the Adjudication date has progressed by only 30 days.
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Hi KGH !

I think school board is a non-profit organization. For a non-profit organization normally they don\'t ask company finacial condition. That is what in my case (I am in University) my lawyer did not submit any financial detail. Normally, INS see date of inception of an organization. School board and Universities are quite old and never went bankrupt. Also there is no massive lay-offs as opposed to companies. To be true, INS should have not asked these details.

Hope your wife will be able to submit the info INS needs and you will see a turn around.

Good luck to you and your wife

TSC I-140 ND, Feb 20, 2001
EB1TSC, thanks for the minutes posted, when is your rd date?

EB1 applicants are in bad situation. CGM\'s case was filed in early Jan 2000, almost one year has passed, but he is still waiting. Hope CGM and oter EB1 fellows have made congressional inquiries to expedite their cases.

Thanks again for the information.

Is there any difference in EB2 NIW & just EB2. Does first one refer to RIR? I use to think NIW is EB1 only.
Any clarification is appreciated.

For NIW cases, an applicant does not need to go through Labor Certification, and does not have to be employed. NIW used to be under EB-1 and used to be a very easy way to get GC before the mid of 1998. Now NIW is under EB-2. For those approching the end of 6 year H1B, filing an NIW application may buy them some time since 7th year H1B extension requires pending I-140 application. BTW, NIW application is usually a self-petition.
Thanks KP

The HR director has already asked the CFO to get the info, so it won\'t take long. This is the 3rd I140 that she has worked on so I think she was also surprised by the request. I suspect it might be a new officer or something and it does say it is part of initial evidence.
I can\'t believe that you have yet to hear anything.

If I was more paranoid, I\'d think that we were getting treated this way as revenge for all the letters we wrote.
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Hi eb1tsc !

It sound like you are immigration attorney. I bet you may be much much better than sevral immigration lawyers in America. You gave is very useful info to users here.

Thanks again

TSC I-140, EB2 (RIR), ND Feb 20, 2001
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I think letters helped but little bit. My case was assigned to an officer who is on leave. What a joke ?

Hey!!!!!!! I am happy heard the sweet news today!!!!!

I heard the news in AVM this case has been approved on December 8 th(saturday),notice has been sent.

Hope these kind of approvals we see for some more days,KP i pray for u,all the best for rest.GKING thanks for informative information provided by u in this forum.
HARI please update in tracker.

Thanks and all the best once again.

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I checked AVM today, NO Change. By the way why are the message Posted in this thread appearing in Improper Order,It is causing bit confusion to keep a track of events . (See coolcats and KPs posting)

RD 30 JUN 01
ND 30 JUL 01
Wait a minute GKing

GKing, the reports at immigration.com, murthy.com and shusterman.com all say Oct-01. Do you think it is a mistake or TSC filed a revised Oct report and the Nov report is not yet out?