TSC I485 New Message???


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:confused: Can Any One Please Help me With this message... WHAT DOES IT MEAN? :


Current Status: Document OTHER THAN CARD manufactured and mailed.

On January 12, 2007, we mailed the document we manufactured based on our earlier approval of this case, and mailed it to the address on we have on file. You should receive the new document within 30 days. If you do not, or if you move before you get it, call customer service.
i received the same message on december 27th ...... on my I-485
Brunofl Your message is for your i-485?
I still didn't recieve anything and i called to 1800 and they said it was approved i was so happy to heard that but i have recieved nothing.
I don't know what to say some people say it could be a mistake another people said that it could be a returned mail that you never recieved. or may be it was the finger prints notice that you didnt recieve ....
keep post it if you got anything please i'll do it too
good luck!!!
My spouse's 485 got the same message (a dependant on my application) and 2 different emails, one said
"Current Status: Notice returned as undeliverable.

On January 10, 2007, the post office returned our last written notice on this case as undeliverable. This can have serious effects on the processing of this case. Please call 1-800-375-5283 to update the mailing address so this notice can be re-sent.

If you have questions or concerns about your application or the case status results listed above, or if you have not received a decision from USCIS within the current processing time listed*, please contact USCIS Customer Service at (800) 375-5283."

received another one after 8 hrs

"Current Status: Document OTHER THAN CARD manufactured and mailed.

On January 10, 2007, we mailed the document we manufactured based on our earlier approval of this case, and mailed it to the address on we have on file. You should receive the new document within 30 days. If you do not, or if you move before you get it, call customer service.

called USCIS and the rep repeated the same content.

I don't know what's happening, will keep you poste.

Thanks for the reading this post and try to understand it with us.... i haven't figured out yet.. but as soon as i do. i'll keep u guys post i as wellt.. please do the same. and try calling the 1800 number i will do it as well, but we might get different answers about it... but as much as we learn about this crazy message better will finish this nightmare
Hey Guys
did you receive something because i haven't . Bruno have you called 1800 number?
i hope these messages mean something good like an approval :)
hey guys

I Did call the 1800. hahahaa those guys are a joke.. what are they there for, they dont help nobody with nothing.. all they told me was ..." If it said to wait 30 days, wait 30days to see what happens. unbelivible isn't It... For All the Money we spend there.. thats the kind help we get.... But call there too guys... lets see what we Get from them.. I called my lawyer whenever he calls me back with something i'll post that for u guys.. thanks guys.

I have recieved the same message

Current Status: Document OTHER THAN CARD manufactured and mailed.

On January 12, 2007, we mailed the document we manufactured based on our earlier approval of this case, and mailed it to the address on we have on file. You should receive the new document within 30 days. If you do not, or if you move before you get it, call customer service.

i have called USCIS to confirm the message and i was told indeed that my i-485 has been approved.

before i get my hopes up let me ask you this... did anyone who recieved this message had address change or mistake on address?

Thank you
Hi tormoz
i call on december 28 and the lady told me the same it has been approved. I hope it too. At this moment we havent received anything. I talked today with the lawyer and she said i have to wait....
I'll call again on january 28 since will be 30 days
May be uscis is changing its format to say who is approved WHO KNOWS.
By the way guys :Brunofl ,tormoz, can i ask when did you applied?
i applied on nov 28 2006.
please keep it post
Mine was at MSC on July 19 2006

But did you guys had any address changes or any problems with address?
Brunofl: could you also tell me when was your last update on your case,

Mine was 1/12/2007 / 1/16/2007

here's what happened, our lawyer called up USCIS to check the status of our 485, pending since June2005, and some how the response was sent to our address at that time. Since we moved from there, there was a LUD with the first message, and then USCIS sent the response to the correct address and hence the second LUD.
My understanding is we are struck in "NAME CHECK", as it appears there's no way out other than waiting .......................................

good luck to all,
I got the same messages.I got an email update, it said notice return undeliverable, then after about a day, I got this message.
Document OTHER THAN CARD manufactured and mailed.
are you in the same story?
hi pontiff 76
the only email that i recieved was document other than card manufactured and mailed.....
my lawyer will call ... i let you know guys when i get something.
everyone... my application is being updated every day LUD a changing

01/12, 01/16, 01/18 and on 01/19 every application that i have had LUD
are you experiancing the same please post your information