TSC Distinguished Club

I got some news from Congressional office for uscis about my case.

hi, guys.
i hope yuo all doing o.k. :)
a couple weeks ago i sent a letter to my local congressman office to inquire with USCIS(TSC) about my case. This is what i got in mail today:

Response Information.
Mr......'s application for adjustment is currently pending with an officer. Once the background checks have cleared his case will resume process. I cannot inform your office how long the case will take to process because the background checks are done by other goverment agencies.
USCIS< Congresional office.
well, At least that congressman office worked fast my inquiry. now i know where is my case at. now that i know this information i plan to get ahold of the FBI office to see if i can get any further information about by my background check still pending. ;)
does someone still around ?..........

masylee said:
hi, guys.
i hope yuo all doing o.k. :)
a couple weeks ago i sent a letter to my local congressman office to inquire with USCIS(TSC) about my case. This is what i got in mail today:

Response Information.
Mr......'s application for adjustment is currently pending with an officer. Once the background checks have cleared his case will resume process. I cannot inform your office how long the case will take to process because the background checks are done by other goverment agencies.
USCIS< Congresional office.
well, At least that congressman office worked fast my inquiry. now i know where is my case at. now that i know this information i plan to get ahold of the FBI office to see if i can get any further information about by my background check still pending. ;)
Hi guys,

I got my Asylum Approved in Oct 2000 and applied for GC in January 2002. I have since been waiting. Recently they transferred my case to Texas Service Center and I have not heard anything since then.

What I want to know is what are some of the ways I could influence the proccessing time. Also, I checked the Asylum webpage, where USICS approximates possible dates for case proccessing and it says that anyone who applied before or on Jnauary 2003 should recieve the GC by September 30th. This sounds too good to be true and that is why I would like to start acting. Is there any phone number I could call in Texas Service Center, a fax number I could send fax or any other means to push immigration ?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Thanks a lot for your info. Anyone else with more specific info as to how I can make things go a little faster?

Thanks in advance.
Ok guys! What do you think? What is the reason for our delay? It's kind of weird cause they completely slowed down processing asylum based I-485. People with ND of 2001 are still waiting while others with ND 2006 have been approved! Why would they want to wait for the beginning of a new fiscal year if they promised to reduce the backlog to 6 months waiting period by October 1. It also unilkely that our cases are stucked in the namecheck since a few guys were able to find out that they are clear by calling 1-800 number. It looks like they put our cases on a far shelf until they finally decide to get back to them. But what is their plan :) How great it would be to have an "insider" from TSC on this forum :)
Google59 said:
We should do something.

The problem is that there is nothing we can really do. Asylees have always been treated as a second class in terms of immigration. Even now when the cap is removed we can still feel it. On one hand someone can say that we should be happy for having our asses protected by U.S. government which is true, but, hell, it's so painful to wait knowing that you are one step away from approval and this step can take days, weeks, months or even years.
Asylees have always been treated as a second class in terms of immigration. Even now when the cap is removed we can still feel it.
Unfortunately, true. :(
hell, it's so painful to wait knowing that you are one step away from approval and this step can take days, weeks, months or even years.
...even decades, which is not uncommon, at all! :mad:
New Lud Today!

hi, guys :)
I got LUD today. It seems that my letter to my congressman and FBI records request did helped a little to move my case. well at least i guess so........................... :confused: for now on just seat and wait like always waiting for good news ;)
anyone else with LUD today?
asylee01 said:
masylee,what did you do to get the status on your FBI name check?
my timeline is very close to yours.

well, first a sent a detailed letter to my local congressman about my case and a privacy waiver form donwloaded from his website; all this by fax. They contacted me about three weeks after that and told me that my case in TSC was pendindg for background ckeck with FBI. So i did some research in this website about FBI pendidng check, with all that information i decided to sent a PRIVACY ACT REQUEST to FBI to find out by myself about my records, also a called every single phone number that i found in this website about FBI backgroun check trying fo find answers. After this I found out that i got no records. So I called again to my congressman office to let them know about this; they told me that will contact USCIS about my case. That's pretty much all what I have Done until now. :cool:
masylee said:
hi, guys
I got LUD today. It seems that my letter to my congressman and FBI records request did helped a little to move my case. well at least i guess so........................... for now on just seat and wait like always waiting for good news anyone else with LUD today?

Masylee,we two are of the same situation,as you know. I got one more LUD today too.

Asylum Granted 01/2004.
ND 02/2005.
NCS TO TSC 1/18/2006.
RFI letter 1/27/2006.
RFI Send 2/09/06.
RFI Received TSC 2/14/06.
LUD 03/30/06,04/01/06,4/24/06,5/24/06,08/29/06
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It is great that guys are having LUD changes. It is really bad to have a quiet LUD that never changes!
masylee. when did your congressman contact the FBI on your behalf??? I am trying to see how long it would usually take to see possible activities...
memo said:
It is great that guys are having LUD changes. It is really bad to have a quiet LUD that never changes!
masylee. when did your congressman contact the FBI on your behalf??? I am trying to see how long it would usually take to see possible activities...
I did contact the congressman office two weeks ago to let them know about what i fund with FBI records, before that a called FBI and they said that a inquiry from a congressman will not longer be accept due of the lots of backgrouds cheks requested by USCIS, but anyway a contact him, it looks like he inquired my case at somehow with USCIS.
another LUD today.................................

something is cooking...................... :D
i got other LUD today, wha't going on now? any guess? :eek:
masylee said:
something is cooking...................... :D
i got other LUD today, wha't going on now? any guess? :eek:

I think those LUD changes is a result of different requests you and your congressmam made. Hopefully they will lead to your final approval soon.
It is totally bullshit.

I received a letter from TSC today. The letter was dated 08/28/06 and was mailed out on 08/29/06. At first glance I thought it would be the letter for fingerprinting. But when I opened it I was shocked.

1: My case was denied because I did not show up for fingerprinting on March 8, 2006.
2: The letter says that I filed my I-485 in October 2004 but actually I filed my I-485in February 2005.

I checked my mailbox everyday it should not be possibly lost if CIS did send me the letter for fingereprinting. I called CIS for fingerprinting in April or May, because I worried about CIS might wrongly mail the letter and I might miss the fingerprinting time, the customer representative told me that there was no evidence showing CIS already sent me a letter requesting for fingerprinting.

Even today I checked the on-line status, it says that my case is still in processing.

What should I do now?

1. Do I need to send them a letter telling them I never receive the fingerprinting letter? Will it still be useful?
2. Do I have to hire a lawyer or do by myself to reopen the case or re-file my I-485 again. Which way is the best? Re-open or re-file?
3. I requested my congressman to send them a letter last month asking how and where my case has been processing. Do I need to ask my congressman for help again?

4. Is it possible CIS made a mistake since I actually filed my I-485 in February 2005, rather than the time "October 2004" shown on the letter I receive today.

I am totally lost now and don’t know what I should do. My dear forum fellows, your kind suggestions and advices are highly welcome and appreciated.
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