TRV visa form question


Registered Users (C)
I am on H1b applying for TRV as I wish to take my parents to Canada by car. I stay in Boston and my parents already have a single entry visa

My questions:

In the IM5257B form

1) In section 12e
Applied for any Canadian Immigration visas
(e.g. Permanent Resident, Student, Worker, Temporary Resident (visitor), Temporary Resident Permit)?
Avez-vous demandé un visa canadien auparavant?
(par exemple, un visa de résident permanent, d'étudiant, de travailleur, de résident temporaire [visiteur] ou un permis de séjour temporaire)?

Now in the past I had applied for a Transit Visa and got that. Does that mean I have to say 'yes' ?

2) In Section 5
Funds available for my stay in Canada

How much do we need ?

3) In section 13
During the past five years have you or any family member accompanying you lived in any other country than your country of
citizenship or permanent residence for more than six months?

Now I am currently staying in the U.S but I am on H1b. My wife is a U.S Citizen. So here the answer is 'yes' since I stayed in the U.S on F1 and H1b(I don't have a green card ) ?? I am not clear on how to answer this question.

Thanks in advance.
A1: Answer "yes"
A2: $200 per day should be adequate
A3: Your wife has lived in her country of citizenship. However you have been living in a country that is neither your country of citizenship or permanent residence. So answer appropriately.

I am on H1b applying for TRV as I wish to take my parents to Canada by car. I stay in Boston and my parents already have a single entry visa

My questions:

In the IM5257B form

1) In section 12e

Now in the past I had applied for a Transit Visa and got that. Does that mean I have to say 'yes' ?

2) In Section 5
Funds available for my stay in Canada

How much do we need ?

3) In section 13

Now I am currently staying in the U.S but I am on H1b. My wife is a U.S Citizen. So here the answer is 'yes' since I stayed in the U.S on F1 and H1b(I don't have a green card ) ?? I am not clear on how to answer this question.

Thanks in advance.