Tricky one here Please read NEED HELP!!!


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Hello all

i am totaly lost and would like to ask something and get some advices from you all, but most of it all it was a mistake from my far-cousin who didn't know anything about immigration law and rules okay here it goes.

My cousin was addopted by American Citizens decades ago came to U.S according to U.S law he doesn't have any legal-ties with his biological mother overseas. so he can't bring his own biological mother in U.S.

(keep in mind son acted behalf of his buddies by listening thier ideas)

He(son) didn't know if he could bring his mother in U.S or not his buddies told him to bring his mother in U.S by claiming she is aunt after all there is no mother and son ties, so he listend his buddies and filled an application for U.S visit visa only in 2005 which was rejected. when he filed an application 4 questions were not answerd + in the bottom of application his name and signature indicated as " nephew ". when she went for interview IO just asked about her husband and took a quick peak at her bank statement right after seeing the bank statement IO said to her " you are not going to return after your visit so you need to apply again after sometime" and dont know if it was Bank Statement that made IO said you need to reapply again OR it was the mistake they noticed of addopted son claimed as nephew OR those 4 question were unanswered and that was it just 2 mintues or less so visa was denied. so she didn't filed again.

Mother who is now 58 yrs old and is now engaged in serious relationship with a men who is U.S citizen 60yrs old, retired, divorced, and living in Gov't appartments made only for senior U.S Citizens who are retired now, and men is on Social Security Income. i know he can bring his spouse in U.S if he's on SS-Income but he will need a co-sponsor to do that.

My questions are:

1) will it have any bad effects or hurt the case on his wife who once already applied for U.S visit visa in 2005 which was denied?

2) This time case is different but will it have any bad effects to apply for Green Card, K3 or K1 route knowing the previous visit visa application was filled out from her own addopted son who acted behalf of his freinds and claimed him self as nephew? even though he filed an application as beneficary and signed it as a sponsor not her(biological mother)?

3) There are questions in applications which asks about kids, does she have to add (addopted son) in the applications as her son even though he was addopted by American parents nearly 20 yrs ago?

P.S. Sorry for the long explanation and i applogize to every one but please give me your feedback any ideas or if any one of you have been in situation like this before please reply
her ex-son is not her son legally, so whatever he signed on an application doesn't matter.
Thanks Lucy for reading the entire story and for your feedback, so she doen't have to add him in the application when she apply for immigrant visa?

but just for curiosity would like to tell you that in her(biological mothers) Identity card record in her home country shows that she have a son but doesn't say his name in that record file, but only shows that she have a son thats all.

big worry is now she previously applied for visit visa they have her fingerprints, her records Identity Card Number and her previous application. if she this time " writes " no kids then what if they check her Identity Card Record and it will show she have a son then IO will say that she lied :mad: it can hurt the case cant it?

waiting from any one of you please reply:mad:
You've confused me. Who wants to apply for what kind of visa, and who is the sponsor? Where is the biological mother now?
haha:p i knew it some one was going to be confused some how:p

ok jack biological mothers lives overseas and the senior U.S citizen is overseas also they are planning to marry.

her addopted son applied for visit visa for his biological mother in 2005 and visa was denied and addopted son is U.S citizen.

mistakes he made was he claimed him self as nephew even though they have no legal ties because son was addopted by american parents nearly 20 yrs ago so he have no ties with his mother in order to bring her to u.s he claimed him self as nephew to bring her to u.s *keep in mind he doesn't know nothing about law and rules he acted under his buddies advices* and some how visit visa was rejected.

question was will it hurt his bio logical mother's immigrantion case? because of previous application? because obviously they have all the records from previous application and Identity Card records you know.
once she marries a us citizen she will be given a greencard , whether she has a son or not , the fact that she was denied a visa some time ago will not affect anything. all she needs to do is prove that they are really married , by this I mean pictures , letters , bills e.t.c
The previous application will be taken into consideration.
You do not know the exact reasons for denial so it might not have a great affect on the new one as she will be married to a US citizen.

She should be honest about her son. Write that she has one son on the application and add a separate letter explaining that he was adopted by another couple.

"Jackolantern" knows better so wait for his advise :)
:mad: i am confused some lawyers said yes add thier names in applications (even thou they were addopted through court by U.S citizens so no-legal ties with his mother NO MORE)

:mad: some lawyers says DO NOT add thier names in application because you have no ties with her so by law you are not her son :mad:

dont know what to do now :mad:
i get same response from others can any one else tell me whats going on please i like to hear something from you cmon freinds ! plz
i would like to know should we add the child's name into her I-130 application or any other forms? or just write no kids? peep peep hello