Travelling Overseas


New Member
Hi: Just a quick question.
"Current Status: Notice mailed welcoming the new permanent resident"
I was granted polictical asylum in June 2005, applied for permanent Residence in July 2006.
Anyway, my question is: does anyone know if there are any conditions for overseas travel once i get my GC? For example, can I visit the country from which I was granted political asylum?

I applied for permanent residence in July 2006 too, but i am still waiting :confused:

About traveling to country you left. Yes you can if situation in your country has changed. You're Permanent Resident now, but you still are an asylum. You must use Travel Document to go overseas. If you're going to your country you can lose your status. Pu my passport away, and applied for TD.

So tell me about your I 485 adjustment. When exactly you applied, and where your case was located? Did you send medical forms together?

sherrymg said:
Hi: Just a quick question.
"Current Status: Notice mailed welcoming the new permanent resident"
I was granted polictical asylum in June 2005, applied for permanent Residence in July 2006.
Anyway, my question is: does anyone know if there are any conditions for overseas travel once i get my GC? For example, can I visit the country from which I was granted political asylum?

You are a perfect example of why USCIS has become stricter about PRs traveling back to COPs. You got your asylum when? 2005? and you received your GC when? 2006. USCIS must be doing their job very well. You are considering a trip back to COP? Didn't you tell USCIS two years ago that you were afraid to go back? If I were an IO at POE, I would definitely take you aside and question and start proceedings to reconsider your asylum grant. Why don't you just wait, out of courtesy to the people who believed your claim and let you stay here. FYU: I applied for asylum in 1991, and just got my GC a year ago. So think for yourself.
14ksusha said:
You are a perfect example of why USCIS has become stricter about PRs traveling back to COPs. You got your asylum when? 2005? and you received your GC when? 2006. USCIS must be doing their job very well. You are considering a trip back to COP? Didn't you tell USCIS two years ago that you were afraid to go back? If I were an IO at POE, I would definitely take you aside and question and start proceedings to reconsider your asylum grant. Why don't you just wait, out of courtesy to the people who believed your claim and let you stay here. FYU: I applied for asylum in 1991, and just got my GC a year ago. So think for yourself.

14ksusha..arent you the one who is always chiding people who are scared to visit COP? Didn't you say you dont care waht others say and you will go to COP no matter what?

So why are you saying something else now??
wantmygcnow said:
14ksusha..arent you the one who is always chiding people who are scared to visit COP? Didn't you say you dont care waht others say and you will go to COP no matter what?

So why are you saying something else now??

Yes, I saw those post of 14ksusha, too. I think this person even went to their COP recently.
14ksusha said:
You are a perfect example of why USCIS has become stricter about PRs traveling back to COPs. You got your asylum when? 2005? and you received your GC when? 2006. USCIS must be doing their job very well. You are considering a trip back to COP? Didn't you tell USCIS two years ago that you were afraid to go back? If I were an IO at POE, I would definitely take you aside and question and start proceedings to reconsider your asylum grant. Why don't you just wait, out of courtesy to the people who believed your claim and let you stay here. FYU: I applied for asylum in 1991, and just got my GC a year ago. So think for yourself.

I can't agree with you more. This is a case among many that have
raised a red flag at USCIS.

I don't know about this case, but it is the behavior of those possibly fraud cases that have made genuine asylum applicants suffer. First, they created in the past backlog and thus made the application process drag for years. Then, they were the reason behind the 5-month wait rule/restriction on the application for work authorization. And, now these same cases are preventing the genuine asylees from traveling back to COP.
Some of us have not gone back for years (16 years in my case).
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cool07 said:
I can't agree with you more. This is a case among many that have
raised a red flag at USCIS.

I don't know about this case, but it is the behavior of those possibly fraud cases that have made genuine asylum applicants suffer. First, they created in the past backlog and thus made the application process drag for years. Then, they were the reason behind the 5-month wait rule/restriction on the application for work authorization. And, now these same cases are preventing the genuine asylees from traveling back to COP.
Some of us have not gone back for years (16 years in my case).

Please give us a break and stop judging people without knowing the facts. Just because its 16 years that you haven't gone back to your COP(its 17 for me) and others who have after their GC, it makes them fraud?

No one created any backlog. Winning asylum is not a walk in the park as you make it sound....Most if not all of asylees in my opinion are genuine and you have no right to judge others without knowing the facts.

If you are truely a genuine asylee who trashed their COP then you shouldn't even think of going back to your country..Your country is dead. This is your country now..
wantmygcnow said:
14ksusha..arent you the one who is always chiding people who are scared to visit COP? Didn't you say you dont care waht others say and you will go to COP no matter what?

So why are you saying something else now??

Oh, absolutely, I have gone to my cop three times this year, and I am going again soon. After I haven't been there in over ten years. I have paid my dues of being separated from my family because of the situation in my COP and the fact I simply couldn't go back. Not because of some IOs opinion or USCIS Fact sheet, but simply because I couldn't go back. Yes, I believe with as a GC holder and former asylee you can travel to COP. But, please, not two years after you told everybody with tears in your eyes that you would be killed if you go back.
14ksusha said:
Oh, absolutely, I have gone to my cop three times this year, and I am going again soon. After I haven't been there in over ten years. I have paid my dues of being separated from my family because of the situation in my COP and the fact I simply couldn't go back. Not because of some IOs opinion or USCIS Fact sheet, but simply because I couldn't go back. Yes, I believe with as a GC holder and former asylee you can travel to COP. But, please, not two years after you told everybody with tears in your eyes that you would be killed if you go back.

Do you really think USCIS will differentiate if you went back after 2 years of winnig asylum or 16???? I dont think they care...
14ksusha said:
Of course they do.

No, they don't. Asylum is asylum is asylum. By the way, all this time that you could not go back to COP - that was ONLY because you did not have your GC yet? Not because the situation in your COP did not allow it? That is the impression that I get from reading your posts for some time.
doctorn said:
Yes, I saw those post of 14ksusha, too. I think this person even went to their COP recently.

Yes, Doctorn, I did. I think you should stop tormenting yourself (and the USCIS Infopass system) you should decide for yourself: do you still consider yourself an asylee? Do you feel that after all those years of having been away from your COP it is safe there now and you can return? Do you feel comfortable using your NP? If the answer is no to both, then go ahead and use USCIS travel documents.
doctorn said:
No, they don't. Asylum is asylum is asylum. By the way, all this time that you could not go back to COP - that was ONLY because you did not have your GC yet? Not because the situation in your COP did not allow it? That is the impression that I get from reading your posts for some time.

No, I did go back with an RTD in my hand and a visa to my COP - nothing else. My father had an open heart surgery two years ago.
14ksusha said:
Yes, Doctorn, I did. I think you should stop tormenting yourself (and the USCIS Infopass system) you should decide for yourself: do you still consider yourself an asylee? Do you feel that after all those years of having been away from your COP it is safe there now and you can return? Do you feel comfortable using your NP? If the answer is no to both, then go ahead and use USCIS travel documents.

I don't remember asking you for advice on what I should use for my travel. That is what the infopass is for. As far as whether to travel to COP, I know : if I go back there - I may never come back alive. If I am tormented it is only by the fact that my child is still there, I had to run for my life when my child was 18 months old. It has been 10 years and I have not been back yet - unfortunately for me, circumstances just don't change quickly enough.
wantmygcnow said:
Please give us a break and stop judging people without knowing the facts. Just because its 16 years that you haven't gone back to your COP(its 17 for me) and others who have after their GC, it makes them fraud?

No one created any backlog. Winning asylum is not a walk in the park as you make it sound....Most if not all of asylees in my opinion are genuine and you have no right to judge others without knowing the facts.

If you are truely a genuine asylee who trashed their COP then you shouldn't even think of going back to your country..Your country is dead. This is your country now..

Please stop your knee jerk reactions to messages and stop playing the
wise man on this forum!
What kind of logic do you speak? Did I say that one's time away from COP
makes one's asylum case look genuine?

Yeah. Tell me about winning an asylum--as if I do not know about!
Yeag, right!

Yes my country is dead but I would not forsake the people that are dear to me and above all my parents--not to mention my ailing mother!

I am not a Want-My-Green-Card-Now guy! I am a Want-To-See-My-Parents guy....
This is what we can get from the officical so far after the "fact sheet", and IMP, it's common sense:

Chris Bentley, a spokesman in Washington for U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, said people with asylum claims who return home for a family emergency have nothing to worry about. The warning is designed to catch those who abuse the system and return home frequently for reasons that may raise suspicions of fraud.

''We are not talking about people who are traveling out of the country to visit an ill or dying relative,'' Bentley told The Miami Herald. ``What we're talking about here is an individual who travels back and forth multiple times. That person would be subject to these types of conditions.''


A trip home under changed political conditions in that country also would not trigger scrutiny under the laws and regulations cited in the fact sheet, Bentley said.
doctorn said:
I don't remember asking you for advice on what I should use for my travel. That is what the infopass is for. As far as whether to travel to COP, I know : if I go back there - I may never come back alive. If I am tormented it is only by the fact that my child is still there, I had to run for my life when my child was 18 months old. It has been 10 years and I have not been back yet - unfortunately for me, circumstances just don't change quickly enough.

All right Doctorn, you take it easy now. We all make choices here. I would never leave my child behind, you did. So good luck to you!
wantmygcnow said:
Do you really think USCIS will differentiate if you went back after 2 years of winnig asylum or 16????

Yes they do!!! This is why they have no bright line tests.
wantmygcnow said:
No one created any backlog.


In the early 1990's the asylum system was a mess because people filed applications just to get work authorization. They overwhelmed the system completely. The ultimate results were (1) much stricter rules were enacted in 1995 and 1995 by Congress and the Administration. New applicants are suffering from these rules (2) legitimate applicansts waited for years for their first interviews. This seriously delayed their path to citizenship; and (3) many strong applicants were interviewed years after country conditions had changed. They now face denial of the application (and deportation orders). It is so sad to see (as I did last summer) an applicant who had experienced the unthinkable in Bosnia in 1992 receive a notice of denial simply because it took the USCIS/INS 14 years to schedule her an interview.
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