Travel in Europe using u.s document 'n being stop by cops

thankful said:
....I later heard that illegal Chinese immigrants are believed to be responsible for many criminal activities in Hong Kong....

hey......thankful....that's so critical. .do some research. don't just listen to other ppl :eek:

thankful said:
In some places in the world police have the power to stop people without cause for an ID check or for anything for that matter. You have a higher chance of getting stopped if you fit a cetain profile.

I was in Hong Kong with classmates. Two of them are Chinese-Americans who speak Cantonese with mainland accents. They tried to talk to some shopowners in Cantonese. A plaincloth officer overheard the conversation and made the assumption that they were illegal Chinese immigrants. He called for uniformed backups (as if he was confronting violent criminals) and asked for IDs from my friends. The cops were pretty apologetic when it turned out that they were American citizens and Yale University students.

I later heard that illegal Chinese immigrants are believed to be responsible for many criminal activities in Hong Kong.
hum u guys r lucky.....i applied a RTD like 2 yrs ago. but it never got utilized simply because i didnt have time over the summer. i'll definitely go europe later. it sounds so attractive from ur guys' description. :rolleyes: :)

Over half of the prostitutes in Hong Kong are female illegals from the Mainland, according to HK police statistics.

And the most violent robberies in Hong Kong are committed by guys from the Mainland. They wake up on the Mainland in the morning, take a speed boat to Hong Kong, rob in the afternoon and are back home by night. This makes the cases almost impossible to solve. Most of them are retired PLA [military] officers too. They use powerful weapons and always outgun the hong kong police in periodic shootouts in Hong Kong.

And also mainland police officers in Guangdong Province are involved in smuggling stolen goods from Hong Kong.

thankful said:
I later heard that illegal Chinese immigrants are believed to be responsible for many criminal activities in Hong Kong.
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wow,,,sounds like a pretty good action movie. why don't u go work as a director/producer

comcast said:

Over half of the prostitutes in Hong Kong are female illegals from the Mainland, according to HK police statistics.

And the most violent robberies in Hong Kong are committed by guys from the Mainland. They wake up on the Mainland in the morning, take a speed boat to Hong Kong, rob in the afternoon and are back home by night. This makes the cases almost impossible to solve. Most of them are retired PLA [military] officers too. They use powerful weapons and always outgun the hong kong police in periodic shootouts in Hong Kong.

And also mainland police officers in Guangdong Province are involved in smuggling stolen goods from Hong Kong.

Stop arguing with Kelvin and leave him alone. His family and he are proud, outstanding and devout members of the Chinese Communist Party. They have done tons of work on the Party's behalf and have been awarded many times by the Party. In fact, this week they have a coveted invitation to meet the party chief who is in the U.S. for an official visit. They will be kowtowing before the mighty Mr. Hu and the mighty motherland. They stand in awe of Mr. Hu.

So please cut Kelvin some slacks.
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kiev said:

Stop arguing with Kelvin and leave him alone. His family and he are proud, outstanding and devout members of the Chinese Communist Party. They have done tons of work on the Party's behalf and have been awarded many times by the Party. In fact, this week they have a coveted invitation to meet the party chief who is in the U.S. for an official visit. They will be kowtowing before the mighty Mr. Hu and the mighty motherland. They stand in awe of Mr. Hu.

So please cut Kelvin some slacks.

very impressive post---good work.
breaking news

FLASH: Heckler disrupts Chinese President Hu's speech on south lawn at White House: 'President Bush, stop him from killing'... 'Stop persecuting the Falun Gong,' she yelled... She also shouted in Chinese, 'President Hu, your days are numbered'... woman is taken away by uniformed secret service officers... right after Bush urged Hu to allow Chinese to 'speak freely'...

On China TV: As Hu Jintao was speaking, as yells of protesters became audible, the screen went black. Feed then came back and once again went black when woman was once again audible. During CNN International's post-speech commentary, at mention of south lawn heckler, screen went black again... feed returned when topic was no longer being discussed...
anotheryear said:
FLASH: Heckler disrupts Chinese President Hu's speech on south lawn at White House: 'President Bush, stop him from killing'... 'Stop persecuting the Falun Gong,' she yelled... She also shouted in Chinese, 'President Hu, your days are numbered'... woman is taken away by uniformed secret service officers... right after Bush urged Hu to allow Chinese to 'speak freely'...

On China TV: As Hu Jintao was speaking, as yells of protesters became audible, the screen went black. Feed then came back and once again went black when woman was once again audible. During CNN International's post-speech commentary, at mention of south lawn heckler, screen went black again... feed returned when topic was no longer being discussed...

Just want to salute this person. She did this in the best tradition of civil disobedience against tyrants.
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kiev said:

Stop arguing with Kelvin and leave him alone. His family and he are proud, outstanding and devout members of the Chinese Communist Party. They have done tons of work on the Party's behalf and have been awarded many times by the Party. In fact, this week they have a coveted invitation to meet the party chief who is in the U.S. for an official visit. They will be kowtowing before the mighty Mr. Hu and the mighty motherland. They stand in awe of Mr. Hu.

So please cut Kelvin some slacks.

:D :D
kiev said:

Stop arguing with Kelvin and leave him alone. His family and he are proud, outstanding and devout members of the Chinese Communist Party. They have done tons of work on the Party's behalf and have been awarded many times by the Party. In fact, this week they have a coveted invitation to meet the party chief who is in the U.S. for an official visit. They will be kowtowing before the mighty Mr. Hu and the mighty motherland. They stand in awe of Mr. Hu.

So please cut Kelvin some slacks.

This is breaking news from Reuters. Kelvin and his parents met privately with Mr. Hu last week. Mr. Hu said that the whole Party is proud of Kelvin's accomplishments to date on enemey territory (the U.S). kelvin embodies the bright future of the Party. Accordingly the Party is granting him an endowment so that Kelvin can teach to Los Angeles kids the merits of Mao thoughts and Deng theory.