Transfers to Missouri

Finally received interview letter along with fp, medical exam, affidavit of support. Can anyone tell me how to fill up the affidavit of support form? What documents should be attached together with the support form?

RD 02/02
TD NY 06/04
Interview letter



For me also I got Affidavit of Support and medical. But my attonrney verifeid with USCIS and told me that it is not required to medical and Affidavit of Suppport. Affidavit is needed only if you are a family based applicant.

So I did not do any of this. But if you want to do Affidavit of Support then

1. Assets
2. Pay stubs
3. Tax returns
4. Financial statements of the company

may be needed. Please verify with your attorney..

Hi Coldfusion,

Thanks for your reply.

When will be your interview date? Did you go for FP again? What about your name check, have you found whether cleared?

I understand we must bring along bank statement for interview. What should be the minimum $$ in the account? Please advise.
coldfusion, can you please let me know of your interview venue, is it in Federal Plaza? If yes, when you receive the letter, who is the sender? Mine is Mary Ann Gantner, District Director - CIS, NY District. Just want to find out whether she will be the one who is conducting the interview.

Interview Federal Plaza


My Interview is in Federal Plaza. I have it this week. There is no specific dollar amount that I know of. But if it is a employment based interview and you have paystubs above minimum prevailing wage. I am not sure about the exact minium wage but it may be around 44000 - 50000. but your Employment letter should have the salary specified in labour or more.

The director is not the one who will interview. She is the top authority. There may be other officers who may do this.

Regarding the Finger printing I already did it during October 1st week. I am not sure whether the FBI check is cleared. I hope everything would be done by now. I am keeping myself cool and not worrying about what will happen.

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Thanks to everyone

I will definitely post the details. Thanks to all the guys in this forum whose encouraging words and input which helped me put the documents together.

I pray that the Interview is quick and easy and get stamped on that day itself.


Hi Guys,

I have question how do we know that our case has been transfered to other place like MSC. I have changed my address in Sep 2004, I am wondering how do I check where my case is.

I had my FP1 on 11/01/04, on 11/04/04 LUD changed after that I don't find any LUD change...!!!

Any info on this is appreciated
Interview done - still have to wait

Hi All,

The interview is done. But not a success. The officer told everything seems ok except one document needed. I was very disappointed that I didn't have it.

We reached the office at 8.00. Then went to the counter, fingerprinted and waited for our turn.

Our name was called and we went with the officer. She took us to her room and asked us to take oath.

The following are the details she asked.

1. Passports
2. Were everyone in status during all these years in the US? - Yes
3. Did everyone travel with AP? - Yes
4. Employment letter - I gave it
5. Tax-return I gave all three
6. What job are you doing in the employment?
7. Copy of Marriage certificate
8. Copy of Birth certificate
9. Is this the same employer? - No
10. Do you have the Finacial Statement for the new employer? - No
11. Other general questions of Criminal, arrest.. etc.. - No
12. not asked for paystubs, I-140, AP, EAD....

She wanted Item 10 and we did not have it. Then she told if she gets that she will send the decision by mail. I asked does that mean its approved. She said all the documents seems to be in place and "if the financial statement is ok" we will mail you the decision.

The attorney has sent the statement which is perfectly fine. As far as now will they take more time to look at that? I hope not. But it sounded to me that the Officer was happy with everything.

The only thing I regret is not having the financial statement of the company. I never expected this. If I had it, would I be approved? May be. She told that now-a-days cards are sent fast.

It was a very happy interview except for this one problem. The officer was very nice and perfect with her work. She told that our children are very nice and quiet. The whole interview lasted around 15 mts.

Now I have to wait for more time to see this through. Anybody have any idea on how much time it takes to get the approval for this kind of situation? I wish I get this a Christmas gift.

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Coldfusion: Thanks for posting the details and I am sorry that you did not get the stamp. I completely understand your feelings by getting so close and not getting the stamp. Especially if you were not asked to bring this to the interview and then were blame for it. By the way, what did they ask for to the interview in the letter that you have received? I looked at my interview letter and noticed only two main things they are asking.

1) Passport , I94 and the letter they sent.
2) A letter form my employer stating my salary.

and at the bottom also says to bring Identity proof, e.g. drivers lcenese or a passport in my opinion, can serve the purpsoe as well....

I am planing on taking what they asked for. I honestly beileve that we should offer what is asked and what is expected of us no more no less. Just as an example if the speed limit is 70 don't we get a ticket for driving 80? I will apprecite any comments. I am still not satisfied as why coldfusion has to prove what was not asked for.. But cheer up coldfusion there was nothing you could do. They could have come up with something else like incomplete FBI background check etc. So it is not your fault.. Things happen for a reason.. I strongly believe that...

Thanks Johar, mygc1012


My advice is take what ever you can possibly take. We can put it across that it is not asked, but if the officer says I have to see that document, I don't think most will argue that it was not asked for.

She or he may immediately say, well now I am asking for it. You have a chance to show it to me by today or tomorrow or something like that.

They don't have any control on what is being asked. They will approve only if what they asked is found. They may not be able to take any decisions on their own given the fact it was not asked for.
Thanks coldfusion: By the way what did they ask for in the letter exactly from you? Can you please post? Appreciate it. There is no way that I am planing on arguing my case through. I was just going to do that and try my luck. I feel like it is luck anyway. I have a freind drive cab and got his green card faster than I did and spent only 120 dollars fee. Here I am with everything else fine but no luck in status and feel no freedom.... Please let me know what exactly they asked you in the letter..
How many people are there here waiting for interview or case transfer?

My file was transfered to MSC in March, 2003. Did a few inquiries and nothing happened so far. I don't know what's going on in MSC and am curious to know how many people are in the similar situation.
Applied the fourth EAD and AP and just received the receipts.
xu30318: Welcome to teh club and this dead forum. There are very few of us and thus very little activity on this forum. The other problem is no one can make a good guess and thus have no answers for each other and thus making people less interested in this forum. I hope some along the line and from our posting of timeline, people will be able to make educated guesses and that is all I can tell you. The forums kind of provide relief though... I hate to see the forum ends with my post and this is why kept silent on your post.... Read th is forum older posts and gather some facts and make your own conclusion.
I am in the same boat.
not know when we can get interview...

Hope in the new year everything will be gettting better.