Transfer to Philly


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My case has been transferred to Phildelphia. Can someone tell me the timeline for interview? What to expect in interview?
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Ankit: I am in the same boat as you. My case was transferred to Philly on April 25th. I posted the question on the board earlier. But no one seems to have any experience with Philadelphia INS. If you find out anything, please do post. I will do the same. My attorney says it takes 6-12 months for the interview. My guess is that he is not speaking from experience - but just quoting standard numbers. My particulars: EB2, India, PD 4/96, I485 ND: 2/00.
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My lawyer told me that it could take couple of months to get interview letter and another month for interview. In the letter, they will tell us what kind of paperwork we should bring. My lawyer will accompany me. He will also have practice sessions with me and my wife after we get the letter.
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Could you share with me who your attorney is? My attorney refuses to accompany us to the interview (forget about any other advice or practice sessions). He says he can arrange someone for a hefty fee.
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Yes that sounds more like my lawyer, anything he does or say, he has a FEE, and like you mentioned a hefty one. I guess they feel this is the last time they can squeeze any dime from us, if at all they can.
So who is your lawyer.
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They don\'t give case status over the phone in Philadelphia. I tried the number on VSC notice of action. Doesn\'t work! Then I found out the right number, which is 215-656-7178. AVM says that case status info can only be obtained by personal appearance. Office opens at 7:30AM and they give limited tokens everyday. I wish I was closer to Philly! Can anyone on this board try going there and post their experience.
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I live in center city Philadelphia. I will try to go there sometime next week (cannot do before that - if at all). I will post my experience after that.
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localtransfer: That would be gr8. In the meantime, I will try to get as much information from my lawyer & friends and post it on this string. Looking at the local processing time chart, Philadelphia seems to be the fastest center in the country. At least, that speaks about the office\'s efficiency.
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localtransfer: Example of information you get from personal inquiry (This one is for Baltimore office)
Posted By: I-485 East 5/3/01 10:34 AM
(#6 of 7)
I checked with INS Baltimore on may1st personally and they told me that they have received 28 boxes from Vermont. Each box consisting of 100 applications. Mine got transfered on Feb. 15 from Vermont and received at Baltimore on mar. 17 and that time the box that contained my file was ranked 218 in the queue at Baltimore. As of today, that rank has moved up to 66!!
So they are on an average processing 20-25 boxes per week. Remember, these boxes contain all types of applications, new, EADs, APs, Family based GCs, and Employment based GC applns., etc.
Based on above processing procedure, Baltimore INS should be sending out interview notices in the last week of May to all those cases that got transfered to Baltimore on feb 15th from Vermont and received on March 17.

Hope this information helps all those in the same boat at Baltimore INS.
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Trying to keep this message on page1 hoping that someone with experience with Philly will respond.
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I just finished talking to my lawyer who told me the following:
1. For quality assurance purpose about 10% of all cases go to local INS.
2. Other possible reasons for interview: (a) Medical problem; (b) arrest record; (c) simple issues like living in MD and working in Philly; (d) unclear finger prints.
3. Approval % of interviews is very high. In his experience, he only remebers one case that was denied because of prior arrest record.
4. Even if the interview does not go well (rare occassion) and there are unresolved issues, the lawyers can followup and clear up the matter before they sign it in red.

I am feeling almost guilty of not disclosing the name of my lawyer. I was with my HR director when I was talking to my lawyer, so I did not ask his permission to publicize his name. I will try that next time.
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Any new transfers to Philadelphia? Can anyone put together a laundry list of paperwork required for interviews. Let me start with things I know:
1. Birth Certificates
2. Marriage certificate
3. Job letter
4. Address verification: 3 letters addressed to you- phone bills, utility bills etc.
5. Marriage verification: Joint account proof, joint lease on Apaartment, marriage pictures, baby\'s birth certificate (iff applicable), reference letters from neighbours.
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On points 4 & 5 (Address & marriage verification) are you just playing safe and planning to carry all that stuff, or somebody advised it to you? Especially reference letters from neighbors, joint lease on apartment etc. (this seems like stuff you would need for marriage-based green card).
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localtransfer: I have my wife\'s petition too. That\'s the reason I listed marriage related documents. The list I am putting together is comprehensive based on other\'s experience.
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Went to Philly office today. After standing in line for 1 hour and
waiting to be called for another 2 hours, I had a short conversation
with an information officer. The lady was not very helpful. This is
what she told me:

My Transfer date is April 25th.
She: We have not received the file yet. It takes 60-90 days for
us to receive the file.
It takes us 8-9 months to schedule an interview.
Right now we are scheduling interviews for January of next year.

It all sounds horrible. I am just thinking of moving from here and
getting the file transferred to another office, where the process
might be faster. Unless someone has first hand experience that what
she told me is incorrect.

Hanumanji: can you ask your lawyer, if the timeframe he gave you was
from experience or just his guess. Please reply as soon as possible.
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This is bad news! I have written an e-mail to my lawyer asking him about the timing. Last Friday, he told us that it usually takes 2-3 months to have interview. That was probably based on his experience. Baltimore & Newark office transfers are also going lot faster. It is hard for me to believe that it may take that long.... but this is INS, anything is possible. I will let you know once I get a reply from my lawyer.