Transfer to Philly

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I think she was Caucasian.

She also told me that they have tons of cases before mine that
have been transferred from Vermont to Philly. I don\'t know how
come they take 3 months to just receive the file - when all other
 centers receive files in 2-3 weeks (maybe they wait for the truck to be full - before shipping it over:)

However, when she told me that they are right now scheduling
interviews for Jan 2002, that did sound sincere and that is what
I am afraid of. Will it help, if I move to NJ and get my file
transferred to Newark?
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localtransfer: I don\'t know if moving will help or hinder the process. I am suspecting that this will involve two more transfers... one from Philly back to VSC and then from VSC to Newark. My suggestion is to stay put. Although, I don\'t like another 10-12 month wait. If we can get enough people, we can try approaching congressmen. It is surprising to learn that there are lot of transfers going on in Philly. This chat board has only you and me! We can find 15-20 cases for Baltimore and several for Newark. Same story on I smell fish with INS lady\'s assessment of timing.
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My lawyer does not agree with the timeline given by the information officer. He will confirm the timings on Thursday/ Friday. He suspects that the lady gave you the timings for cases submitted directly to the Philly office. According to him, our cases are 75% done (initial processing and FP). Interview schedule should be lot faster than direct submissions to Philla office. This is his opinion!

I am seriously thinking of approaching Congressman to expedite the process. I wish someone can post his/ her experience with this approach.
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Thanks for your response. I am thinking of trying again in a
week and see if I can talk to a different person or if I get
a different response. I hope they are not keeping any records.
Let me know if you decide to approach a congressman or a
senator? Who is better - congressman or senator? Maybe if we
both approach the same person it will be more effective.
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I do not see any value to your going there again! Someone just mentioned that unless you get the GC, they are the boss! So, we have to be careful on how to approach this issue. I will contemplate Senator or congressman action after discussing this with my attorney. I am skeptical about any political interference, as that may be seen in the wrong light. I am off to Calif for rest of the week. I will try to check this message board from there. I think this could be the ultimate test of our patience!
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Here is my lawyer\'s response....Begin Attachment
"Sometimes the case gets interviewed because the client
has some sort of minor arrest on their record. Is that a possibility in your case, or sometimes the medical includes some sort of minor problem or is not completed properly by the doctor. There are so many possibilities that I have never found it useful to speculate. I expect we will get notice of an interview within the next two or three months." End attachment.
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My lawyer\'s inquiry: File recvd on May 8th.....

"We checked on your case today at the INS office. Your file
arrived here in Philadelphia on May 8th. I would hope you would be
scheduled for an interview in about four to five months. I do know that
we have one case that was transferred to Philadelphia on February 26th
which has not yet been scheduled. I do have a concern that the large
number of applications filed just prior to April 30th based on the
recently passed law will further delay the scheduling of interviews. We
will let you know as soon as we hear anything. "
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Transfer to Philly
KSingh101 - 10:25am May 12, 2001 EST

One of my friend case ( not a computer Professional ) was transferred to Philadelphia last year in October,2000. When he contacted the local office, He was told that It is going to take 8-12 months. But in the month of January 2001, He recd. a notice for interview and got the GC for him and his family.

Hope this information helps u all who are transfer to Philadelphia
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Can you please let me know who your lawyer is? You can send me a
private mail. I am looking for a lawyer to represent me in this
stage of the case - and possibly accompany me to the interview. My
own lawyer is of no help. Thanks a lot. Hope things move in Philly.
The timing of this office on paper look amazingly good. 75 days for
AOS in family based cases.

Also, what is the transfer date of your file from VSC. Mine was April
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My transfer date was also April 25th. We will probably see each other on interview date. For lawyer\'s name, I have to really check with him. I am sure that he will not mind!
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Yes, I did. Let me know if your attorney gives a go-ahead.

Meanwhile, I have taken an appt. with a local attorney next
week. I will let you know what he says. His initial reaction is
that it takes at least 6 months to get an interview in Philly.
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Hey! as long as you got the information from the web site, I think you are free to approach my lawyer.
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Localtransfer: It looks like we have some more company... rnemani got his case transferred to Philly too. Let\'s wait and get some more candidates. We can jointly request the local district officer that Vermont transfer cases be given priority over 245(i) cases involving applications of illegal immigrants. We can also jointly approach a senator and congressman on the ground that others with similar notice dates/reciep date are getting their approvals. I have a feeling that this approach will work without creating individual prejudice. Let me know your thoughts. Any updates on your lawyer?
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My lawyers thoughts on approaching congressman.....
If you have any contacts in a Congressional office or wish to approach
one, you are free to take that step. Our experience is that Congressional assistance is generally effective only when the specific case is delayed significantly beyond virtually all other cases with a similar filing date etc. The delays you are experiencing are not specific to your case. If, on the other hand, you have strong contacts within an office and that representative is prepared to really take on your case, that representative\'s involvement may
make a difference.
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Hello this is rnemani...
I have sent email out to my attorney requesting more info into this and have not heard from them yet.
Thanks for the Philly transfer posting. I think your lawyer is right and we should wait and do not expect to get GC till like I do not know when, maybe forever, I am frustrated...
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Welcome to the club!
Please post your lawyer\'s take on all this. Ask him about the congressman route.

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Hello Hanumanji,

This is Ashok Myneni and my status is also same like u.In Feb01 they transfered my case to Baltimore and after two months on April5th baltimore transfered my case to Philli saying i am not under their Juridiction.I dont know whats going with Phili office.I am planning to wait till next week and visit Philly office next coming week to enquire about my case.Can u please call me on this number 302-739-2260 Ext 371 if u have a chance..

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Please go through my and "localtransfer" messages and you will get ample information about Philly transfers. Localtransfer actually visited the office and was told it may take 9-10 months. My lawyer told me that there is one transfer case dated Feb 26, 2001 who was still awaiting interview call from Philly. My lawyers best guess was 4 months.
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I saw a lawyer in Philadelphia this week. He said that inteviews are taking at least
6 months in Philadelphia. There seems to be no seperate queue for "transfers" from
VSC and the cases that are filed locally. He expects this time to go up to 9 months
because of lots of filing before some April 30th deadline. Based upon what I have
gathered so far - I would not expect an interview before January. Of course,
as we all know by now - anything at all is possible with INS.