Transfer Cases - Security Checks Status


Registered Users (C)
For all of those who have been transferred to Distict Local Offices and are either waiting to receive an interview notice or have already received one:

I've heard of cases of people going in for interviews with all requested documents and not being approved after the interview due to pending security checks only.

I have completed my fingerprints and received confirmation that they have cleared. I also inquired on my name check with the FBI. This has been completed. I am assuming my IBIS check is still valid as my 2nd AP and 2nd EAD were approved in July. They ran an IBIS on those then. My attorney mentioned a possible CIA check for applicants of certain nationalities -mine being one likely, which I didn't know how to find out if conducted and/or completed.

I had contacted my State Senator once I was transferred from the NSC to the Omaha, NE District Office. As they were getting ready to inquire on my case with their Immigration Liason, I received my notice for an interview for September 23rd. Very exciting news, but I was still concerned about possibly going in for the interview, but not being approved due to possible pending security checks.

I asked the Senator's Office to instead of inquiring on my case -since I was already scheduled for an interview, to possibly inquire on whether or not all my security checks had been completed. To my surprise, I was told that all Senators Offices have the ability to obtain such information. THE USCIS IS REQUIRED TO RELEASE IT TO THEM IF ASKED. They called and I am "Security Check Free," meaning all required checks have been completed.

The purpose of my message is to let you guys know (all of you waiting for interview letters or already scheduled) that if concerned with pending security checks delaying your approval at the time of interview, use the help of your Senators to inquire on completion of these. If pending, they can put some pressure on the USCIS to help expedite them.

RD: 9/24/2002
ND: 10/9/2002
1FP: 12/04/2002
2FP: 5/18/2004
1EAD: 6/2/2003
2EAD: 7/12/2004
1AP: 6/2/2003
2AP: 7/04/2004
TD: 7/24/2004
ID: 9/23/2004
AD: TRUSTING ON 9/23/2004

Please feel free to reply to this thread with any questions. I'll be happy to answer them if I have the information. I am very grateful to this Forum and many members from whom I have learned valuable information. Thanks to this Forum I was able to find a way to check on the FBI name check, get motivated to contact my Senator's Office and overall, feel a sense of community throughout this long and trying wait which I am hoping will come to an end soon.
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1. IBIS (done by USCIS themselves) - this check has validity of 35 days -
this check is against IBIS (maintained by USCPC - Customs and Border Patrol)
using applicant's full name and date of birth (without place or country of
birth). This check is done by USCIS staff on the computer terminals
connected to IBIS. A no hit is termed "IBIS OK" in BCIS' jargon. An "IBIS
DNR" (Does Not Relate) is when a match exists but does not relate to the
applicant, which is, in other worlds, a no hit as well. IBIS is exempt from
FOIPA requests, that is, a person cannot use FOIPA to find out if his/her
name is in IBIS.

2. FBI Fingerprint (FD258) Ident against NCIC database - this has a vaildity
of 18 months, per a MOU between FBI and USCIS. Any applicant can call FBI
NCIC (Clarksburg, WV) at 304-625-3878 to find out if his/her fingerprint
ident. result has been sent back to USCIS. Work through various voice prompt
at this phone number to talk to a live representative. The results of this
check are normally returned within 24 hours for person with no criminal
records or outstanding warrants. No hit is termed "NO IDENT" in FBI's
jargon. An FOIPA request (with FD258/fingerprints) would reveal if an ident.
record exist or not.

3. FBI Name Check against Central Records System (CRS) - this check
basically meant to find out if the applicant has ever been subject/target of
any FBI investigation. There is no documented validity period for this
check. This check can take anywhere from 1 day to 1 year. No hit is termed
"NO RECORD" in FBI's jargon.An FOIPA request would reveal if a record exists
or not. FBI may not disclose full details but at least tell you if a record
exist. Also, presence of a record does not mean that it is something

4. CIA Name Check. According to my lawyer run with the CIA and the branch office in your country of origin. I don't know the specifics as to what they look for. I am guessing any kind of criminal background in your home country.
No problem, boxerbhai. Forgot to correct that the IBIS checks are valid for 90 days now, not 35. They used to be 35.
Thanks Cemol, you stated name checks very clearly.

As to my case, i just received an interview notice for 9/22/04. One thing that bothers me is: They ONLY asked me to bring the following items:

this letter, your passport, I-94, work authorizations, social security card, federal tax returns, current letter of employment, recent paystubs, photocopy of driver license.

The thing that is missing here is: "my photos". I thought they need photos for approvals ... I fear, maybe they are not calling me to approve and just further delays. If you or anyone could shed some light, thanks ?
litmu said:
They ONLY asked me to bring the following items: this letter, your passport, I-94, work authorizations, social security card, federal tax returns, current letter of employment, recent paystubs, photocopy of driver license.

Sounds straightforward. I actually needed to bring even less.

The thing that is missing here is: "my photos". I thought they need photos for approvals ...

No, they'll use the photos submitted with the original I-485. That's what they did for me and my wife.
How to contact FBI for Name Check?


Thank you so much for sharing your information with us!

I have a question and really hope you can help me out: my I-485 had been transferred to Chicago local office back in January 2003, I got the Interview on January 2004. However, the USCIS officer told me that my Name Check was still not completed yet, and I have to wait. Now, more than 7 months alreayd passed by but I still didn't hear anything from Chicago local office. I contacted our local congress office several times to inquire about this issue. However, what they told me is that they just sent an inquiry letter to USCIS and USCIS returned to them and said still pending.

Could you tell me if I can contact FBI for Name Checking directly, or is there any other effective ways to solve the problem I got?

Thank you very much!

Hi William,

You can get in contact with the FBI via fax -see number below, directly with the head of the office that conducts the name checks in Washington D.C. They will respond to you within a month. Be sure to provide a good e-mail address. That's how I received a response back.

This is the letter I used. Reformat it to express your concerns on how long it's taken for your name check to be completed and urge them to expedite it. If I were you, I'd also have the Senator's Office contact the FBI on your behalf since the only contacted the USCIS regarding this matter. Heres' the information:

PH: 202-324-2399
FAX: 202-324-3367

BEST OF LUCK TO YOU!! Let me know if you have any other questions.
Mr. David M Hardy
FBI Headquarters
Name Check Section
Washington DC 20535

Dear Sir,

I have filed an application for adjustment of status to that as of Lawful
Permanent Resident with the USCIS Nebraska Service Center in Lincoln, NE on
XXXXXX. My application is now pending adjudication at the Omaha, NE Local
office of the USCIS after being transferred from the Nebraska Service
Center on XXXXXX.

I am sending this note to you kindly asking for your office to please
provide the status of the security/name check I believe the USCIS would
have requested upon the filing of my application for adjustment of status.
Following are the details of my case:

Date of Birth: XXXXXX
Phone# (work & home): XXX-XXX-XXXX/XXX-XXX-XXXX

I may be reached by phone or e-mail, if you require any additional
information/ documents to address my request. A prompt response will be
greatly appreciated.



Thank you very much!

I will send a fax to FBI name check office, and try to ask Congressman's office to contact FBI also. I will keep you updated.

Thanks again!
How long will it take for FBI response me back?


LAst Friday I faxed my information letter to FBI name check office. Today I called their office, they said they will review my case and it would take 30-60 days.

I just want to ask you that in your experience, it actually takes them how long to get back? And will they make any progress upon my request?

Thank again!
You are headed the right direction and I am positive you will get an answer soon. Most people on this forum have received responses.

I would say 90 days at the latest. I am kind of an obsessive guy, and I sent faxes about 5 times in the space of 3 months. I heard back from them 3 weeks after my last fax. That's why I am guessing 90 days at the month.

Best of Luck. Let me know if you have any other questions.
good luck everyone, you shall very soon be approved ... our biggest fault is that we worry too much ... same to me.

i was approved yesterday after an interview at bloomington, was very short, thanks cemol, theRealKanadian ... our helpful moderator :) , everyone.

those that are waiting, sit tight ... if u could try to forget pending case, its good ... though i know its impossible to forget also.

well ... just be good.
Updates for inquiring FBI


Today I got a phone call from FBI telling me that my name check was completed on September 21, 2004. It takes 6 days for them to get response back to me. Thank you so much for your great information and kindness!!!

Cemol and guys, could you give me your thoughts on my issue: I went through my I-485 interview with local Chicago office back in January 2004. At that time the officer told me that once USCIS receives the FBI name check result, they will approve it without another interview. In my case, my finger print already expired in August 2004, do I need to do finger printing again? And how long will it take for USCIS to process my case when they receive my name check result. Most important: How could I push them, through Senator's office or directly go to the office and ask?

Last, I want to tell all people who have been wwaiting so long for FBI name check: guys, if you have the similiar problems, please don't hesitate to contact FBI!

Thanks again!
Approved Upon Interview - Omaha, NE / QUESTION

Approved today after interview in Omaha, NE. Thanks to all. I will post a separate message expressing my gratitude to the forum.

RD: 9/24/2002
ND: 10/9/2002
1FP: 12/04/2002
2FP: 5/18/2004
1EAD: 6/2/2003
2EAD: 7/12/2004
1AP: 6/2/2003
2AP: 7/04/2004
TD: 7/24/2004
ID: 9/23/2004
AD: 9/23/2004
Plastic Card I was advised should come within 6 months. I am hoping sooner as from what I've heard when approved during an interview, cards are issued and mailed faster.

What does your stamp on the passport look like? Mine simply says:

Processed for I-551. Temporary Evidence of Lawful Admission for Permanent Residence. Valid Until: A YEAR FROM TODAY. Employment Authorization Indefinate.

It's a very primitive looking stamp in red.

Thanks to All!
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What a conicidence! We were posting messages at the same time. I'd predict an approval for you VERY SOON. Given the fact that your name check was just completed, I would use the momentum to do both:

Get the Senator's Office to get in contact with the Local Office and if the District Office will let you walk in without any kind of appt. (Omaha, NE doesn't), I would go there myself as well. I am not sure if they'll want to fingerprint you again since the expiration of your fingerprint was in August (I'd hope they took the day of the interview as the day when you were unofficially appoved and you don't have to do the fingerprints again), but if they do, fingeprints should clear very quickly. You are on the last strech, William. Your approval is just right around the corner.

Keep me posted. I'd love to hear on your progress.


Warmest Congratulations!!! You may enjoy your freedom very much from now on.

As you suggested, I may walk-in to the Chicago USCIS office soon to check my case status.

Have a wonderful day!
Thanks so much, William.

Do keep me posted on your progress as I'd like the chance to congratulate you as well.

Have a great weekend. I am making travel arrangements to go home as I haven't been back in three years. I can't wait to get away for a while.

Best Wishes!