Traking DOL list for California due to 245I Part 3


I confirm, DOL started processing our applications... kinda slow, but hopefully, we all get approved soon...
still have problem about tax id

Hi! Friends:

    I sent an email to DOL using the fed id I found on my w2 form this time. The list I got is different from the one of using tel no, but only two cases belong to my company and all others are for two companies I have never heard. Unfortunately, my case is still not included. Can anybody give me some suggestion? I sincerely appreciate your help.
No Title


i\'ve been having the same problem--cant get the case no if i send an email to DOL with the employer tax-id no--says no cases found against the tax id-no. called 415-974-4617 but cant get an option to enter the tax id no.--so now how do i go about getting my case no(lawyer refuses to give it).

Where to send the email?


I have the same problem that Lawyer does not want to tell the case number. Is there anybody can tell me where to send the email to find out the case number? Thanks.
My Best suggestion

HI Guys,
You need not call the attorney for the number. A copy is always send to the person signing the form on behalf of the company (HR)(from EDD-atleast in california) this is a small white sheet with the number and dates.Most of the time attorneys give the number as they keep track of all paper work. My best suggestion contact you HR. They will have a copy of this. Second donot try to pressurise the attorney or scratch on the wrong side, this may have negative effect, It happened in one of my freind\'s case. The moment you call the attorney the information comes to HR or the co-ordinating person from the company with attorney.
NO RD from DOL

My lawyer says that they only recieved a transmittal notice to the DOL from SESA on NOv 2 2001. What does this mean? If they dont have a reciept date from the DOL does it mean that my application has not been received at the DOL???? Any input is greatly appreciated.
No Title

"Jobless claims rose to 6.0 percent" - Labor Department

As you know, Our SF DOL is too sensitive on these kind of issues...Do they continue process our applicatons ?
Realize that regulation and implementation are different

It may be a few months before the regulations get implemented, because they allow time for feedback and ammendments.
I don\'t undersatnd why you people are so negative

I think you should stop this negative pessimistic talk what jobless is 6%, are you sure they are sensitive about that? I think you want to start some kind of grapevine.

I am not going to come to this nonsense board to read messages like those.
If you have facts please post them otherwise SHUTUP.
When can we apply for PERM processing

1. Can we use previous recruitment effort
2. Is there an extra fee we need to pay
3. Where should we apply
4. Are the new forms available on the web some where

Can some one please answer my above questions. If it is possible I have to use this process at the earliest. My app. is stitting in SESA and I have only 11months left on my H1.
DOL just started 11/08

1 case from 11/08 was approved (see below) though there are some (about 20) cases from 11/05 still pending:

Case # : 09511075
DOT Code : 625.281-014
DOT Description : Diesel Mechanic Apprentice
No. of Openings : 1
Wage / Base : $19.65 Hourly
Received Regional Office: 11/08/2001
Current Status : Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 05/07/2002.

wow, that is great, can you give a link or source of this info ? I think as of today there is no PERM processing for labor certification, when are they starting ?
serg38, Were there no cases rcvd. on November 06th or 7th

Thanks for the information that you had posted. You had mentioned that DOL has started processing cases rcvd. on Nov 8th 2001. How about cases rcvd. on Nov 06th and Nov 7th. Were there no cases rcvd on these dates?

I also noticed that most of the cases (that I saw) were rcvd. on Nov 8th or Nov 19th or later. I did not see any case on other dates of November. Appreciate you input in this regard.