Traking DOL list for California due to 245I Part 3

JituP - DOL message says Oct 31

Where did you get Nov 2 from? Is that from a new source? :)

JituP - How are you collating information from the doleta09 list server? Do you go over it on a case by case basis or are you using a tool to do your information gathering?
LC Approved

Hi, Friends,
I think DOL is moving faster now. My case got approved yesterday.
Case #: 95108XX
PD: 5/7/01
Tx from SEAS to DOL:Oct.31.
Rx on DOL: Dec. 16.
Approved: March. 20. 2002.

I think the tx date is more important and the RD is kind of out of order.

Be optimistic, DOL is moving, and moving fast.


DOL is moving slowly not fast.

There are a lot case received on 11/2/01 by DOL (regional office). Xiaoyi\'s case must be one of them. Some were approved on 3/20/02, some are still waiting. It\'s strange that DOL approved a lot cases on 3/20/02, but much fewer on 3/21/02 (yesterday). I only saw one action dated 3/21/02.

Case # : 09510908
DOT Code : 999.192-031
DOT Description : Chemists
No. of Openings : 1
Wage / Base : $78000.00 Annually
Received Regional Office: 11/02/2001
Current Status : Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/21/2002.
Sounds Disastrous for RIR applicants

I read it - It is the latest DOL memo regarding new guidelines for evaluating RIR cases. Such scruitiny is going to cause further delays to the DOL process at the very least and at worst, it is going to cause more rejects.
Has any non-RIR case in Computer related field

been recently approved? It seems the memo asks DOL officers to consider regular cases in determining whether to approve RIR cases.

We are so f**ked
DOL is so full of it.......

My RIR case was filed September last year. Before filing my company conducted 6 months adds in local newspaper. At the timewhen my case gets to DOL the things may change 100 times from what it was 1/2 a year before. There is NO way to satisfy them..... this is BS.
Reject , Reject and more reject !!

The above feelers to the Certifying Officers clearly indicate the direction. Reject, Reject and More Reject !!. Talk about changing the rules in the middle of the Game !!. Also DOL very well knows that all the RIR 245is in all the Regions are over now. Then why this apathy towards tax paying law abiding Legal Non Immigrants. Now this only gives more authority to the Certifying officers to put more queries, More rejects resulting in exponential increases in the processing times. Go through the following.
Nov. 02 as of March 25

DOL is now processing Nov. 02 2001 RIR applications- for whatever its worth given the new guidelines.
DOL is still approving

Just used to get the following case. Hope there are no more rejects.

Address : xxx SAN JOSE, CA 95134
Case # : xxx
DOT Code : 999.151-032
DOT Description : Computer Software Engineers, Systems software
No. of Openings : 1
Wage / Base : $90000.00 Annually
Received Regional Office: 11/02/2001
Current Status : Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 03/23/2002.
The guidelines mentioned above are

only for the new labor certifications and not for the already processing cases....Don\'t panic.. We will get what we are destined to get... these are just passing clouds...
No Title

Hi God_and_GreenCard,
As per the message, it does not say that it is for new filings
or existing filings. I believe it is too early to come to this
conclusion. Has your post been endorsed by your attorney or some other resource ?
Can labor Certification be transferred

My friend wanted me to know whether an existing labor certification(that has already been approved) be transferred on to his name..He is planning to join a new company and found out that a labor certification was approved on his job title..( He is a consultant in that company) and he is plannnig to accept a permanent offer....

Please let me know..
Just got it from my Lawyer on RIR Regulation !!

His Opinion is that this new Regulation for Stricter RIR as well as more possibilities for Rejection is equallly applicable to new and the already pipe line Cases. We are all Scr****.
DOL updates their voice msg every Monday

So, we get definitive updates only on Monday\'s. As of yesterday, it was 11/02/01.