traffic problems. Could it denie citizenship?


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Hi guys,

I read some person in this forum that had a problem with traffic citations and has been denied citizenship.

I am scared because I didn´t include traffic citation, parking ticket an car accident in my N400.

Could I say that in the interview or is in dangerous my citizenship anyways??

Thank you
#1. Don't worry about parking tickets.

#2. Get the disposition of car accident, and the traffic citation from the court before the interview. Even if you discuss when officer asks, or you yourself disclose, it is better to have the proof that the issue is closed.

#3. You can change any part of the application at the interview.

Whether you disclose or not is your call. The law says you must. Many people have not and succeeded. Many people have not and been asked. Pick your gamble.

On the whole, 2 issues - 1 citation plus 1 accident - do not look dangerous ... but it depends on how serious those issues were, and how they were decided.
#1. Don't worry about parking tickets.

#2. Get the disposition of car accident, and the traffic citation from the court before the interview. Even if you discuss when officer asks, or you yourself disclose, it is better to have the proof that the issue is closed.

#3. You can change any part of the application at the interview.

Whether you disclose or not is your call. The law says you must. Many people have not and succeeded. Many people have not and been asked. Pick your gamble.

On the whole, 2 issues - 1 citation plus 1 accident - do not look dangerous ... but it depends on how serious those issues were, and how they were decided.

Hi sanjoseag,

Thanks for your answer.
I have a certified disposition of the court for traffic citation, payment of parking ticket. The car accident was a little crush in a mall. We reported to our insurance. I don´t have any disposition for the car accident because I didn´t have any ticket or police involve. What can I take to the interview??Should it be fine SR 19 (financial responsability request in order to get copy of SR 11) or DMV record is ok?

Thanks again

I forgot to tell you that the car accident was my fault. It happened in 2007 and it is about to expire.
The thing is that I got a point in my driver record because of my fault. I got a DMV record today and still showing the accident. Are they checking dmv recordss?? because they are going to see my accident. Though I didn´t get a citation, fine or police involve for this one.

You should assume they have all the records. Even if this is not the case, you have to assume the worst so as not to be accused of lying. However, you can (and people do) ignore certain incidents which they think are minor - this is not per law, but based on what are common practices.
My previous advice was based on my reading that this was just an insurance claim ... if DMV was involved it changes the circumstance a bit.
Now if only points were given, but no ticket was ever issued - should you report it? My personal feeling is NO, but others might disagree.
[EDIT]Come to think of it, I have 2 such incidents on record. First one was over 10 years back, but the other one just 1 year before naturalization ... I never thought of them being covered until I read your post.
If an auto accident didn't involve citation, then there's no need to disclose it regardless of if you were at fault or not. DMV takes off driver points based on insurance information.
i just had my interview yesterday.
i didnt indicate any traffic citation on the N400. my attorney told me so.

when the officer was going through my application. she asked and verified all the questions 1 by 1.

when she asked me if i have any citation. i pull out my recent "no u-turn" ticket, traffic school certificate and receipt of my bail and "case dismiss", and said "this is the one i can remember".

she looked at them and was satisfied with them.

oh, i also didnt declare im NOT a hispanic.

is it ok to forgot filling something on the paper.

my suggestion is to bring enough papers to support your explanation.

dont worry too much, the officer WANTS to pass you.

if you have DUI, reckless driving, that's another story. but, as long as they are solved, you will be ok