Traffic citations - Speeding tickets


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Can someone please let me know if drivers record from DMV will be sufficient, to prove that citation fine has been paid in full or do we need get something from the court.
citzn said:
Can someone please let me know if drivers record from DMV will be sufficient, to prove that citation fine has been paid in full or do we need get something from the court.

Most likely they will not even bother about it. But that document should be sufficient to demonstrate you do not have any unpaid citations.
INS doesn't care about the record from DMV; rather they would need to see the paid receipt or traffic court record. DMV record might be good for you to see when and where you got tickets, but it means nothing to INS. If you don't have a proof of paid receipt for traffic violation then you would need to contact the traffic court where the matter was resolved. Mostly traffic courts don't keep record for more than 3 yrs old. If that is case, then you would need to get a letter from them for saying about the non-existence of record.

Good Luck.
Do we need to list citations issued (paid) even before acquiring GreenCard or only after GC.
I was taught to say THANK YOU to someone who helps or at least to acknowledge people's time/energy/effort to help others. Perhaps, I was raised wrongly and badly?
JohnnyCash said:
INS doesn't care about the record from DMV; rather they would need to see the paid receipt or traffic court record. DMV record might be good for you to see when and where you got tickets, but it means nothing to INS. If you don't have a proof of paid receipt for traffic violation then you would need to contact the traffic court where the matter was resolved. Mostly traffic courts don't keep record for more than 3 yrs old. If that is case, then you would need to get a letter from them for saying about the non-existence of record.

Good Luck.

Isn't it sad that one govt. agency could care less about documentation from another govt. agency (granted one is federal and one is state). If you can produce a DMV document that says that you have cleared your record (or not) is not proof positive for INS, then I am not sure what would be :)

The DMV is the expert on your driving record and the INS should accept their word. Perhaps we might see something like this in the next 50-100 years :p

There, I am done with my rambling!

Traffic Citations

Do you need to mention traffic citations (speeding ticket) on the N400 application form.
Stopped for speeding but no ticket or citation

Do we need to declare in N400 if stopped for speeding and let go with just an advice to slow down with NO speeding or warning ticket issued.

Reply is appreciated.
chatrathi said:
Isn't it sad that one govt. agency could care less about documentation from another govt. agency (granted one is federal and one is state). If you can produce a DMV document that says that you have cleared your record (or not) is not proof positive for INS, then I am not sure what would be :)

The DMV is the expert on your driving record and the INS should accept their word. Perhaps we might see something like this in the next 50-100 years :p

There, I am done with my rambling!


you have cleared your DMV record has nothing to do with if you have already paid the ticket or not.

DMV records any accidents and traffic voilation. they do not record if you have already paid or not.

I agree with you. DMV is the expert on your driving record, and that is it. USCIS is interested into if you have paid and any outstanding warrant.

So, I do not see it is a sad thing that USCIS has more proof that just your current DMV record. Additionally, DMV only keeps the last 5-7 years of your traffic voilation records anyway. USCIS is interested in ALL kind of voildation records.
If you have an outstanding warrant due to the speeding ticket, I am quite confident it will show up in your DMV records. The courts have absolutely no reason not to inform the DMV about your infraction.
In my interview today morning the feedback I got was that unless you had to appear in court, there was no interest in a traffic citation. I had taken the paid receipt I got from the DMV. Driving records from the DMV also show that the citation is paid for. Again, I did not have to show any of this due to the feedback.

Hope this helps.
tz6ph0 said:
Do we need to declare in N400 if stopped for speeding and let go with just an advice to slow down with NO speeding or warning ticket issued.

Reply is appreciated.

Besides you and God nobody knows about that. (The cop forgot next day abouth the whole incident) So you do the math. ;)
I'm not advising you to lie, but whay volunteer an info which even you can't prove that ever occured...what if a smart ass IO says: "what proof do you have that the violation was corrected?"
ocworker said:
DMV records any accidents and traffic voilation. they do not record if you have already paid or not.

I agree with you. DMV is the expert on your driving record, and that is it. USCIS is interested into if you have paid and any outstanding warrant.


Please help me understand. I just got yesterday my DMV record. Two violations. In the column next to each it says "violation cleared". Now, let say since one of the violation was a "speeding ticket" how was that violation cleared except by:
1. paying the ticket.
or better
2. having it dismissed by the court.
Where they(DMV) get the "clearance" for tickets, not from the courts? I'm positive is not from FBI NNCP...cause in that case we were in bigger trouble :D
And, to make sure I don't forget later on, I thank in advance to everyone who will clarify this dilemma for me. :)
Suzy977 said:
Please help me understand. I just got yesterday my DMV record. Two violations. In the column next to each it says "violation cleared". Now, let say since one of the violation was a "speeding ticket" how was that violation cleared except by:
1. paying the ticket.
or better
2. having it dismissed by the court.
Where they(DMV) get the "clearance" for tickets, not from the courts? I'm positive is not from FBI NNCP...cause in that case we were in bigger trouble :D
And, to make sure I don't forget later on, I thank in advance to everyone who will clarify this dilemma for me. :)

i am not too sure thou. i guess you know the best .. was the ticket paid in full? or was the ticket dismissed by court?

did you go to traffic school? sorry for not able to help much. may be you should speak with your local DMV to check what it means on your record thou.
ocworker said:
i am not too sure thou. i guess you know the best .. was the ticket paid in full? or was the ticket dismissed by court?

did you go to traffic school? sorry for not able to help much. may be you should speak with your local DMV to check what it means on your record thou.

I paid the tickets by mail. Both of them, no court appearance, I thought is a waste of time since the cop is "always right".
Now, DMV says "violation corrected", my logical conclusion is that: First the police or court gave them the info about the initial violation, and after I paid the ticket they also informed DMV.
CIS should be at least out of their mind not to accept the DMV report, it's no way in the world DMV will mark it as "Violation Corrected" if somebody (most likely the court) doesn't tell them that I paid it.
And another thing, I've heard the other day someone saying: "Yes but DMV has records only for the last 3 or 5 years"...I believe if you have an outstanding warrant it will stay in your DMV record for as long as you live :confused: ...they don't just erase it after 3 or 5 years, right?
Am I making sense? I'd like to hear others opinion, and unlike some guys in this forum I won't get mad and start calling you names if you think differently ;) I'm here to learn and to understand things, and if once in a while I can help, I'll be more than happy to do it :)
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Speeding Ticket.

Guys, Can you tell me how to answer these queries. And please tell me if there is anything else i need to know (apart from the info on this thread). Thanks in advance. :)

15. Have you ever committed a crime or offense for which you were not

16. Have you ever been arrested, cited or detained by any law enforcement officer (including USCIS or former INS and military officers) for any reason?

Why were you arrested, cited, detained or charged?

Outcome or disposition of the arrest, citation, detention or charge
pdev11 said:
Guys, Can you tell me how to answer these queries. And please tell me if there is anything else i need to know (apart from the info on this thread). Thanks in advance. :)

15. Have you ever committed a crime or offense for which you were not

16. Have you ever been arrested, cited or detained by any law enforcement officer (including USCIS or former INS and military officers) for any reason?

Why were you arrested, cited, detained or charged?

Outcome or disposition of the arrest, citation, detention or charge

since you never told us if you have any crimial background, it is hard for us to tell you how you answer it.

15. -- you should know it better (how would I know if you have stolen something and did not get caught? <-- it was just an example)
16. for the speeding ticket, you would have to answer "Yes".