tracking physical card

About I-551 stamping

POE: JFK on 12/29/2004

Still waiting for our welcome letter. A couple of questions:

1) The BCIS officer didn't give me the bottom part of
the I-94 form, is this usual for new immigration visa

2) My passport is only stamped with a BCIS stamp
which has the CLASS as "E11" and UNTIL as my A-number,
I didn't have the so-called I-551 stamp, is this right?
mindu said:
POE: JFK on 12/29/2004

Still waiting for our welcome letter. A couple of questions:

1) The BCIS officer didn't give me the bottom part of
the I-94 form, is this usual for new immigration visa

{Since you entered as a PR you are not required to fill the I-94 form in
the first place. }

2) My passport is only stamped with a BCIS stamp
which has the CLASS as "E11" and UNTIL as my A-number,
I didn't have the so-called I-551 stamp, is this right?

{With the new system of affixing a MRV in the Passport I think the
need for noting the 'valid till' date next to the stamp may no longer
be needed.(MRV = Machine readable Visa)}

{My responses}

SSN Received

Hi Guys ,

Just an update
Me and my wife received our SSN cards today. Mine was the same number with restricition removed and my wifes was a new number. It came automagically and saved us the trouble of going to SSA office. Still to receive the welcome letter or plastic card. Hopefully it will come soon.

POE : LAX and DOE : 01/13/05.

mindu said:
POE: JFK on 12/29/2004

Still waiting for our welcome letter. A couple of questions:

1) The BCIS officer didn't give me the bottom part of
the I-94 form, is this usual for new immigration visa

2) My passport is only stamped with a BCIS stamp
which has the CLASS as "E11" and UNTIL as my A-number,
I didn't have the so-called I-551 stamp, is this right?

I agree with Raju on both the points. I too did not get any I-551 stamp only a BCIS stamp.
SSN Received

My wife received SSN card yesterday, 01/24. Still to receive the welcome letter and plastic card. Hopefully it will come soon.
POE JFK 1/2/2005

Received the welcome letters multiple copies on 1/14, 1/15, 1/24. Received the Physical GC on 1/24. Found a mistake on the card.
Good luck with you all.
mindu said:
POE: JFK on 12/29/2004

Still waiting for our welcome letter. A couple of questions:

1) The BCIS officer didn't give me the bottom part of
the I-94 form, is this usual for new immigration visa

2) My passport is only stamped with a BCIS stamp
which has the CLASS as "E11" and UNTIL as my A-number,
I didn't have the so-called I-551 stamp, is this right?

Agree with raju .

I'm actually surprised that :
* The airline gave the I-94 form to you
* The imm. officer did not scream at you .. ;)
Hi everyone, I received the welcome letter on Jan 24. I just checked my case status on the internet by putting my receipt number which told me that the approval notice has been mailed. What is approval notice? It is just the green card? Thanks.
mindu said:
POE: JFK on 12/29/2004

Still waiting for our welcome letter. A couple of questions:

1) The BCIS officer didn't give me the bottom part of
the I-94 form, is this usual for new immigration visa

2) My passport is only stamped with a BCIS stamp
which has the CLASS as "E11" and UNTIL as my A-number,
I didn't have the so-called I-551 stamp, is this right?

Mindu, My IV has a small annotation - "Upon endorsement this serves as a I-551 evidencing permanent residence". At POE, they just put the BCIS stamp with the class.
intezar_imtehan said:
Mindu, My IV has a small annotation - "Upon endorsement this serves as a I-551 evidencing permanent residence". At POE, they just put the BCIS stamp with the class.

That's the procedure. That BCIS stamp will serve as an evidence of PR. Other than the stamp they don't do anything on passprot.
Good Luck!
lucienmike said:
Hi everyone, I received the welcome letter on Jan 24. I just checked my case status on the internet by putting my receipt number which told me that the approval notice has been mailed. What is approval notice? It is just the green card? Thanks.
The approval notice is the receipt you got the number from :)
Hi Alren and all,

I have a question about receiving my physical card.

I got back from LAX on 01/08/2005. It has been almost 30 days. I called the USCIS 800 number, and they told me they can't find any information/update that they need to send me a welcome letter or physical card. They asked me to go to my local USCIS office for further information since there is something wrong.

So I went to the local USCIS office on 02/03/2005, but the office said I have to wait for at least TWO months before checking the staus with them. Also, the officer said she doesn't see any problem at all on case.

I'm kind of confuses now. Since according to USCIS 800 #, if I become a resident and don't receive the welcome letter within 30 days. I should call them right away.....but our local officer is kind of disagree with on that.
What should I do now?

Also, my wife got back a week later than I do, but she already received the physical card just in 10 days after her arrival.

I'm planning to call the 800 # again on Monday, can anyone please tell me what information the officer need to see on his/her PC, then they can send me the welcome letter???

Thanks, Eric
Received PC

Hi Guys,

Me and my wife received our PC today. Everything looks fine on my wife's card. On my card they messed up the immigrant since date. Anybody got idea how to deal with that or can I just leave it alone. For me the immigrant since date shows my birth date and for my wife it shows the POE date.

Thanks a lot.
Waiting for plastic and question

here is my info
EB2 interview date oct14 DOE 01/26/05 POE Philly
I'm still waiting for the letters and plastic.
My wife is still in india and will come in March first week, she plans to go back to india within a week after DOE and come only after few months probably before fall. So she'll go back before getting her GC. In our Immigrant visa there is a IV expires on date that is April 14 and in the bottom there is a note "Upon Endorsement Serves as Temporary Evidence of Lawful Permanent Residence for 1 year", i got a stamp USCIS at POE indicating the DOE and a written "E21" below it. Is this stamp the endorsment or should we get endorsed at USCIS office? My question is for some reasons the GC is delayed for my wife while she is in india, can she come back although the IV expiry is april and only stamping is USCIS which only mentions the entry date and there is no clear stamping which they used to earlier which will say one year from the DOE.? I think i stretched my question bit long, thanks in advance for u'r help and knowledge on this.

I would wait till 3/8 before worrying about it.

Ram - congrats for the cards. N'joy.