Tracker Waiting For Approval Apr/may/jun

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From this list it looks like there are not many May filers and amost 50-70% of April filers are approved ...So I guess they will start with June cases sometime this Feb-end or March 1st.
So almost all of the or atleast 95% of Apr,May,June cases will be approved by April-15th or so.
Am I too pessimestic or practical ?
Add my details - RD 6/5 ND 8/7 - EAC 01-240 -xxx confused about EAC

Was wondering how is this EAC # issued, I understand it has something to do with the no of working days starting from Oct 1st. But I also found that one of the May filer guy who got his approval also had his EAC # 01-240, so does VSC issue the same EAC# for a range of filer dates.
Just spoke with an IIO

AD: Waiting
Just got off the phone with the IIO, she tells me that my case has been assigned to an officer on 2/8/02. Also said could take upto 30 days before a decision is made. I have seen some late april/may RD people claiming that their cases are approved, I wonder if they are true.
I saw one june approval

on this board under heading "Wonderful job vsc" from myhoney. It looks like vsc is slightly inching into June cases.
Hello Milk, please upadte my details

My details are already in the list but not accurate. The following is the accurate data.
PD 1/2000
RD 6/27
ND 8/16
FP 11/23

Thank you and I appreciate your efforts to keep a list like this. Good work, keep it up.