Tracker : Spouce's case not approved

NO you donot have to wait

The primary applicant can get the passport stamped after his own approval without any consideration to the secondary applicant.
Folks in this thread - please respond

Gursanjit - thanks for your reply.

I have received my approval (primary applicant). My daughter has an RD one month after mine and her case is pending. My corporate attorney's paralegal has advised me to wait for my daughter's approval before going for stamping otherwise she may be out of status.

Is this true? I thought that once you file your I485, your status is of an adjustee. Please advise and share your experience.

Thank you.
Re: Spoke to IIO at 9:00 on 4/7/03

Originally posted by dusranazar
My husband spoke with IIO today regarding his case.
I am the primary and was approved on 4/3/03.
He was told that the FP expires on 4/17 and I quote " it costs us an additional $50 to get the FP done and we cannot charge it to the applicants- it is not much but when you multiply it with the # of cases, it can become substantial. If it is not approved before the FP validity, it is a black mark against the officer.. not that he will be shot or hung.. You should be approved by that date"..Unquote.. Hope there is some truth in this..

I talked to IIO yesterday regarding my 14- year- old son't status.
I was told that he needs a FP as well since he pasted 14th birthday dring the pending.
i am supposed to get a notice from BCIS for $50 requirement. Then he will be scheduled to get his FP done..... after that, an aproval will be considered.

What a pain!!
Hi Zambia,

You should get your stamping.. You dont have to wait for your daughter's approval. She will not be out of status. Her 485 is pending and she is in status .

Do not worry.

Most of the people in this thread have had their stamping done without waiting for their dependent's approval.

All the best Guys
Thanks rd10132001

I checked with my corporate attorney - he confirmed that I could go head and get my passport stamped.

Corporate paralegal messed-up my daughters case and gave me wrong advise about stamping - case got separated from mine and her I485 is pending.

The primary applicant got approved today. RD:11/23/01
ND: 12/12/01 AD: 4/16/03 EAC-02-061-50XXX

The spouse's case is still waiting. When will it come?
Approved today

Wait of 40 days for my wife's case to be approved. It finally happened today. RD was OCT 9 2001
Is there a time frame for person to get passport stampled once his/her I-485 gets approved?
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As per AVM message, a RFE is sent out for me requesting additional information. But the primary applicant already got approved on April 16, 2003. What is the RFE for?
Have anybody seen the RFE generated for the dependent even after the primary applicant got approved?

RD: 11/23/01
ND: 12/12/01
FP: 1/23/02
RFE: 4/24/03
This is usually for medical or validity of relation test, or birth certificate etc.
It might also be due to status issue during the persons stay in the US
Finally Wife got Approved

Hello everyone

Finally after 7 years its all over now.
My wife got approved yesterday about 17 months after I got approved.

I am positive Sending a fax to FBI for name check helped. Because they replied back with email that they had finished the name check that day.
After waiting for 2 years.

Details Below

Please keep hope and send a fax to FBI.
Many people have posted on this forum how to send fax to FBI but if you need more info let me know and I will tell you all I know

RD Oct 01
ND Nov 01
FP1 Jul 02 both of us
Primary (Me) approved Apr 03
Wife FP2 Nov 03
Sent Name check request fax to FBI Jun 25 2004
Got email from FBI saying name check completed on Aug 26 2004
Wife approved Sep 22, 2004

Many EAD and AP in between

Good luck all
Yes we did everything together

Yes applications sent together, at the same time
FP together
Everything the same.

But she got approved 18 months after I did.

90% of the cases are approved for the whole family together.
10% are not.

Maybe the finger print report was not correct
Maybe FBI name check did not come back, etc.

I contacted FBI by sending them this letter.
It helped a lot. They acknowledged that they had lost the case, and when I sent the fax, they tried to look for it, and approved it immediately.
Without sending the fax my wife's case would still be stuck.


FAX Number 202-324-3367

Date here

Federal Bureau of Investigation
Security Name Check Department.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I applied for I-485 adjustment of status in xxxxxx with Vermont Service Center (VSC). My husband who was the primary applicant got approved in xxxxx. My case is still pending at VSC.

According to USCIS Vermont Service Center, my I-485 case has been pending on name check since xxxxx

I would be very grateful if you can provide us the current status of my name check. Please feel free to contact me at my home phone number xxxxx, or via email at xxxxxx

Thanking you in advance



Thanks for your reply...Did you check your status online or by phone, after your fingerprints were done? If yes, did the LUD (latest update date) change online after your's and your wife's fingerprint...the reason I am asking this is because both mine and my wife's LUD changed about a couple of weeks after we did our fingerprints-the message did not change only the date changed to a new date. After my I485 got approved, both my LUD and message changed to a new date with the message that my case has been approved. However, my wife's LUD remained the same. Thus, it is likely that VSC has received results from both my wife's and my fingerprints from FBI. The National 800 number supervisor told me that it is likely that my case and my wife's case are being handled by two different officers and that my wife's officer is slower than mine.

Thanks for your help,

Jinnah M said:
Yes applications sent together, at the same time
FP together
Everything the same.

But she got approved 18 months after I did.
I checked online

I checked the status online.
It did not change for the last 2 years.
Then I got LUD change to March 2004 and then it just got stuck there.

My lawyer sent info requests every 60 days, but nothing happened.
She would get a letter back, saying they are working on it.

And even after that LUD date would not change
Dear all,
what is IIO's telephone no? what IIO stands for??

fmawatch said:
RD 10/04, Primary approved 03/04/04. Spouse pending
Some history on my calls to IIO since then:
I have called pretty much once a week for the first three weeks
Each time I have spoken to a really nice person and he/she has always told me that this should not have happened.
One of them told me that the files were together until adjudication (makes sense since we received our RFEs together for missing medical form)
Each one said that they would send a fresh notice to the officer in-charge.
Since I work for a small company where the HR is pro-active in such matters and they do pay the lawyers a lot of money, I have now decided to e-mail HR instead.
Last week the lawyer told us that they have been calling the INS every week regarding our case and that each officer is allowed to take upto 30 days on a case. So the lawyers plan to call their INS liason and ask that the case be transfered to a supervisor if no action is take by 04/01. I try to keep this thread updated.
I had also started a similar thread after my approval and kia and hereforever were few of the respondents at that time too.
Right now I have the same problem like your guys, my husband got approved, I am not.The LUD message says the finger print is pending,it's been pending for more than 6 months! I don't know how long it's going to pend, I can't stand this. I am going to send them a letter, but I don't know who does the finger print report? I guess it's FBI, right?