Tracker for possible August 2002 Interview - Mumbai Consulate


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Lets track possible interviews for August. My details

-- STL to NVC 05/23
-- NVC Review Completed 06/03

Waiting for file to be sent to Mumbai...

Here\'s the link for the July discussion thread

jk8 "Tracker for Possible July 2002 interview - Mumbai Consulate" 4/30/02 4:43pm

and the one for the June discussion thread

bhagat "CONFIRMED June 2002 interviews for MUMBAI" 5/7/02 1:02pm
Documents to be kept ready for interview

Here is the list of documents that we need to have them ready for the interview. Please add if I missed any of them. I made this list from this board only. (Documents are as applicable to you). These are the documents we all have before we receive our P4. Final list we can put into tracker for confirmed Aug interview. Hope this will help. For on safer side I\'ll make 2 copies for each document.

Marriage Certificate(Original)
Marriage Certificate(w/ Trans cert)
Birth Certificate(Original)(You+wife+kids)
Birth Certificate(w/ Trans cert)(You+wife+kids)
Police Certificates(Consulate)(You+wife)
Police Certificates(Local)(You+wife)??????
2001-2000-1999-TAX RETURNS
Notarized Offer of Employment
Completed 9003 forms
All H1/H4 B\'s (If your stampped Visa is expired then this will help you to prove your status)

Following documents will be needed after we receive P4 -
Photos(2 each person)
DS230 II
Employment letter
I-134(for all dependents)

Any commnets????
What are you guys doing about local PCC?

I should be receiving the consulate PCC this week. But now there is additional headache of trying to get the local PCC. I hope that the June interview guys are able to shed more light on the issue of whether we really need it. There have been a couple of cases last month where they were asked to go back and get local PCC and some other cases where they did not ask for it.
Case review completed on 3rd. How long to reach consulate?

I just spoke to operator. She told me my case review has been completed on 3rd June.
P3 mailed to St. L. - 2 nd May
P3 received at NVC - 21 May
P3 review completed - 3rd June
Consulate - Mumbai
The lady told me now she will send my papers to Washington to check if visa number is available for us.
If it is available then they will decide on the date and send the papers to consulate.
She said , from the date your case is reviewed it should reach the consulate in 4-6 weeks !!!!
What is this Washington thing coming in between. Any one has got such reply ? Is this normal case.
I was under the impression that once the review is done case should reach the consulate in a weeks time. why is this 4-6 weeks again :(
Can someone please tell me?

SVJ, our dates seem to be going along same line!!

Congrats Subbu55!!!

When I spoke to operator, she didn\'t told me anything about this "Washington" thing. I think this the first time that we all are hearing such thing. Well per CP guru\'s NVC send cases to consulate every Wednesday ... so hopefully ours will be in this. According to my knowladge when our case reach consulate, they(consulate) ask for the visa number to assige to case and then they schedule interview. NVC always plays safe when it comes to tell about timings. 4-6 wks is std answer. BTW are you from Mumbai or where are you planning to stay. I\'m planning to do my medicals in Lilavati. It seems people had good experience at Lilavati and Hinduja. As time progress we\'ll in touch ... I\'m also waiting for June interview guys to get good idea about local PCC.

We\'ll be in \'August\' interview.
Local PCC... Reply from Mumbai consulate to bluegrass...

bluegrass "Inconsistences at Mumbai Consulate with regard to PCC" 6/4/02 2:05pm

So, it seems that now we do NOT require local PCC. We\'ll come to know from the June interview guys for sure!! This is good news!!
No Title

I specifically asked the person from NVC if this DC path is standard procedure for you and she said yes!!
Any way i will call them sometime next week to see if i get some other response....
I hope there is no problem...
SVJ have you already taken employment letter? or should we wait for some more time so that letter is not out dated?
I got my pcc in march end . hope it should be valid till our interview. I read on this forum that it is valid for a year if so then no probs....
I\'ll wait untill I get P4 ....

... to get the employment letter, because there will be enough time to get it then(we\'ll receive P4 atleast monthe before our interview). Just sent email to my attorney regarding this query. She said she will help me in this respect. I also got my PCC in march only and it is valid for one year, unless you leave this country well before your interview, then they will ask for local PC (like if spouse is in India, then she will require local PC).
Non-availability for birth certificate

For my wife, local Birth and Death department refused to issue non-availability certificate since recently they found some fraud in that department and lots of things happened. So I got it from Indian consulate. Also I got Affidavite from her parents. Does anybody has idea whether this will be the valid document. We have 10 std cert, school leaving cert and other docs which have her DOB.
CP Expected Time Frame


Can anyone please let me know the expected procedure and time it would take after the 140 is approved.

SUBBU55.. THIS DC thing

is standard for Montreal guys. The NVC makes the appointment (reserving the visa) BEFORE sending the case to Montreal. Make sure they have your consulate right.
Moulin, I will call them again to make sure about it.

thanks for making me aware of this other consular issue...
You should have a case number starting with BMB for Mumbai consulate

If it starts with BMB, then your consulate is Mumbai
Did you guys saw consulate reply to Bluegrass..

Looks like we do not need local PCC.

Some relief.

vsshah "Inconsistences at Mumbai Consulate with regard to PCC" 6/4/02 11:01am
Query if my interview can be in August

Hey Folks,
I had send my P3 to STL on 5/8/02.Last week when i called NVC had not recieved it yet.Anybody experiencing the same.Also do you guys think i can get a august interview date?
AC140 (E2) case - expecting august date

My AC140 (E2) was accepted by mumbai consulate and they emailed BMB case# on 29th May. I am guessing August interview and preparing accordingly. Any chances of me getting july interview? Also looks like most of the employment based cases are scheduled between 20th to end of every month. Is that how it is?
My AC140 was also accepted around 24th May.

Consulate informed me of August Interview.
Is it true all Employmeny cases are scheduled b/w after 20th of each month ?