Tracker for JULY 2001 Filers

Add me, RD 7/30/01 ND 9/25/01 FP 1/12/02 OEM

Ignore my previos post with same data but, dirrerent nick , i.e ND0925
Add me too .. RD 07/13

PD 06/2000
RD 07/13
ND 08/28
FP 12/27 Newark

It is really nice job that you guys are doing. Please don\'t forget to update the list if some gets approved.

Duplicate entries

Hi Milk,

ND0925, kvreddy and ND0921 are same, please remove the duplicates, kvreddy data is good, so remove ND0925 and ND0921,

PD 08/99 RD 07/30/01 ND 09/25/01 FP 1/12/02, EB3/NJ/INDIA
We\'re next

Guys/Gals, Check your AVM frequently and post it here if hear any new message than \'processing has resumed\'

WE ARE NEXT............

You get connected to AVM at the very first ring, if you call during after working don\'t waste much of your time and check only after hours.

I guess, we should be hearing some news about July filers, by end of next week.

Updated list is enclosed
Please add my info

Hello milk,
This is my deatils.
PD 06/12/1999.
RD 07/16/2001.
ND 08/29/2001.
FP done on 12/01/2001.
Waiting for AD.
Thanks to all.
hi! forgot me this time around.....

my details:

PD: 05/2000
RD: 07/30/01
ND: 09/21/01
FP: 01/12/02
EAC: EAC-01-276-5****
State/Country/Category: NJ/India/EB3

take care...
Sorry man

Mr KVReddy made 3 duplicate entries (3 different user names) and asked me to delete the duplicate ones. One of those id looks similar to yours, so I accidentally deleted it. Anyway, you are back in.
compiled list for the people with RD in July 2001

Great Job Friends,
could u please add my details to the list.
PD 03/00, RD 7/12/01, ND 8/27/01, FP 01/10/02, AD waiting

Hey, my case ain\'t approved yet, i keep seeingmy id flashed all over the discussion board....

PD: 2/00 RD: 7/5/01 ND: 8/17/01 FP:12/13/01, AD:Awaiting...

Check this one

out for yourself
sendhilvelan "JULY-2001 I-485 Approved - VSC" 2/13/02 3:25pm

I think, your id had been hijaked.
If you care, just go to Service Center - Vermont on this site, and post the denial. Lot of JULY RD people are high on hopes with this fake approval.
I have create a new id g_17_2002, please update my info.....

PD: 2/00 RD: 7/5/01 ND: 8/17/01 FP:12/13/01, AD:Awaiting...

Thank you!