Tracker for JULY 2001 Filers

Add me too .. first time here..

RD 7/13/01, ND 8/27/01, FP - done on 1/16/02, EAC 01-256-xxxxx, EB3/India
Lets track June filers

Milk had started July filers list... Guys lets see how many June filer we have.
List updated

Note to Karman: Look at my other tracker for June RD filers...."TRACKER FOR ....APR/MAY/JUN"

Frank Lee: COuld you please verify your ND. I saw your postings one with 8/24, and the other with 8/25. You said in the latest posting , that your EAC # is 256, that belongs to ND of 8/27.
hey milk ...could you please help....

I have a slightly awkward situation ...

In Nov,00 when I came back from India I had a new H1 stamped on my passport but the officer at the POE mistakenly saw the old H1(which had not expired unfortunately) I got a 94 with expiry of Feb,01....whereas I should have got the 94 with expiry of Nov, when I filed my 485 in July, stupid lawyer never noticed the we sent a copy of 94(with expiry of Feb,01) along with the 485 application......later on we got the problem corrected (got the 94 modified at INS,NY) but never sent an updated copy of 94 to you think my case would also fall under the out of status there anything that can be done lawyer says everything will go smoothly....I am having my FP also done.....and it seems that in another 1-2 months INS would start cases with RD in July,01.......

could you please give some advice.....

anyone else with a smiliar experience..please pitch in guys.....

thanks a lot for your help........
My details to update in the JulyList.xls

Here are the full details to update in the JulyList.xls

PD 10/99
EAC 01 262 50XXX
Country India
State CA
RD - 07/20/01
ND - 09/05/01
FP - 11/07/01

my info

RD: 04/27/01
ND: 07/12/01 (I don\'t know why it took 2 1/2 month from RD to ND...)
FP: 11/23/01 ,cleared 12/31/01
AD: ?
State: NJ
another July rd

My info:
  Pd 4/98
  Rd 7/16/01
  Nd 8/29/01
  Fp 12/8/01
  Eb 3 China
EAC Question

Hi Milk & Other July Filers,
My RD is July23, and EAC is 01-268,
I guess, for all July23 RDs, it should start with 01-268.
Am I right?

If so, I see different EAC#, posted by Wellwisher2002 on July 23rd in your list. Pl. comment.

LIst Updated

On seeing the first June approval (on this site), my hopes for JULY 2001 approvals are on high today, and I strongly feel that some of July RD applications will be moving into the so called \'work area\' in a matter of few days.
you should be fine, relax

As far as I know, it is ok as long as you have a new I94 and were in status all the time with approved H1B petitions.

If they issue any RFE in your case (most likey not), you have already have explanation and the proof, so you can send the reply to RFE in a matter of hours, and be approved within 2 weeks of RFE (thats what happens in most RFE cases).
Folks, Hang on

From my other tracking list for APR/MAY/JUN, it looks like we are running out of people in APR and MAY. We saw already a June approval today, which marks begining of JUN. Just pray god. I will bet that we will see the first July approval on this board by end of Feb or the first week of March, FOR SUREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE...

Look at my other tracking list with this mail