TRACKER: Fairfax/VA/DC - Alexandria Court Oath ceremony - pending Oath letter

1. Is your case recommended for approval when your interview was completed ?
2. Did you apply for name change during the interview ?
3. Is it more than 120 days that your interview has been completed ?

If the answer to the above three is YES, then please contact Senators Webb and Mark Warner's offices - with a detailed letter.
Send them the copy of the 'recommended for approval' letter and mention the timeline.

You will hear back from them soon.

Good luck
1. Yes, I passed the interview, and received the N-652 form on 11/6/09
2. Yes, I put a request for name change in the application form, and also talked to the interview officer during the interview.
3. Yes, It's almost 6 months since I passed the interview.

As you suggested, I think it's time to contact the Senator with cover letter. Do you know how soon they contact us? Do I have to mail, or should I go to the senator's office and drop it?


1. Is your case recommended for approval when your interview was completed ?
2. Did you apply for name change during the interview ?
3. Is it more than 120 days that your interview has been completed ?

If the answer to the above three is YES, then please contact Senators Webb and Mark Warner's offices - with a detailed letter.
Send them the copy of the 'recommended for approval' letter and mention the timeline.

You will hear back from them soon.

Good luck

The interview officer congratulated me, give the N-652 form, and asked me to look for the oath letter in the next 4 to 8 weeks. Took InfoPass and went to the Fairfax twice so far to enquire the status. I am still waiting for the oath letter.



Have you opted for name change? Did you pass the interview? Did the officer congradulate and informed that you have passed the interview and recommended you for citizenship? Based on you told here is not clear what you have been waiting for?

Rox has the same suituation like me and coveface and got his oath on May 20th. You have way prior date compared to him?

Passed the intervivew on 11/6/09, I was given the N-652 form, and the "Congratulation! Your application has been recommended for approval" is checked.

The current processing time for N-400 is Oct 1st as of 4/15. Does it mean processing the N-400 application form such as interviews? or name change processing? It's not clear.

Thanks for your help.

Sorry i should had been more clear. Priorite date is the date when the N-400 was received by the USCIS and not the interview date.
to check the processing dates just click on this link as of February 28,2010
now the cut off date is october 01, 2009. your 120 days are way overdue. you should write to Senato's office and ask for help on your case.
What was the outcome of your interview? were you give N-652 form? What it said?


Anybody can correct me if i am wrong but i thing After 90 days of the interview one can call 1-800-number and make a service request to find out what's going on with the case. After 120 days by now i think you know what to do.

Now to you Quetions. the current processing time is October 1st that means the USCIS is interviewing and adjudicating those applicants that applied before or on October 1st, that dosen't mean that your case as been forgotten but you have to know that is out of processing time set by USCIS therefore you got to do alot of follow ups.

Go to page 2. There is message from wave with link to PDF form to sent to JIM Webb. Print that out and fill it. You can attach a detail complaint as well. Attach all the necessary paperwork to process. The address is also listed over here. Depends on where you live send to that local office.

Good Luck. I have sent mine on last Tuesday. Let me tell if I here anything from Senator's office.

1. Yes, I passed the interview, and received the N-652 form on 11/6/09
2. Yes, I put a request for name change in the application form, and also talked to the interview officer during the interview.
3. Yes, It's almost 6 months since I passed the interview.

As you suggested, I think it's time to contact the Senator with cover letter. Do you know how soon they contact us? Do I have to mail, or should I go to the senator's office and drop it?

1. Yes, I passed the interview, and received the N-652 form on 11/6/09
2. Yes, I put a request for name change in the application form, and also talked to the interview officer during the interview.
3. Yes, It's almost 6 months since I passed the interview.

As you suggested, I think it's time to contact the Senator with cover letter. Do you know how soon they contact us? Do I have to mail, or should I go to the senator's office and drop it?


Yes ..Please mail it to the Jim Webb's and Mark Warner's offices - write a detailed letter - stating that you are waiting for more than 6 months and that it is hurting your job opportunities which require citizenship. You should hear in 10 days and they should schedule you in June Oath.
Goodluck hopeful.
Waiting for my Oath Letter...................

i am from Roanoke,VA and had my interview at the Fairfax office on Nov 19,2009. i passed the interview and was told they ware waiting on my Finger print results from the FBI. i still have not heard back from them.......yet. i was told i will get my Oat Letter and will have my Oat ceremony in Roanoke,VA
this morning i called the USCIS-1800-375-5283 and the auto response i got was i am still at the interview stage...............!
anyone in the same boat as i am? and have heard anything from the Fairfax office or from USCIS?
Zulu - If I were you, I would write a detailed letter to the Senators and your congressman - with a copy of the recommended for approval letter that you got after interview.
If there is no name change involved, you should be hearing in 2 weeks with oath letter following soon.
Good luck.
1. Yes, I passed the interview, and received the N-652 form on 11/6/09
2. Yes, I put a request for name change in the application form, and also talked to the interview officer during the interview.
3. Yes, It's almost 6 months since I passed the interview.

As you suggested, I think it's time to contact the Senator with cover letter. Do you know how soon they contact us? Do I have to mail, or should I go to the senator's office and drop it?


6 MONTHS!!!! that is a mood killer.
I did receive a letter from senator Jim Webb last week. It mentioned his team forwarded my letter to USCIS and enquiring. Let me see how things move forward.
Last week I wrote a letter to Senator Webb regarding my case. Yesterday I received an acknowledgement letter from the senator office.


8/20/2009 N-400 Notice Date
11/6/2009 Interview at FairFax (Passed)
??/??/2010 Oath letter received
hey Rox,

How was your ceremony? Did you talk to anyone that had a name change during the process? What was their timeline?
Writing to Senator's office

I have a question. After waiting a long time for a decision from DO I am planning to send letter to the Senator. Would please advice me what other documents (evidence, papers) should I attach with the letter. Your urgent reply will appreciated.

I did receive the oath letter from USCIS. I guess senator JIM WEBB really did a good job. I will be attending the ceremony by June 17th. As I predicted I was expecting this before July 4th. I relieved now especially I was laid off and looking for work. Did we hear from Rox how was his ceremony?

Cowface: you were just few days after my interview any news from you.

09hopeful: give it like two weeks from the letter from Senator you will receive the oath letter.

Marlia: Please read thread 2 and you will find your answers.
That's a good news ljames,
So, when did you receive the Oath letter? My interview was done a day after yours with no request of a name change. As of to day no oath letter yet.

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I have passed the English and Civic but "a decision could no be made", can I still write to Senator's office? I am tiered waiting. Made INFOPASS several times. Last month my file went to the Adjudicator's table(Information from the INFOPASS) Can I write to the senator in this case?
Marlia: Please read thread 2 and you will find your answers.[/QUOTE]

i did receive the oath letter from uscis. I guess senator jim webb really did a good job. I will be attending the ceremony by june 17th. As i predicted i was expecting this before july 4th. I relieved now especially i was laid off and looking for work. Did we hear from rox how was his ceremony?

Cowface: You were just few days after my interview any news from you.

09hopeful: Give it like two weeks from the letter from senator you will receive the oath letter.

Marlia: Please read thread 2 and you will find your answers.

hallelujahhh and Congratulations

My interview was over a month later than yours. So I predict mine will be on July 15th. Let keep fingers crossed.( though with memorial day and July4th coming up, that could possibly cost me delay)

and no we didn't hear from rox. Hope you'll post your experience after your ceremony and get the feeling of other people's timelines at June ceremony.