Tracker:Any Dec01 and beyond got plastic


hoho said:
Hello All,

Received my Plastic Card today. Looks like the address change never got updated. It got transferred to our current address by USPS. Card is valid for 10 years.

Case Approved: Oct 15 2003
Stamped from Columbus OH : Oct 24 2003
Card Order Completed and Mailed on June 16 2004

Best Regards,

yugesh_gup: I had posted this under plastic card tracker in tracker section.

Hoho Bhaji
Tons of Congrats ;) ;)
stamping from Cincinnati
AD Nov 15
Changed address, Filed AR-11
Plastic: Not yet
Its 7th month now

Its 7th month waiting for now.
Relly get pissed off when see people in VSC getting plastic within one month :mad:

RD Dec 01 2001
ND Dec 07 2001
AD Nov 24 2003

Stamped from Cleveland, OH
Plastic : Waiting..........................
I am going to enter 7th month of long wait
I repeat NSC.... :D

AD Dec 01
Stamping from Columbus, OH
Plastic Waiting!!!
Plastic bhaji,

Kinda :confused:
You got approved on which day - Nov24 or Dec 1?
City is Cleveland or Cincinnaati

stamping from Cincinnati
AD Nov 15
Changed address, Filed AR-11
Plastic: Not yet
Oops copy pasted stuff from some other person. My apologies
BTW arrival date was Nov 24 & I am is Cleveland, OH

RD Dec 01 2001
ND Dec 07 2001
AD Nov 24 2003

Stamped from Cleveland, OH
Plastic : Waiting..........................
Congrats artemis

Hope we also get through.
AD Dec 01
Stamping from Columbus, OH
Plastic Waiting!!!

Your posting give us some courage

Best of Luck

RD Dec 01 2001
ND Dec 07 2001
AD Nov 24 2003

Stamped from Cleveland, OH
Plastic : Waiting..........................
ok, my wife;s plastic card arrrived by mail 10 days ago, my son and i are still in limbo. we all applied together and stamped together. iam the primary applicant and one of those poor souls from columbus,ohio. in a lighter vein i can say people who started gc processing along with me through vermont service center must be planning to look for citizenship forms. here iam still waiting for the plastic card. time is flying by, if this pace continues then i may even go for restamping in fall of this yr. columbus,ohio and nebraska service center are a deadly combination for waiting game.
eb3 india.
485 rd:nov 2001
ad: nov 13, 2003
pp stamping at columbus, nov 21 2003.
Waiting Waiting waiting

NSC is pain... :D

AD Dec 01
Stamping from Columbus, OH
Plastic Waiting!!!
plastic card still waiting

Anyone received plastic card recently? What is the expected time to receive it? anyone can guess?

PP Stamped on 12/18/03
From Detroit.
waiting for more than 7 months now

Waiting Waiting waiting
One time more
NSC is pain... :D

AD Dec 01
Stamping from Columbus, OH
Plastic Waiting!!!
Wife's Plastic Card returned back undeliverable....

I got my Card to our new address forwarded by USPS. My wife's Plastic Card was returned back to BCIS as undeliverable. I called the 800 number and gave them the new address for them to re-deliver. According the support rep. it could take about 30 days to get it again.

FYI: We had given change of address to USPS( Both Maiden Name and Married Name). The move is less than 4 months. Filed AR11 and G731 with BCIS.

I was able to catch this as the Online Status updated to

On xxxx, the card or document we had mailed to the applicant
was returned by the post office because they could not deliver it

Did you fill both names of you and your wife when filed the change of address to USPS?

AD Dec 01
Stamping from Columbus, OH
Plastic Waiting!!!

Yes we did file both names for the Adress Change. One thing to note is that the process of transferring from your old address to new address is Manual. Mail goes to the Old Adress and the mail man manually transfers it to the new address by using the new address label. If the mail man who knows about the move happens to be on vacation or moves out to another area.. then we could have issues.
Received Wife's Plastic Card today

My wife received her plastic card today after nearly one month long wait after the card was sent initially. Unfortunately the name change that was done during stamp to put her married name on the Card instead of Maiden Name did not work. The card came with her Maiden name.
Congrats hoho
Really plastic card is a pain :mad:
I am looking for job, got layed off? Plastic NO SIGN so I am wondering if I should move or not? Difficult to find job in location I live :confused:

BTW can I apply for Unemployment before getting plastic?
AD Dec 01
Stamping from Columbus, OH
Plastic Waiting!!!
Yugesh: I am also waiting for my plastic card, since Jan this year. My case was proved last december right before Christmas and was stamped in Jan, and then was laid off in May. I just applied for unemployment and received my first check even I have not received my plastic card yet.
Any updates?

More than 8 months, still no sight of Plastic?
RD Dec 01 2001
ND Dec 07 2001
AD Nov 24 2003

Stamped from Cleveland, OH
Plastic : Waiting..........................