Tracker:Any Dec01 and beyond got plastic

applied AR-11, called 1-800 number for change of address
Change of address
Applied AR-11, G-731 N second page, requested FW address to USPS, still I am afraid if I can get plastic at new address???

Call the 1-800 number again, I also had the similar experience but if you call again some other person may pick up the phone.

I got a letter from Homeland Security that I should file AR-11, which I have already filed Don't understand what to do
stamping from Cincinnati
AD Nov 15
Plastic: Not yet
6 months still no plastic

6 months over still no sign of plastic
NSC is damn slow. My several friends applied from VSC and they got plastic card within one month of stamping
NSC sucks :mad: :mad:

RD Dec 01 2001
ND Dec 07 2001
AD Nov 24 2003

Stamped from Cleveland, OH
Plastic : Waiting..........................
U r not alone

U r not alone. I have also surpassed 6 months, no sight of plastic :(

stamping from Cincinnati
AD Nov 15
Plastic: Not yet
Any updates folks

Still no sign of plastic
Pissed off when see folks from VSC getting plastic within one month of stamping
NSC sucks :eek: :eek:

RD Dec 01 2001
ND Dec 07 2001
AD Nov 24 2003

Stamped from Cleveland, OH
Plastic : Waiting..........................
No Plastic Yet

AD : 02/25/2004
Stamped : 03/05/2004 Cleveland, OH

Filed AR-11, on May 10th. File Change of Address with USPS. Do I need to file anything else to get the plastic card at my new Address?

Krishna Iyer
file form G731N

I guess u can file form G731N second page also

I just have to say one thing NSC sucks :D

stamping from Cincinnati
AD Nov 15
Plastic: Not yet
Plastic Card Ordered...

My online status says:

"On June 15, 2004, after approving your application, we ordered you a new card. Your card will be mailed to you as soon as it is ready."

Approved Oct 15th 2003. Stamping done at Columbus OH on Oct 24th 2004.

Moved to a new address and hence filed AR11 and also G731.

Will update once I receive the card for real.
U showed us a ray of hope


U really showed us a ray of hope. Hope u should get ur card this week :)
I think with this pace, I should get my plastic within next month???
I guess u r also from OH. what is your city?

stamping from Cincinnati
AD Nov 15
Plastic: Not yet
Those of us that are from Minnesota are screwed. We have been told that it is gonna take 1.5 yrs to get the card. Anyone else from Minnesota?
Q for Hoho

Thanks for your reply. I also changed my address. I had a few questions for you.

Did you send AR11 or G731 to Texas also, because I heard that Texas office send the plastic card? If yes can you please tell me the address?

G731 you just sent to NSC service center, right?

Did you inform the 1-800 number for the change of address?
Answers to bobbys

I did not send anything forms to Texas.
I just sent my AR11 and G731 to the NSC Address.
I called the 800 number and they directed me to send G731.
Anybody inquiry about plastic card

Did anyone sent plastic card inquiry.. its been more than 6 months still I haven't received the card. Sent the I-551 inquiry today (G731N).. I have to wait and watch for their response.
Waiting to hear the good news from you. I am also from Columbus(rather Reynoldsburg :)

I again repeat---->NSC Sucks :D

AD Dec 01
Stamping from Columbus, OH
Plastic Waiting!!!
The official reply letter to my G731N stated that it takes at least 18 months to receive the plastic card. 18 months?

Stamped: Nov 2003 (Chicago office)
plastic card: waiting
Hoho where r u

Just curious, any updates on your plastic card? Your posting will be a boost to us

If yes, may be after getting it you have forgotton us, just kidding :)

AD Dec 01
Stamping from Columbus, OH
Plastic Waiting!!!
Received the Card Today

Hello All,

Received my Plastic Card today. Looks like the address change never got updated. It got transferred to our current address by USPS. Card is valid for 10 years.

Case Approved: Oct 15 2003
Stamped from Columbus OH : Oct 24 2003
Card Order Completed and Mailed on June 16 2004

Best Regards,

yugesh_gup: I had posted this under plastic card tracker in tracker section.
Congrats hoho

Cheers :) :) :)
Really :cool:

BTW the plastic card is valid upto 10 years from the date when you get your passport stamped or from the date when your card was ordered?

Really amazed to know that your plastic was mailed at old address, one good thing you told is that USPS does Forward mails from BCIS

What is this plastic card tracker in tracker section?

BTW from which country are you from ? I am from India

AD Dec 01
Stamping from Columbus, OH
Plastic Waiting!!!
HoHo COngratulations

Greetings Hoho

Your posting gave us a hope.

Best of Luck


RD Dec 01 2001
ND Dec 07 2001
AD Nov 24 2003

Stamped from Cleveland, OH
Plastic : Waiting..........................