Track Your Plastic card.

PP Stamped on Sep14, waiting for Plastic Card.

PP Stamped on Sep14, waiting for Plastic Card.

Approved 1-485 waiting for plastic card

Case approved: 09/07/2001
Stamped: 09/19/2001 @ Louisville KY
Approved By: VSC
Plastic Card: Waiting
Cards Ordered

RD: 09/00
ND: 10/00
AD: 08/29/01
Passport Stamped: 09/06/01 @INS Hartford
For Wife, Cards Ordered: 10/01/01
For Me, Cards Ordered: 10/03/01
Cards not yet received.
Stamped in Aug 6 th 2000.

Approved July 21st 2000
PP Stamped Aug 6 2000
PP restamped July 2001 till Sep 30 2001
Place : Chicago, IL
approved 9/14/2001 stamped 9/26/2001 plastic card waiting.

approved 9/14/2001 from VSC
stamped 9/26/2001 at San Francisco INS, California
plastic card waiting.
No Title

Passport Stamped on 08/13/2001 at Hartford, CT. Called IIO at VSC 2 days back. They haven\'t recieved ny I-89 yet. Should I be concerned or is it normal?
Cards Ordered

RD: 09/26/00
ND: 10/24/00
AD: 08/28/01
Passport Stamped: 09/05/01 @INS SFO
AVM says Cards Ordered: 10/02/01. Processing may take 365-540 days.
Cards not yet received.

Any idea how long after the message changes to \'cards ordered\' ?

No Title

There might be something wrong. I stamped at Hartford CT on 9/6 and my Card was ordered on 10/3. May be you should contact the Hartford office.
No Title

Hi aGCseeker,

All your dates are very similar to mine. I stamped on 9/6 at Harford, CT and my card was ordered on 10/3. Please let me know when you receive your card. I will do likewise.
PP Stamped on 8/8/01 at Newark, NJ. No Card yet

Even the AVM has not changed yet(still says this case has been approved...).
 should I be concerned? Any body in the same bote?

PP stamped on 8/8/01 waiting for the card....

I am also in the same boat even my passport along with my wife\'s was stamped at Newark on Aug. 8th (approval date 7/27/01). Still the AVM says the case has been approved.....

How long after cards are ordered?

AVM Says cards are ordered on Oct2.

How many days it needs to get the cards in hand ?
VSC, Stamped on 9/26/2001 at San Francisco, CA :: plastic card waiting

VSC, Stamped on 9/26/2001 at San Francisco, CA :: plastic card waiting
R9973, how to check plastic card status?

R9973, how to check plastic card status? Should I use I-485 receipt number EAC........ while calling VSC AVM? I got stamped on 9/26/2001. One of friend was telling that I should receive another receipt for I-89.