Town Hall Meetings & RSVP's for CA Congressmen


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Please add any new Town Hall meeting to this thread. Post only Meeting dates and list of people who will be attending.

Please help maintain this thread.

Refrain from any other discussion (apart from just posting Town Hall meeting dates and your RSVP) in this thread so that we can keep it lean.

Thanks for your co-operation and help.
Pete Stark, Newark, NOV 22nd, 2003

The next one is Pete Stark's Town Meeting being held in Newark on 11/22/2003.;pagenumber=4

9:00am - 10:00am
Silliman Activity Center
Community Meeting Room
6800 Mowry Avenue
Newark, CA

The current list of attendees is:
kash777 (VSC)
pathapati's wife
kashmir (CA 14th)
140_takes_4_ever (CA 14th)
List of people attending Hon. Congressman Pete Stark's town meeting.

kash777 (VSC)
pathapati's wife
kashmir (CA 14th)
140_takes_4_ever (CA 14th)

I just visited 6800 Mowry, Silliman Activity center.
The staff told me that meeting will start at 8:30 am and will be till 10:30.
As soon as we enter at 6800 mowry, at right hand side, you will see community meeting room entrance. To the left hand side, there is a full statue of George and Beverly Silliman. We can gather near the statue.
Green card worries :( on the face will make it easy for us to find each other in that area. :)
I will attach copy of request letter for appointment here soon.
Also, I will do followup with Candice to get agenda of meeting and to let her know that about 8 people from immigrationportal will be attending town hall meeting and requesting personal meeting with congressman.

13th District of CA.
I will be there with my wife

count me, and also let me know if there are any

Meand my wife will attend the meeting.
Hey is it only for Alameda county people or can those living in Santa Clara county attend it ??

Originally posted by RM_CSC
Hey is it only for Alameda county people or can those living in Santa Clara county attend it ??

We are trying to raise awareness in the Congress about our plight and the state of affairs, by participating in the political process. It doesn't matter what county/district you belong too, showing up and discussing our situation with the Congressman will go far in identifying out selves as an aggrived party, who have stories, faces and tax id's! Your presense will be of immense help in this, so please consider coming to the town hall meeting if you can. Don't worry about which district you belong too.

Bump up for visibility!

COME ON YOU GUYS! This is a good opportunity to air your views. I have heard enough bitching and moaning on this website to last me a life time yet, no one wants to bitch and moan to someone who counts!

3 hours on a Saturday morning is not too much to ask. PLEASE come for the town hall meeting.
Please count me and my wife in

Will hope to see you there.
what time do we meet
there are different times posted at the meeting :
8:30 - 9 am
I will call congressman Pete's office and confirm the timing. Pls check on this thread again.

About Santa Clara county people wanting to attend meeting:

FYI: When kashmir and karma_yoga visited congressman Pete's office last week, Ms. Candice at the office (congressional aide) told us that anybody can attend meeting. As San Francisco bay area residents keep on moving, it really does not matter where exactly they fall in district wise.

CA - 13th district.

I just spoke to congressman Pete's office at Fremont. Candice told me that, Congressman will not be able to attend the town hall meeting on 22nd Nov. He will be busy at washington DC. But office staff will attend on his behalf.
(they are updating the news on congressman's website)
So we will miss the opportunity to meet him personally. I think we should still go ahead and attend the meeting. I have attched a copy of letter that we all can sign to request a group meeting with congressman.

At least few things we can learn from this exercise.

1. we will get a feel of town hall meeting. (who are attending first)
2. We will get a chance to *see* each other.
3. Congressman will get update from staff about this meeting and and our request will get better visibility.

Pls suggest comments.

A few suggestions to the document


1. "We will like to request for a group meeting as soon as possible to discuss the issues in details."

Should read as:

"We would deeply appreciate it, if you could spare some time for a meeting with us, at your earliest convinience, in order discuss our issues in further detail."

2. "We have submitted, the petition and 3000 plus member’s signatures from several states to Ms. Candice at Fremont Office."

Should read as:
"We have submitted, the petition and 3000 plus member’s signatures from several states to Ms. Candice at your Fremont Office.

2. "Please use there contact info to communicate with us further."

Should read as:
"Please use their contact information to communicate with us further."

IMHO, the following line should be deleted:
"We request your continued support of hi-tech immigrants and for recognizing their contribution to Silicon Valley."

And replaced with
"We request your assistance and support in helping make the life of legal immigrants smoother and more predictable."

We can all sign the petition
Re: A few suggestions to the document

Originally posted by 140_takes_4ever

1. "We will like to request for a group meeting as soon as possible to discuss the issues in details."

Should read as:

Thanks. all your suggestions are good. Could you please edit the original and post here the edited version. Thanks for close attention. I wish we get 1% of that from congress.:)

Re: Re: A few suggestions to the document

Originally posted by rk4gc
May be we can add some thing like " We missed the opportunity to meet you personally at the town hall meeting so, if you can arrange a personal meet"

if you guys think that helps .

sure, we can add that in hand writting. Some personal touch. :)
Please find attached the modified document. It is quite different from the original draft, but I thought it would be wise to add a few words about our grievances and the reasons we need his help.

Please feel free to suggest modifications/changes. I will gladly incorporate them.

Also, could the people living in the 13 district, who would like to volunteer as the point persons with the Congressman's office, please raise your hands, or send me a shout? I would like to incorporate your names in the document I print for final submission. Also if you could just print out a page with your Names and Contact information that we could attach to the document that we submit to the Congressman would be great.

Thanks for the great show of force, you guys are the best!
Originally posted by rk4gc
May be we can add these..
Good stuff, will edit the original document and repost.

I was thinking maybe we should come up with a more structured agenda of what topics to discuss, which will enable us to maximize the time we get (if any) to speak with the Congressman. I will try to come up with a few short points and repost in the afternoon. Karma_yoga and Kashmir, if you already have this agenda ready from your previous meetings with Congressmen and their staff could you post something on this as well?

Also a BIG THANK YOU to user9292, desi_mazdur and Dadagiri, for your support and willingness to go the extra step.
Originally posted by 140_takes_4ever
Karma_yoga and Kashmir, if you already have this agenda ready from your previous meetings with Congressmen and their staff could you post something on this as well?
Now, karma_yoga is leading this subproject for Pete Stark Town Meeting.

I'd like to discuss two items:
1) follow-up of Acting Director, Office of Congressional Relations, Department of Homeland Security
2) request Don Nuefeld, Director of CSC, to allocate resources dedicated to EB I-485
Pete Stark Town Meeting 11/22/2003 Newark - list of attendees

  • karma_yoga
  • kash777 (VSC)
  • pathapati
  • pathapati's wife
  • kadamtal
  • user9292
  • user9292's wife
  • desi_mazdur
  • desi_mazdur's wife
  • RM_CSC
  • kashmir (CA 14th)
  • 140_takes_4_ever (CA 14th)
  • rk4gc (CA 16th)