Town Hall Meetings & RSVP's for CA Congressmen

Originally posted by kashmir
Hi, 140_takes_4ever,
I have done the same chnages to your accounts.
You have two accounts "140_takes_4ever" as user with chief right and "140_takes_4ever_Admin" as administrator.
Please change your passwords, too.

Thanks for the admin rights, but I don't think I am admin material. I think I do better work as a volunteer. I am going to be busy garnering support for Project Symphony and Ocean so not sure what admin responsibilities will entail or if it will be better to give admin rights to someone more dynamic.

So if someone else wants to be more pro-active wants to volunteer, please speak up and you can take my spot (I am specifically referring to Jeremy_Polka and rk4gc).
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Re: Hi Guys

Originally posted by Lolla_345
I was not able to make it to today's meeting. But would like to join in your meeting with Pete Stark on another day. If you would like you may include me in your group discussion.


No worries! You din't miss much because the Congressman was stuck in DC for a vote, and couldn't attend our meeting. There won't be any more town meetings with him scheduled in December, and by law (since the primaries begin in March), they can't have meetings in Jan and Feb.

But if you can get back to us on what district you belong too, we could use some help from you as being the contact person to the congressman from your district.

What we found was it is very important to belong to the district to have your say heard faster from the congressman.

I will be posting another thread, which askes people to check their district numbers and volunteer as contact persons to the Congressman/woman from that district.

Lolla_345, I have created an account in the project software mentioned by kashmir with the same login name and password. Please log in and change your password.
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Kashmir, rk4gc, karma_yoga, all the others,

Here is my suggestion for modification to the Project Symphony/Ocean:
1. Ask for volunteers from the forum members,
2. They will need to provide their District numbers and Congressman names.
3. We will appoint 2 people (max) from each district that we have volunteers from to be the contacts for that particular Congressman.
4. The core team for this project, should not act as contact people, instead should provide back up support to the contact people from each district within driving range. (that way we can support each others action and learn from mistakes. As well as being morale boosters and providing a show of strength).
5. Become more persistant in demanding face to face meeting with Congressmen, and setting up a committee, to do a better job presenting our point of view. (I will be posting more on this later when I post things we learnt from our last town meeting).
6. Increase awareness, not just amongst forum members but also from people outside the forum that we know off, who are waiting for approvals, to help co-ordinate the effort.

These are some of the main points, and I will be adding more to them, but if anyone else has ideas as to how to make our grass roots efforts more successful please share them here.

This, I feel is the way to move, more organized, more effective, in a highly sophisticated manner.

Hi, 140_takes_4ever,
Thanks for your proposal.

I have some suggestion for the first part.

> 1. Ask for volunteers from the forum members,
> 2. They will need to provide their District numbers and Congressman names.
> 3. We will appoint 2 people (max) from each district that we have volunteers from to be the contacts for that particular Congressman.

I believe it is the most difficult part in the project to get these people.

It seems most of people don't want to be involved in the project if possible.
They may think that it is a waste of time or that somebody will do that.
But, as attendees of yesterday's meeting know, it is totally false.
It is very useful for each individual participant.
Some people in this forum should understand this, then join the project.

Many people have already faxed to their Congressional offices.
(Also, according to Project Kashmir, additional 20-30 participations would be expected before Thanksgiving.)
The next step for those people is to visit Congressperson's local office with his/her letter to request specific item(s).
Once he/she has done, he/she should be a representative in his/her district.
We can support him/her to fax the petition to Congressperson or to find people in (or near) his/her district.

A couple of people seem to be interested in participating postively outside of Bay Area, such as Northern Oragne County or San Francisco, etc.
I think we should support these people for the project.

Hi, 140_takes_4ever,
One more comment for #4:
(I might misunderstand ...)

> 4. The core team for this project, should not act as contact people, instead should provide back up support to the contact people from each district within driving range. (that way we can support each others action and learn from mistakes. As well as being morale boosters and providing a show of strength).

Basically, I don't think it is a good idea to separate the core team from contact people to provide backup support right now.
We are still a small group and any of us doesn't have much knowledge to provide backup support to others unless he/she keeps working at frontend.

However, for CA 13th and 14th districts, we may take some formation like you proposed,
and we should provide advices to people at other districts.
CA 40th District

Originally posted by CS485 17th November 2003 01:39 PM
Kashmir/Edison/Karma Yoga,
Your efforts are commendable. I 'ld like to contribute my time to this effort. I live in 40th District CA(Fullerton CA). ED Royce is the congressman. I faxed the backlog petitions to CA senetors and the local congressman. Just now I saw congressman's calendar for the town hall meeting(Dec 5th).
Hi, CS485,
How is it going in CA 40th District.
Unfortunately, I don't live in Southern California, so I cannot attend the town hall meeting on 12/5/2003,
however, some of San Fransicso Bay Area people have some experience and we can support you to provide some advices.

TO: those who lives near North Orange Counry;
I encourage to join CS485's activities.
Please post your message at this thread.

Ed Royce Town Hall Meetings

Friday, December 5th
5-7 p.m.
Orange City Hall - Weimer Room
300 E. Chapman Ave
(Thomas Guide/ Orange County p.799 H-4)

Los Alamitos
Saturday, December 6th
2:30-4:30 p.m.
Joint Forces Training Base
Building 19, Colonial Room
4745 Yorktown Ave
(Thomas Guide/ Orange County p.797 B-3)
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Yahoo group for I485 pending at CSC

As we decided on Saturday Nov 29, 2003 to create a yahoo group so that if we post am message it can be sent as an email all te members of the group so that if they dont visit the forum for some reason they will get an Email about new projects, initiatives to expedite the GC processing and town hall meetings.

I chose a generic name so that all the issues related to 485 can be discussed, including EAD, AP and AC21.

Post message:
List owner:

As always suggestions are welcome.

CA 40th District !?

How is it going in Orange County ?
I may be there next weekend with probability of 20-30%.
Originally posted by kashmir
Hi, CS485,
How is it going in CA 40th District.
Unfortunately, I don't live in Southern California, so I cannot attend the town hall meeting on 12/5/2003,
however, some of San Fransicso Bay Area people have some experience and we can support you to provide some advices.

TO: those who lives near North Orange Counry;
I encourage to join CS485's activities.
Please post your message at this thread.

Ed Royce Town Hall Meetings

Friday, December 5th
5-7 p.m.
Orange City Hall - Weimer Room
300 E. Chapman Ave
(Thomas Guide/ Orange County p.799 H-4)

Los Alamitos
Saturday, December 6th
2:30-4:30 p.m.
Joint Forces Training Base
Building 19, Colonial Room
4745 Yorktown Ave
(Thomas Guide/ Orange County p.797 B-3)
Sorry for replying to the post very late. I've been little busy.

Let me tell you about my experience(-ve) when I submitted the petition in the congressman ed royce's on nov-20(appx). I went to his office in fullerton around 3:30 pm. I handed over the petition to the lady who is incharge of the issues related to federal agencies. The lady took the petition and said that she has seen several similiar petitions. She looked at the processing times and mentioned that CSC is doing a pretty good job as the wait times are less than 2 yrs:)confused: :confused: ). I explained her that the JIT dates are not moving forward and processing times moved just 3months in last 2yrs. Then she gave me the budget reasons and post 9/11 security reasons . US is at war and allocating budget for bcis would be their last priority. I asked her whether keeping legal immigrant lives on hold is a good thing and does it reflect american values. HEre is her answer. " You guys are here on your own will and you have to deal with this waiting". Thats it. I was irritated with that answer and thought starting an argument on that topic. But I cooled down as I knew that it would be waste of my time. Finally she told that she will be handing over this petition to her boss and indicated not to expect any +ve action from him. As this congressman is republican, I didnt expect much of a positive/sypathetic attitude towards the legal immigrants. Got out of the office around 4:15 pm, had an "extra hot chai tea latte" @ starbucks.

Friends, what do u suggest now. Is going to the town hall meeting worth giving a shot?
Hi, CS485,
Thanks for your posting your experience.
Anyway, it's a good start visiting Congressman's district office.

> Sorry for replying to the post very late.
No problem at all.

> ... the lady who is incharge of the issues related to federal agencies. ... But I cooled down as I knew that it would be waste of my time.

Forget about that lady.
A staff at the district office handles an individual case, and a staff at Washington DC office handles Policy and Legislative issues.
We have to talk directly with the right person.

> I didnt expect much of a positive/sypathetic attitude ...

It doesn't matter.
Congressman has to hear constituents' voice, of course yours, too.
We don't want his sympathy.

> Friends, what do u suggest now. Is going to the town hall meeting worth giving a shot?

Yes, I still think so.

My advice is:
to focus only one specific and simple request to Congressman or his staff(s).
My recommendation is:
to urge him to write to Don Neufeld, Directo of CSC, to allocate reasonable number of officers dedicated to EB I-485.

I will fax to his Washington DC office later.
CA 40 Ed Royce Townhall meeting

I am planning to attend the meeting on friday dec 5th(if anyone else is willing to join, i can attend on saturday, dec 6th)

Kashmir, are going to be in orange county this weekend?
Re: CA 40 Ed Royce Townhall meeting

> I am planning to attend the meeting on friday dec 5th(if anyone else is willing to join, i can attend on saturday, dec 6th)

It sounds great.

Can somebody near Fullerton join with CS485 ?

> Kashmir, are going to be in orange county this weekend?

It really depends on my personal matter.
The current probability is 20-30%.
If I would be there, I would attend one on Saturday.
I will let you know.
Faxed to Ed Royce (R CA 40th) Washington D.C. office

Congressman Ed Royce
2202 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone : (202) 225-4111
Fax : (202) 226-0335
Originally posted by kashmir
Hi, CS485,
Thanks for your posting your experience.
Anyway, it's a good start visiting Congressman's district office.
My advice is:
to focus only one specific and simple request to Congressman or his staff(s).
My recommendation is:
to urge him to write to Don Neufeld, Directo of CSC, to allocate reasonable number of officers dedicated to EB I-485.

I will fax to his Washington DC office later.
Ed Royce (D CA 40th) Town Hall Meeting 12/06/2003

I will attend Ed Royce's town hall meeting in Los Alamitos at 2:30pm on 12/06/2003 Saturday
because I have to travel to Southern California for my personal matter.
I will reach in Fullerton around noon on that day.
Originally posted by kashmir

TO: those who lives near North Orange Counry;
I encourage to join CS485's activities.
Please post your message at this thread.

Ed Royce Town Hall Meetings

Friday, December 5th
5-7 p.m.
Orange City Hall - Weimer Room
300 E. Chapman Ave
(Thomas Guide/ Orange County p.799 H-4)

Los Alamitos
Saturday, December 6th
2:30-4:30 p.m.
Joint Forces Training Base
Building 19, Colonial Room
4745 Yorktown Ave
(Thomas Guide/ Orange County p.797 B-3)

Good to hear that you will be attending the meeting. I will see you at the townhall meeting.

See your PM.
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Ed Royce (D CA 40th) Town Hall Meeting in Los Alamitos 12/06/2003

CS485 and I (kashmir) will attend Ed Royce's town hall meeting in Los Alamitos on Saturday, 12/06/2003.

TO: those who lives near the Disneyland;
Let's join us on Saturday.

Congressman Ed Royce Town Hall Meetings
Los Alamitos
Saturday, December 6th
2:30-4:30 p.m.
Joint Forces Training Base
Building 19, Colonial Room
4745 Yorktown Ave
(Thomas Guide/ Orange County p.797 B-3)
Originally posted by CS485
Good to hear that you will be attending the meeting. I will see you at the townhall meeting.
See your PM.