Tomorrow my approval proofs dengdeng's theory

According to new theory of dengdeng all the userids should be changed to GCHolder1, GCHolder2............... to get the approval
new theory?!

va412, i just read ur post in this thread - my 485 was approved exactly 89 days after the 2nd FP .. just abt 3 months . New theory anyone? :) :rolleyes:

well here's one - the 2nd FP completed- non-RFE ppl get their approvals in 1 - 4 months after the 2nd FP date - how many have been past this time frame? ...
ofcourse there'll be a few exceptions ;-)
No approval for me.

I had my second FP at the end of October last year. I don't have REF. I still don't have my approval. So your 1 to 4 months theory is wrong.