To renew or not to renew


Registered Users (C)
That is the question! My lawyer is stating that I need to renew (now?) my EAD that expires end July...If CSC continue approving AOS at the rate of the last week (please hope!) I shoule be getting approval in approx 3 months end May...Do you think I need to go to the expense of paying my lawyer over $ renew....Any comments much appreciated... If it helps, I am still working for the sponsoring company.

WAC 02 139XXX
One thing you should have learned by now is not to count on current processing speed to guess your approval date.........on that basis I should have been approved last July. Always, always, ALWAYS add 6+ months to your most conservative guess - just ask the WAC 01 xxxx waiters.

Next - are you still with your original employer? the question is are you even using your ead? If not, it's an insurance policy of sorts, but you have AC21 anyway. If you are using the ead and not in a role/pay structure of what you filed under then pay the $200.

Everyone has there own opinion, personally I've never applied for my ead. I'm sure others have their thoughts...

INS is unpredicteble, you never know what is going to happen. EAD is life line. 250$ is not a very big amount. You should just renew
If you are working on H1 and if that is not expiring this year, you can take this change. But then, 250 is not that a big amount to take such a chance. Mine is expiring in Aug and I am sending renewal app next week.
If you are using EAD then don’t take chances, Pl go ahead and apply EAD your self (EAD application is pretty simple and you don’t need to use your attorney for this). It costs around $100+ (INS fee + photos + postage).

Don’t get into the problems by assuming a speedy approval from INS :)
Better to be safe!!!!

To be very safe you should apply for the EAD
1. If you are using EAD instead of H1 and would expire in next 5 months
2. Even if you are not using but your H1B is expiring in 5-6 months

YOU CAN NOT PREDICT INS PROCESSING TIME as of today..I would rather say NEVER!!!

I am on H1B still but H1B will be expiring in MAY End. My ND is 4th March 2002 - WAC-02-125. I am applying for EAD renewal on Monday!!

Many thanks for all your input (much appreciated) I wil go ahead and renew......I think it too much for the lawyer to charge me over $140 to process (plus $88 INS fee) renewal as already paid him to date over $2,000. I have learnt alot more on this site than he has ever told me. He always makes me feel as though I am a nuisance.....
renew .. no question about it. You can do it yourself, and we posted a faq that should make it real easy for you to renew it yourself. No need to even ask the lawyer for anything. (or pay him for ead renewal).
can i renew iEAD?

MY original first time EAD expired last november. I filed for EAD renewal in last Oct and waited for 90 days to get iEAD. I got my iEAD in January which expires in August 2003.

Now if my application for renewal which was filed in Oct 02 did not come in time before my iEAD expires or three month before my iEAD expires, then

1. can I renew my iEAD for another 8 months? or
2. can I send in antother renewal for my original EAD which expired last nov. ?

My lawyer does not know s... and can not be relied to get good answer.

So if any of you know some answer , that will be really helpful.

BTW my 485 RD is AUG 01. (yes that is right, 2001)


Ok I take it when you say, "application for renewal which was filed in Oct 02", you mean EAD renewal.

Man this is a hairy case with 8 legs and a weird smell. Mostly complicated because of your long wait time, take heart there are others in your boat, I myself am a Nov 01 case so not that far.

Anyway, to answer your question,

First of all your EAD renewal which was filed on Oct 02, should come thru anytime soon, but we shouldn't rely on that especially if you are using your EAD. The date is in September right now. Your iEAD expires in August 2003, so you have still quite a ways to go. I would say, 5 months before August 2003 (March), is when you should apply for a renewal .. but you file for a renewal of an EAD .. not iEAD.

Say in August 2003, (this is unlikely), your 485 isn't approved, and your Ead renewal isn't approved either, I think you can go to INS office and request another iEAD in person. This provided there is no outstanding RFE on your EAD renewal application. If there is .. then you are SOL. In that case, soon as you get RFE, arrange with your employer to file for H1 even if you have to pay for it.

Your other question,
can I send in antother renewal for my original EAD which expired last nov. ?
Yea ........... but I wouldn't recommend, because
a) a new app will restart from the beginning, and
b) It will confuse INS. God knows they are pretty confused already. I would say rather fax INS and request the status on your EAD renewal that you filed on Oct '02.

Hope this helped. :)

Thanks Silly Man.

That answer clarified few things.

Hope everything goes smoothly.

Good luck to you too!