To Lazergreat


Volunteer Moderator
Lazergreat, Your RTD approval email was sent on July 30, can you tell me when you received the RTD in your hand?


I received my RTD on 5th August (Green Document)

I traveled to Canada on this RTD with visa on it from 15th to 20th of this month.

Entering Canada:
The officer had puzzled look at her face. She asked me what is your status in America. What do I do there? Why I was visiting Canada. Have I been to Canada Before. It took 5 minutes.

Back From Canada:
USCIS checks you at Toronto Airport. Initial officer told me that I had to follow him in the room. He left me in the room and gave my paperwork (RTD, custom form, I-94) to another officer. I had to wait 12-15 minutes and a lady officer came out of room and asked me to follow her. She told me that our conversation is being videotaped. Asked my why I was in Canada and what do I do in AMerica. She seems to have my address and she confirmed that.

Took 3 minutes and I was out of the room. (with new I-94 and stamp in RTD)
I really think it all depends on the airport

Like I said before in this forum,I went to Mexico last month and everything went smoothly..
When coming back I took the citizens line and someone told me to go to a line for " Reentry permits,RTDs" - by the way that was in LAX.
The office then DID NOT send me or take me to a "room", but asked me about my current address and my last address before this new one, It looked like he had it all in his computer.
He then stamped my RTD with "Asylum granted".. but didn't give an I-94....and let me go.