TN Visa, Difference between "Job Title" and "Position Offered"


New Member
We received a Request for Evidence from the USCIS.

Could you please clarify the difference between "job title" and "position offered"?

We are required to provide a statement identifying how the offered position is identical to the job title we indicated in the application.

For the term job title the RFE cited the content of Title 8 Code of Federal Regulations Section and in Appendix 2 of Annex 16-A of USMCA, (formerly NAFTA) Which are the list of approved professions.

Should we interpret it the same way when the Form I-129, asks for a job title in part 5, Item 1, page 13: " 1. Job Title" ?

Thank you and have a nice day.
Your letter should request a TN in one of the categories listed. Then the offered position (whatever your sponsor wishes to call it) should include a description of your job duties. These duties should line up with the general definition of the TN category definition, as listed in the Dept of Labor Occupational Dictionary.