TN contractor as a food safety Auditor on as needed basis


New Member
Food Safety Auditing companies hire multiple contractors for work in a single area and min. numbers of hours are not guaranteed. This is more like work on as needed basis. I have a full time TN permit as well.

Would this type of work arrangement be eligible for TN visa.
What educational requirements are needed for this job, and what are your educational credentials?
SQF Food Safety Auditors are certified by SQFI ( Safe quality food Institute). I have completed this requirement. Besides that I have a PhD in Food Safety from Canada and 10 years of experience working in food safety sector.
Another question- Which category do i qualify for working as a director of quality control and regulatory affairs for pet food Industry.
Private certifications are meaningless for TN, So what TN category do you have right now? How did you qualify for TN? It is likely that you would only be eligible for the new job if it would need the same credentials. One can get TN as a contractor, whether as a primary TN or a secondary one.
I have a TN in Agriculturist category and I work full time w2 with a company. Food safety Auditors contractors fall under same category as well. I can use the same credentials what i have used before. One of the Auditing company gave me a contract letter saying work on as needed basis. Will this work?
If The TN officer accepts the job description and your education as satisfying the category of Agriculturist, then there should be no problem getting a second TN for part-time contract work (1099 basis). This is perfectly acceptable.
Thank you Nelsona. I highly appreciate your response. Where can i information about quality control and Regulatory affairs jobs categories for TN?
You need to look at department of labor occupational outlook handbook under agriculturalist, or some such. If it isn't there, your chances of getting a TN for this job diminishes greatly. Reg affairs and QC is too general: all regulated industries have reg affairs and QC.
So? Like I said, all industries have QC and Reg affairs. That is the job description; pet food has nothing to do with it.

If it doesn't need a Agriculturalist, you are probably out of luck. You never stated what your actual degree is in.
My degree is in Food Science and Agriculture. But my experience is mostly in food safety, QC and Reg Affairs.