Tired of slave wages?

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I agree that many employers take advantage of their employees after they file gc. However, not all of them take advantage in terms of salary. I used to work for a very reputed software company. the pay raise was decent but I noticed a pattern that people who filed gc would not be allowed to switch to new and exciting projects. typically, if you filed gc, you would be forced to do jobs like maintaining very old code, forced to move from development to QA, testing , .etc. the tech managers there were fully aware of the long immigration process and would prefer to put H1 people who had filed gc into jobs which no one else would be willing to do, knowing fully well that the employees had no choice and could not leave for 4-5 years.
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This is correct...... Senior Software Engineer generally does not entail managing people, but a Director does so. This is the view of the INS and hence unless you want a second RFE, it would be best that you go with what he says.
Your promotions in the company are realistic in the private enterprise world, but when you look at it from the view point of the INS, they have to look at private enterprise as well as large organizations as Boeing, Lockheed Martin, or other government orgs. etc., where the movement may not be as drastic as you have had in the short period of time.
Also, remember the I-140 is a promise by the company for the job that you will have after you get your GC, unless your company has a problem with giving you a job as a Senior Software Engineer again :), you should go with what your lawyer suggests.

Just my 2 cents
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Guys, everything is negotiable.... 5% a year is a very decent raise on a year-to-year basis. If you are complaining about the initial package that you got when you first got hired by the company, you have only yourself to blame for not negotiating. You could have negotiated then itself that you would get 70% of the contracted value rate that they charge for you at a customer, and you are ready to take a risk with the fluctuations in the rate after the initial part of 2 year, etc., etc..
I will never understand why the company will keep a person (or what benefit the company has from the person) if he/she is being paid at 100% of their billing rate (what money does the company make?)