Tips for expediting the process

Hi GCLingum are you marry ? If not you have enough time . Do not call TSC atlist other those how has problems they will get chance to resolve .

This is fast world No one has time to wait for any one and you want to go with flow, You go . System will work with flow and waves .
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Hi GCLingum are you marry ? If not you have enough time . Do not call TSC atlist other those how has problems they will get chance to resolve .

This is fast world No one has time to wait for any one and you want to go with flow, You go . System will work with flow and waves .

Hi ckpd2001,

No, I am not Mary. I think you are mistaking me for someone else.

As for not calling. I have stopped calling the USCIS and now they have some time on their hands. How do you think they managed to approve all those cases last month? Thank me :p
Completely understand the frustration


Please please please.. calm down.. we dont want to fight among ourselves... lets use that energy to fight together against USCIS.. for immigrants...

Start an online petetion, on-road demonstrations, protests, something that awakens the morons responsible for all this mess...

If Illegals can go demonstrate, why not legals ? .. my heart goes out to those people stuck in low-paying jobs, with families to feed, rude boss to handle every day... why we are not vocal enough to Americans, people barely know that we exist.. tht there is such a problem.. Shouldnt we think about such bigger issues... again, no offence... i completely understand everyone's frustrations, you should vent out all that you have, but lets turn taht energy to positive energy..
I'm having the same problem, my lawyer just advised me to open a case or sue the USCIS to have them make a decision. Honestly I don't care anymore if they approve me or not, but i just want to know. I don't want to spend the rest of mylife connected to this country by a work permit, I'm married to an american citizen and now i have a a 16 month old son. It's about time for me to start buliding for my future. I did my interview september 2005 and the officer said everything was approved and he is just waiting for my name clearance and that it was going to take about a week, it'll be 2 years next month and the week isn't over yet. If they want to deny it, then they have to let me know instead of keeping me on the edge, I have to look for better opportunities some where else. Good Luck to all of you and I hope you all the best.

Here is my 2 cents.....

Only god can tell us how USCIS works and what is the rule IO's follows when they pickup cases to approve.

i have seen people with DUI, Jail Term, Without Job in U.S have got approval.
As per my personal experience its all depends what kind person(IO's) is handling your case.

1) Is the person who has your case is human enough to undestand feelings...
2) Is he honest enough to perform his/her duty ontime.
3) Does he follows any work ethics....
4) Is he/she racist

these points are more import than following USCIS guidelines.....
If you think that contacting congressional persons, is not the right thing, why USCIS have person inchage for the congressional relations, why do they consider our request. I am sure all this are legal and not a back door entry.

Name: xxxxxxxxxx

Texas Service Center

Congressional Relations

(214) xxx-xxxx Phone

(214) xxx-xxxx Fax

This year’s combined congressional conference is just around the corner!

The first Combined Service Center Congressional Conference will be at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Dallas , Texas from July 16 to July 18.
If you think that contacting congressional persons, is not the right thing, why USCIS have person inchage for the congressional relations, why do they consider our request. I am sure all this are legal and not a back door entry.

Name: xxxxxxxxxx

Texas Service Center

Congressional Relations

(214) xxx-xxxx Phone

(214) xxx-xxxx Fax

This year’s combined congressional conference is just around the corner!

The first Combined Service Center Congressional Conference will be at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Dallas , Texas from July 16 to July 18.

I'm curiuos about the sources of your info. You wrote the conference will be in July. It's August now.
I'm curiuos about the sources of your info. You wrote the conference will be in July. It's August now.

This was the e mail received by the senators offfice. Got last month for my request and in two days I got the approval.
Frustration leads to shortcuts!

I have applied first in June'2001, since it was remanded to state, I applied again in 2003 from another state where I was working. If I had hung on to my 2001 application, I would have got it by now. But in 2003 I got my labor and 140 cleared. So, it was a short cut but it helped my wife get her EAD.

I just kept quite and did nothing till recently. 2 of my collegues who applied after me in 2003 got their GC already. My recent exploration moved my file a bit (all my docs are cleared but waiting to be adjucated) and though I feel for people who are before me, I am helpless. I would try to find ways to speed up my process. This is an unfair system forcing me to take shortcuts.

What else can I say ?

Uscis Works As Designed

We've got it all wrong!
USCIS processes are working as intended. They are designed to take as much money as possible, from as many applicants as possible and for as long as possible. They just added a new twist. Deny as much as possible.

Wake Up!!!! Its all about the money!! USCIS is fully funded by application fees.
Writing to FL, congressmen and calling IO is a waste of your $$$ and time. It only aggravates the bejesus out of the recipients of these letters. We are immigrants, not US citizens and as such we do not enjoy the same rights. If you can't accept this fact, then please reconsider your move here.
We've got it all wrong!
USCIS processes are working as intended. They are designed to take as much money as possible, from as many applicants as possible and for as long as possible. They just added a new twist. Deny as much as possible.

Wake Up!!!! Its all about the money!! USCIS is fully funded by application fees.
Writing to FL, congressmen and calling IO is a waste of your $$$ and time. It only aggravates the bejesus out of the recipients of these letters. We are immigrants, not US citizens and as such we do not enjoy the same rights. If you can't accept this fact, then please reconsider your move here.

As MIMC said is true, If not shortcut-why did they introduce the PP for 140 applications, it is also a short cut, who can afford can take the shortcut legally, so contacting different sources is not at all wrong, everyone has the right to contact a congressman, or FL. and no need to pay for it, so this are not shortcuts or getting ahead of someone.
When USCIS lapse thousands of visa every year what we can do?
GCLingum has a valid point

It's a waste of your time and USCIS resources to call USCIS officials or make inquiries with senators/congressmen. The former have no heart/compassion and the latter cannot do much other than check for status.
So let's use the legitimate way that works and sue USCIS to do its job and to obey the law.
I do disagree with GCLingum on one point. I believe that if we do nothing, nothing will change.
I felt all you guys pain. PD 04/2003, unable to file AOS until 06/2007. God know how much more time needed for the AOS get approved.

I once heard this words of wisdoms from a forum member.

Tough time don't last. Tough people do.

I am actively working on my Canada immigrant case plus shopping for a work back at home in HK. When oppontinutiy arise, I will just leave US without a tear drop.
It's a waste of your time and USCIS resources to call USCIS officials or make inquiries with senators/congressmen. The former have no heart/compassion and the latter cannot do much other than check for status.
So let's use the legitimate way that works and sue USCIS to do its job and to obey the law.
I do disagree with GCLingum on one point. I believe that if we do nothing, nothing will change.

I am not advocating inaction. I have done all I could conscientiously do to advance or promote my case. I have called USCIS (within reason), I have argued with my lawyer (mostly within reason), I have argued and pleaded my case with USCIS (well within reason), I have gone the route of complaining to the Ombudsman's office (that's what it's there for). Except for a reply from the Ombudsman's office giving me some hope of a resolution within 45 days from USCIS, not much has happened.

I have done all this and yet not much has happened. Again I re-iterate, I understand everyone's frustration. But living in constant frustration is not living. It is a life in limbo and you have a nagging thought in the back of your mind all the time. I have not given up and I will continue to struggle I refuse to let it consume me. It's not good for my physical or mental health. I can better function with a clear mind.
As MIMC said is true, If not shortcut-why did they introduce the PP for 140 applications, it is also a short cut, who can afford can take the shortcut legally, so contacting different sources is not at all wrong, everyone has the right to contact a congressman, or FL. and no need to pay for it, so this are not shortcuts or getting ahead of someone.
When USCIS lapse thousands of visa every year what we can do?

I never said that any of these steps are illegal. They are not the normal route either. Some of the people at USCIS can't follow the laid out rules and standard procedures let alone entertain unusual requests which are not defined in their handbook.

I am sure you have all done this at one time or another. Go to a restaurant in a group of three or more people and when the host comes to get your order try asking for something which is not exactly defined on the menu. 9 out of 10 times I will wager anything that the server will mess up the whole order and you, as well as the server will be delayed and annoyed as a result.

My point is, don't confuse the hard working USCIS folks with unnecessary distractions.
Well my friends, I have read most of the postings about how gruesome and horrible this whole immigration process is and I cant blame not a single one of you for this. One thing I noticed is that you, including myself, keep forgetting that as far as immigration process goes, not a single US citizen cares for immigration. Yes, we see Lou Dobbs and his fans yelling at the immigration situation. We have seen immigration proposals being offered to the congress and all of them failed. But if you pay a close attention to it, you will notice no one ever talked about legal immigrants like us. It was all about illegal immigration and why people jump waiting lines to come to this country while in reality there is no line or organization in place.

No one ever talked about people waiting for 6 or more years to get their permanent residency and how their whole lives are on hold. How foreign workers do not have the same wage bargaining tools as US counterparts because their residency is dependant on employer’s willingness to sponsor. I for one, have come to the conclusion that everyman is for themselves because USCIS is not really accountable to anyone who actually cares.

To me working in immigration is like getting a welfare check. They don’t have to do much and they still get the same paycheck. There is no checks and balances in this department. When you get denied, you can appeal. But AAO and Board of Appeals decisions are mostly aligned with the original decisions made by USCIS. You don’t believe me; take a look at their statistics.

This post started by mentioning some use shortcuts. Well, FLASH NEWS PEOPLE, there is no such a thing as shortcut other than marrying a USC (and even that doesn’t guarantee a fast result). If you call or email or ask a senator to write a letter, it doesn’t mean your approach worked. It simply means the IO was feeling generous and for some odd reason your were the first to take advantage of his/her good moods. Now, I do realize they are human being and they work, eat and sleep like the rest on this planet. However, their job is effecting someone’s life and they should make decisions accordingly.

What I want to see from immigration is consistency. So here is some very basic questions for USCs to ask their senators and congressmen; Why would they deny an I-140 for company with millions of dollars of net profit while a company with a $1000 net profit gets approved?
Who is looking after over 100,000 lost applications and who is accountable for it?
Why the heck visa bulletin has been changing like stocks on NYSE?
Why can’t they get a simple change of address right?

:confused: :eek: :( :eek:

I know we are all frustrated with this process. There are guys are fighting for us. It would be good to see if some folks from this thread help our cause.

Details below:

Hi Folks,

IV folks are trying to raise around 30K to support for the rally. Request you to please make your contributions and help the folks who are attending the rally for us.

URL to contribute :

Good Luck IV folks.