Time to vote for Dean !

I hate Bush, but really scared about democrat's policies. Like extensive well-fare, single payer medicare etc. Not so good for hard-working people.
Dean does not seem to have the capacity to beat Bush. He appears to be a good manipulator than a match winner. I guess Kerry or Gephardt will ultimately overtake Dean. They seem to have some fire in them compared to Dean.
Originally posted by gurufromnj
I wish I could vote...but it's really time to hope for DEAN. Good luck Howard.

Considering that four years ago Bush promised to reduce adjustment times to six months, what would cause you to believe that Dean is any more likely to deliver?
Originally posted by TheRealCanadian
Considering that four years ago Bush promised to reduce adjustment times to six months, what would cause you to believe that Dean is any more likely to deliver?

I think Bush's track record of lies (WMD, 6 month GC processing, etc.) is more impressive than Dean's. Also, in general, democrats
are more pro-immigration.
Well, Bush was certainly a liar. However they will all pander to votes, and no party will shun immigration. Remember Reagan's amnesty program.
What is important is to bring these issues to the primary candidates attention at this point and show them support.
This is a response from the Dean Captain(someone who looks at Dean's policies" to my note :


Dean wrote a nice letter on October 9, 2003 to US-India Political Action Commitee (USINPAC) below, saying he will help to end backlogs of immigration for India nationals:

Exerpt below:

"America is an immigrant nation and as President, I will recognize and respect the vital role that all immigrants, including Indians, have played in building the American community. For instance, I will work to end the backlogs in processing visa applications and providing for family reunifications by ensuring adequate funding for the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services. "



So, it's clear that Dean is willing to take a stand for people who want to immigrate from India

Originally posted by hanma
I think Bush's track record of lies (WMD, 6 month GC processing, etc.) is more impressive than Dean's. Also, in general, democrats
are more pro-immigration.
Please stop, Bush Bashing

INS is hard core bureaucratic organization and tough to clean. He intended to clean all the mess and wanted make things faster. Religious terrorists messed up entire process, we should blame them . We neeed to understand what this country has gone through.
President Bush slowly getting back into immigration issues, first step is taking care of illegals who have been exploited by farmers, restaurant and construction businesses where they were not even treated like humans. Imagine how they have been living, atleast we are getting paid good but may be dont have freedom to travel and change employment.
Give him a chance, he needs to fight internal resistance within GOP. Look his background, he had more hispanic leader in Texas while he was governor. Now he had more blacks than Clinton era. We should nt support one party we should fight for one issue, legal immigration in 6 months.
Re: Please stop, Bush Bashing

Bush Bashing??? - Ask the guys who have been waiting nervously for ever. He has not done anything for the immigrants other than an election ploy. Terrorism had nothing much to do with legal immigration , other than security checks that could have taken much less time. Ashcroft literally brought legal immigration to a halt. Now what if Congress (mainly GOP) stalls this process. Bush gets the credit to bring it to congress and that is only what he is after.
Sure someone can have black and brown faces in the cabinet as show of civil liberty. What about their policies ? That is what I care about. And How much say does Colin powell have in all this ??? None whatsoever............

Originally posted by wallst_wizz
INS is hard core bureaucratic organization and tough to clean. He intended to clean all the mess and wanted make things faster. Religious terrorists messed up entire process, we should blame them . We neeed to understand what this country has gone through.
President Bush slowly getting back into immigration issues, first step is taking care of illegals who have been exploited by farmers, restaurant and construction businesses where they were not even treated like humans. Imagine how they have been living, atleast we are getting paid good but may be dont have freedom to travel and change employment.
Give him a chance, he needs to fight internal resistance within GOP. Look his background, he had more hispanic leader in Texas while he was governor. Now he had more blacks than Clinton era. We should nt support one party we should fight for one issue, legal immigration in 6 months.
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Originally posted by hanma
I think Bush's track record of lies (WMD, 6 month GC processing, etc.) is more impressive than Dean's. Also, in general, democrats are more pro-immigration.

OBLIGATORY DISCLOSURE: I am neither a Bush nor a Dean supporter. Personally, I think most politicians are crooks, liars or both and will say almost anything to get elected.

That being said, as you start diggng through Dean's record, you'll find about as many flip-flops as at a beach. Bush's dishonesty is well-documented, but there's nothing about Dean's performance to indicate he is any more committed to core principles than Bush is.

I would also challenge you on your second point. Whie Democrats have typically been "pro-immigration" that has usually only extended to illegals and unskilled workers. I don't believe that the Democrats have ever done anything for skilled workers like ourselves. AC21 was a Republican initiative.
You have a point, but wouldn't you support the lesser of two evils, when you have a choice.

Originally posted by TheRealCanadian
OBLIGATORY DISCLOSURE: Personally, I think most politicians are crooks, liars or both and will say almost anything to get elected.
So my vote goes to Dean....

I agree with sai-2367 and also therealcanadian.

My thoughts about Bush... he just makes up some election time stunts and his whole records of the past few years has been depressing. OK. My few cents...

I personally agree with the policies of Dennis Kucinich more than that of Dean. He is more outspoken and honest. But he doesn't seem to be electable. (What might be the reason???)

W clark on the other and has nothing but military experience.

J Kerry looks old and tired and sometimes makes confusing decisions (as he voted for the war but says that he does not support it.)

Gephardt has had his chances and the people seem to be not very excited about him.

Joe L is a hawk...We don't want any more wars...

John Edwards sure does have the looks of a president but experience???....

I think that the fight is going to be tough, but Howard Dean (even though he has some issues) seems to be the best candidate against Bush. If he makes a good choice for this Vice president he has a good chance of winning. So my vote goes to Dean....

What the heck we don't have a vote anyway and will not have it even in the next election. Is there a chance that the next president will make us eligible for citizenship within 2 or 3 years of GC????
Re: So my vote goes to Dean....

Originally posted by samroze
I personally agree with the policies of Dennis Kucinich more than that of Dean. He is more outspoken and honest. But he doesn't seem to be electable.

Kucinich doesn't believe in free trade. You and I are the beneficiary of (relatively) free trade in services. Elect Kucinich and NAFTA goes out the window. Considering that free trade in labor is a stretch for even some free marketers, if he doesn't believe in free trade in goods, how likely do you think it is that he would support the retention of employment-based immigration at all?
Re: So my vote goes to Dean....

Originally posted by samroze
Is there a chance that the next president will make us eligible for citizenship within 2 or 3 years of GC????

About the same chance as I have of ever becoming President.
Re: Please stop, Bush Bashing

Sure my dear friend. Please be pro-Bush and let all legal immigrants (or aspirants) go thru the indefnite suffering for decades to come!!! IMHO Mr.President has not got a clue of what is going on and how to fix that!!!!


Originally posted by wallst_wizz
INS is hard core bureaucratic organization and tough to clean. He intended to clean all the mess and wanted make things faster. Religious terrorists messed up entire process, we should blame them . We neeed to understand what this country has gone through.
President Bush slowly getting back into immigration issues, first step is taking care of illegals who have been exploited by farmers, restaurant and construction businesses where they were not even treated like humans. Imagine how they have been living, atleast we are getting paid good but may be dont have freedom to travel and change employment.
Give him a chance, he needs to fight internal resistance within GOP. Look his background, he had more hispanic leader in Texas while he was governor. Now he had more blacks than Clinton era. We should nt support one party we should fight for one issue, legal immigration in 6 months.
Dennis Kucinich would have been my choice too. He is a good honest man, but the American people are not ready for him yet!!!!
Dean has flip-flopped but I do not blame him, as being too honest would have made him look like Kucinich (unelectable).... He has to win first to have his ideas implemented.
He is a tolerant (doctor and promoter of civil unions) guy.
In an ideal world Bush would have been impeached for having lied to the American people, having 500 soldiers killed and several thousands wounded not to mention the poor Iraqi civilians(in 10's of thousands) who died also.
You might not be able to vote, but you can contribute to his campaign if you have a GC .
Re: Re: So my vote goes to Dean....

Here is a question.Even though what you say is correct, would you favour free trade in your country(Canada) when millions are out of work, and they need employment ??

Originally posted by TheRealCanadian
Kucinich doesn't believe in free trade. You and I are the beneficiary of (relatively) free trade in services. Elect Kucinich and NAFTA goes out the window. Considering that free trade in labor is a stretch for even some free marketers, if he doesn't believe in free trade in goods, how likely do you think it is that he would support the retention of employment-based immigration at all?
immigration used to be lost simpler

until Bush Senior was president., Regan gave amnesty to all illegals including those from South Asia or China or Europe etc. clinton Squeezed every thing once he become president. Bush Sr. opened gate to numerous students from countries like India. People used get work permit (Practical training) in one day, Where as clinton made it 3 to 6 months and abolished foreign student pilot program(summer jobs). All the H1 increase (may be bunch of you profited from it) is republican intiative. I can go on and on. We should examine the facts. My intenstion is not bashing dem's or any party. These are the facts, we can have any opinion, however we should n't criticize at personal level.