This website really needs some professional help

Muu Guu Gai Pan

New Member
Hello Mr. Khanna,
first of all, thanks for making this site available to the immigrant community..But you really need to update this site. You need to:

1) Make it easy to navigate
2) Easy to see historical posts related to the same thread
3) Change colors (why dark all over?...make it pleasant)
4) When I see the main page, the latest date doesn\'t reflect the date of the messages posted....
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We do have professional help. Let me check these issues. Thanks for the input. Rajiv.

I did check. Main page does refresh.
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There should be some editor to scann all e-mail being posted. People should use professional language on the site and just post their experiences. It has come to my attention that some desperate so called professionals are using un-ethical and shameful remarks about their own native countrymen. they have no idea how hard it is to run business in this country without knowing the abc of doing business in this country they just start blaming........ Someone should pay attention on these issues and person should have freedom of speach but not allow to speak dirty.
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We consider this to be a public forum with little restriction on opinions. Nvertheless, use of obscenities should be reported to us.
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Can you change the colors? Use any standard theme from FrontPage, which has a white or light background; even that is better than a dark screen.