This is the solution to all problems

Send mail to Baba Durvesh

Jai Baba Durvesh,
Send this list to Baba & he will take care of all the problemss :D :D

Dude wake up, this is not going to happen. Also one more thing please post immigration related topics on this site.
our own country

i'm not indian, but it's very interesting to read about the ideas you guys have for India.
In my country, i also had some ideas but i always felt like if i didn't like what i was watching i should have changed the channel. so i left. now i'm here in US and i like it better. it's not perfect, especially after republicans took over it's certainly not ideal, but i think idealism just doesn't exist in this world.
if you want to try, you can buy an island somewhere and create your own country :)
didn't french experiment with something like that at the end of 19th century with communnas and then all we got was twisted interpretation of that by Lenin and USSR was born and everything was screwed up?
I wish i could start with communnas again and see where we go ftom there. GNU is kind of like that too BTW and we are going there big time in the software world . . . so maybe there is something to it?
what do you guys think?
Here are the main problems facing India :
1) Horribly excess population. We can't afford more than 25 crore people, but we have more than 100 crore people. Time for some tough laws againt any one having more than 2 children and also those who have only 1 child should be rewarded.
2) Poor Infrastructure . Improve highways, airports and public transport systems.
3) Poor Justice System. Now a days it takes many years to solve the simplest of cases. As long as there is no speedy justice, the criminals will flourish and destroy our country.
4) Too much power in the hands of Politicians and lack of independent police system (Police force should be freed from political interference).

If our country improves on these 4 factors, every one will migrate back to India (and nobody will leave it) ;)
The first thing we need to do is to take scissor and cut off all Indians little Baburam ! Already 1 plus billion people + 48,000 kids born everyday + Everyone atleast wants two kids.

Does India create 48,000 jobs EVERYDAY ?

Where is all these people going to shit ? where they are gonna slip ? where they gonna piss ? where they gonna slip ? where they gonna fart ? where they gonna take shower ? Where they gonna shave ?

You see so many dirty and filthy people not only on railway station in Bihar but also infront of places like Indian Parliament, Lalkilla, Bombay stock name it.
We better believe in our common sense than what somebody's article. Any one who believes that excess population is a boon to india is as insane (or lier) as some one who says in USA that outsourcing is good for America.

I don't know why it's so damn hard for you to understand that with all the problems, at this point in time India can not support more than 25 million people ! We have to work our way up, Start with 25 Million and as their are more jobs, more resources we can grow but not exceed 70-100 million !

48,000 kids everyday, An Australia every year and educated illiterates still believe that population is not a problem just by reading some vague articles.

So If population is good for india why not have 10 billion people and shit and fart on each others face ?